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Memorial Day
Thu, 21 May 2015 17:39 EDT
Who is it for and why?
In 1933 a Marine general by the name Smedley Sutler, who fought in may wars under orders for orders from Washington, gave a speech in which he revealed the REAL truth why America goes to war.It is not to defend the country of USA or its friends and people (in rare cases like WWI & WWII belatedly in both) but your soldiers died and keep on dying for, as he put it" bankers, Wall Street, Standard Oil, United fruit co" and other capitalists. Nothing has changed till current wars. If you like to read it all, google Paul Craig Roberts, blog and get a shock of your life.
Memorial Day! Some day.
Why is America
Fri, 15 May 2015 20:13 EDT
In the last 10 years, sine 9/11 America has destroyed numerous countries and they claim they were "winning" every war they imposed on these countries they attacked under false pretenses. Remember: Demonize first then attack. Since these poor, victims of countries after countries could not fight back, America came out always as a "Winner", Mission accomplished, remember? .Never mind what they left behind in therms of destruction and even worse outcome then before the country was demonized, lied about and attacked. Can you say ISIS? Of course and this is the only point we need to make, re this "winning" America is doing.
Have you ever asked yourselves, why did America have such an easy work with these countries, since 9/11 but not before that, like in Vietnam and even earlier in Korea? Vietnam is a typical case where America LOST the war, big time? What was the difference then and now?
Simple: Vietnam was defended by Soviet Arms and Soviet know how. Yes folks those were the Russians of today and those were the Russian arms of those days. What you don't know and what your govt will never tell you (and Hollywood movies neither) is that Vietnamese armed forces had far superior armaments than your own "best military" in the world. Weapon for weapon, Russian weapons were superior and won every time. Just consider this: America lost over 2000 warplanes to 145 Vietnamese, who had only 30 jet fighters at the beginning and not many more at any time,after.But their Mig 17 was as good as the best American and their Mig 21 superior to anything you had. Your F111 was shot down for the first time over Vietnam, although was consider "unsinkable" like Titanic. This by one Mig 17 and Mig 21. Their MK47, were the best rifles in the World even at that time. Some of your soldiers were replacing their own inferior M16s with captured MK47s from dead Vietnamese soldiers.
Soviets, in fact withheld many weapon they could have given them, for fear they would beat you too much and maybe cause you to use nuclear weapon against their civilians, as you already did in Japan, earlier. For instance they had some special rocker boats that could have sunk any ship you had close by, including aircraft carriers. But that could have made you too mad, thus the WWIII could have broken out. So they took it easy on you and driver you out in the end. That you know.
So now that your govt is demonizing Russia itself and some people think they are planing an attack/war against them (and China too)how the hell they intend to "win" against such a superior military force as Russia? Imagine what they would do to you this time, when they by just helping Vietnam, defeated you hands down.
This is something the wider population of America and west in general must be told, for if they do not know these things, they may "approve" AN ATTACK ON Russia AS THEY SEEM TO APPROVE THE Demonizing OF IT THAT IS GOING ON VIA YOUR MEDIA, these days..
Wake up before it is too late. The real nightmare is your govt and its foreign policy based on neocon doctrine that would lead you into an abyss without return.
"Bandera" lives &
Fri, 8 May 2015 10:07 EDT
acts in Nazi Ukraine 2015
Witnesses describing what the so called Right Movement (new name for Nazi movement) did to them in recent fighting in East Ukraine, completely match and resemble what witnesses from WWII describe, what Bandera forces did to them, when caught and tortured (killed could not talk) as Soviet citizens.
IS THIS WHAT YOU, AMERICA HELPED, FINANCED, ORCHESTRATED AND SUPPORT BLINDLY IN 2015?? WHAT kind of country you are? What kind of in-humans you are? What is wrong with you? "You" meaning your govt, both political parties, your corporate elite, your neo-fascist neo-cons, your rednecks, your racists, your rest of the scum but not your good deal of decent people, who are same as all the people of the world, that want peace and justice, you deprive them in the name of your hegemony and profits for your corporate masters.Your evil plans and schemes will not work as they did not work anywhere at any time. Ask Napoleon, Hitler and your own who tried to conquer Russia or intervene in their glorious revolution that still resonates around the world and has contributed to freedom from likes like you, even though it has failed to stop brutality of you style of brutal capitalism, at least for a while.
You will make a mistake of attacking those who can and will fight back and that will be your undoing for ever.
Go ahead and make the peoples' of the World, day. The sooner you make your insanity driven mistake the better, for that will be the end of you and beginning of true freedom for the GOOD people of the world.
You simply ain't good, at all.
Bandera is your
Thu, 7 May 2015 11:18 EDT
hero too.
Yes, you helped a fascist/nazi govt to be established in Kiev. They in turn rehabilitated their biggest war criminal Bandera and pronounced him a hero of Ukraine. Today a true HERO of WWII, Ukraine and Russia told his story in War Witness Heritage segment. Did you miss it? Well what he was reminiscing about Bendera and his fascist force, is simply as bad as any nazi atrocities committed over Jews and other victims. Jet you too are worshiping him as a "hero" of Ukraine. This is just pure insanity. This all because you demonize Russia and anyone who is AGAINST RUSSIA is your FRIEND. No matter how devious , evil etc, they are your friends.
Bet if ISIS declared they are going to fight Russia and her interests anywhere, even with still fighting you, you would declare them your "friends".
How crazy is your govt and your entire socio-economic-political system?
