Mexican flag Consulate of Mexico in Las Vegas

Address330 S. Fourth St.
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phonelocal: (702) 383.0623
international: +1.702.383.0623
Faxlocal: (702) 383.0683
international: +1.702.383.0683
Web site
Notes¡Mucho ojo con los estafadores!

Hay personas que usan los comentarios de esta página para hacerse pasar por trabajadores sociales o personal de los consulados o embajadas de México. No te dejes engañar. Más información

There are people using the comments section of this page to pose as social workers or Mexican Consulate and Embassy employees. Don’t be fooled.

» Can I visit Mexico without a visa?

Comments on this Consulate

Tue, 9 Jul 2024 15:18 EDT
Mexican Consulate phone line
The Mexican Consulate telephone line is never answered. Then you reach out on line and you are asked to input your credit /debit card. Where in small print it states that you will be charged a fee for this service monthly. Talk about abuse. The public in many cases does not read small print. PLEASE stop the abuse!!!!!!!!
Stacey Beyer
Fri, 15 Jul 2022 17:24 EDT
scattering my mom's ashes in mexico
Good afternoon,
My mom recently passed away and wished to be scattered in Puerto Vallarta where we vacation often as a family. What are the rules or guideline we need to follow to be respectful of the national laws and local beliefs?
Thank you in advance for your advise

please feel free to email me at
Fri, 30 Apr 2021 15:42 EDT
Mexican Consulate website
I have the same complaint as many others. The appointment page does not work and no one answers the phone or calls back. Voice messages are full.

Javier Moreno
Mon, 19 Apr 2021 21:45 EDT
Unable to make an appointment for a passport
I have been going on mexitel website to make an appointment to get a mexican passport but the portal does not allow me to do that so what or how do you get an appointment at the Mexican consulate in Lasvegas, nv. It seems to be impossible
Antony Ruiz
Thu, 11 Mar 2021 23:11 EST
pasaporte,,necesito unooooo
he tratado miles de veces hacer una cita y es muy dificil,,,,no contestan y cuando lo hacen ya no hay citas,que lo haga el jueves,el jueves ya no hay que lo haga el lunes,el lunes ya no hay que lo haga el miercoles,,,,,que es esto? un juego?.....por internet nunca hay citas,,,,,les vamos a pagar la visa,no estamos pidiendo favores gratis,porque no ponen mas personal a trabajar o los que estan hagan mejor su trabajo.....que mal estamos MEXICO,,,,por eso nos venimos a USA y ustedes piensan igual que en Mexico......por eso este pais en mejor que mexico,,,,que mal estamos mexicanos,,,,,,
Thu, 28 Mar 2019 14:53 EDT
Worst Consulate Ever!
The Mexican Consulate in Las Vegas does not respond to calls, emails or anything else! Total failure! Their appointment website is never working....the telephone number is confusing and goes back and forth from Spanish, English, suggestion is to try a Consulate that actually works!
Maria C Salinas
Tue, 14 Aug 2018 19:16 EDT
Temporary Resident Visa to live in Mexico
Hello I need to start the process of a Mexican temporary resident visa. I have called numerous times to the consulate in Las Vegas and have left several specific messages on my needs

Nobody calls me back ever...what do I do??? I have requested also an appointment but no one ever calls me back.

Please, Please!! can someone follow up on this matter?
Thank you kindly
Maria C Salinas
Chris Toohey
Wed, 2 Dec 2015 14:48 EST
I left a message an ask for someone to call me at 775-750-6668 regarding a problem I am having with Mexico regarding getting my money back they want me
to send them money since they say the Gov't won't release mine without these fees being paid.
yumy hechavarria lima
Tue, 29 Apr 2014 12:29 EDT
hola mi nombre es yumy hechavarria y necesito me ayuden con mi problema lo mas pronto possible un vecino mio en cuba murio en mexico y yo necesito el certificado de defunsion como puedo hacer para obtenerlo yo vivo en las vegas pero mi familia esta en cuba gracias esperando respuesta prontamente sinseramente agradecida yumy
Benjamin Franklin
Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:54 EDT
impossible to get an appointment .
Landline number found on the web wont work .
Yo necesitar hacer cito con usted pero no puedo .
Sino yo tomar todo su petroleo Mexicans !!

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