Plenty crazy. The entire World should be shuttering at a mere thought of your quest for World hegemony.
Thanks god there are forces that can and will posse you, once you make your insane move to attack them. They are the HOPE and FUTURE of the World. Not you and your puppets.
Also watch:
Mon, 4 May 2015 10:37 EDT
Yes, this is also what you must watch to realize what Russia is all about and what she will do to ANYONE who dares stepping even a millimeter over their sacred borders. That especially includes you and your puppets who are getting ideas of "playing" nazi Germany's role, this time around.
Today they had revived the memory of siege of Leningrad.Some of you may know what that is about, but we doubt you teach this in your shoals. What you teach is that it was America and her today's puppet states, like Canada and Britain who "liberated" Europe from nazis. In fact 60% and increasing, say it was so, when the fact is it was the Russians (Soviets), while you danced your way into Europe when it was safe and sure Europe would be liberated by Soviets. Yes it was not easy for you, but compared to what Russians had to endure and sacrifice, yours was a child play by comparison.
So stop your propaganda, demonizing and do the right thing: apologize to Russia and kiss their feet for what they did, so you too can live in peace. Except you have no peace in your own country, but permanent state of war against the "regulars and colored folks" as you are against the rest of the world. Actually, to be fair, you are in state of permanent war ONLY against those who do not submit to your will and hegemony. Russia will never do it.
Professor Paul Craig Roberts is right, you are the most dangerous country in the world. This from someone who was in fact part of Reagan administration. That shout tell the world he is right.
Scary stuff, for sure.
Demonizing Russia
Sat, 25 Apr 2015 10:42 EDT
For what purpose?
So far every country you demonized, you attacked and destroyed, leaving chaos behind you.The world can see those consequences on daily basis, even on your corporate/govt controlled media. Of course more on alternative media and RT Tv, where they show the real truth.
Now if you have any idea, even the most remote one to do the same thing with Russia after you demonized it to the extent those others were and attack it, perhaps you should do this first:
As you watch RT (not for news but for monitoring purpose)zero in on segment they call:WAR WITNESS HERITAGE, they have on regular basis showing the Russian hero people and the world what suffering and sacrifices their people endured for freedom of Russia and the World from Nazis. Then you'll realize what Russia of today is all about and what she will do to anyone who dares to step over their sacred Mother Russia's borders again.
When you see the essence of their sole and humanity of their people, you'll finally realize that any intentional harm of Russia and her hero and glorious people, by anyone including you and any combination of you and your dwindling supporters, is simply IMPOSSIBLE. For if it is ever done, in any shape or form that one who dared would experience such an response that nothing would be left of them and perhaps of the rest of us.
You can read this between the lines as you watch any episode of WAR WITNESS HERITAGE. It is right there for you to read and if you do not want to read it or you are unable to see it because of your insatiable thirst for domination over others, then you have doomed both your and everyone else's people to an end, no one wants but few of you.
Learn from this and join the human race that is all around you, even in America.
Have they
Fri, 3 Apr 2015 10:34 EDT
overdone it?
Imagine what one of the top Russian analyst/scientist is claiming: In event of American adventurism with intention to attack Russia and ensuing nuclear exchange, all Russia has to do is target American famous Yellow stone Park with even one massive blast. That would trigger eruption of this super volcano (dormant for now) that would lead to total destruction of N. American Continent.
Another vulnerable point like this is the unstable western San Andrea's continental plate, that if disturbed by massive explosion could lead to similar catastrophe.
We think this is way over done and overblown. Is it?
Soyuz to
Sun, 29 Mar 2015 17:02 EDT
the rescue
So one of your brave astronauts will try a whole year on board of International space station. How wonderful for your nation, that has imposed such humiliating if not hurtful sanction on a nation that has transported your spacemen and women to that station for quite a while.Yes the Soyuz space ship is the most reliable and safe ever developed by anyone, including your space program. For the sake and memory of those who perished on board of your space shuttles, we'll just won't discussed them.
Now if Russians were as spiteful as you are, they could have easily imposed a set of sanctions, forbidding your astronauts on board their Soyuz ships. But they did not for they are far more fair, humane and other wise correct. You will never come even close to them, no matter how hard or how long you'll try. If anyone is exceptional, it is them not you.
In time they will surpass you in everything. And that is your worse nightmare, thus your demonizing of everything Russian.Luckily no one is buying it, especially not the Europeans. They had enough of you to last them till the end of time.
Will you do your usual
Thu, 26 Mar 2015 10:22 EDT
double standard?
We hear Saudi Arabia already launched military strikes on Yemen rebels, who took down the legitimate resident of the country, by violence as was done in Ukraine. The situation is literally the same with that one you orchestrated in Kiev. The difference is that it was not you who did it or in your interest.
Now SA will do what Russia should have done in the first place, invade Ukraine and put down the uprising in few days, thus save all those deaths (including Dutch citizens and over 100 children in that doomed plane, likely taken down by Kiev nazis' plane). This time it is OK 100%, isn't it? Of course it is, for they are "your" side and your side is the only one that is in the right ALL THE TIME.
Double standard is your standard. Ain't your democracy you export at the point of gun, wonderful. The world can't wait to have it spread everywhere. If it survives that pleasure, of course.
Get used
Mon, 23 Mar 2015 18:41 EDT
2 it.
So your brave military is moving the armor back to the bases through number of Euro countries after the maneuvers to "scare" the Russians. It will take them 10 days at slow, show-off speed to "re-assure" the Europeans they got nothing to fear, but you. Last times the tanks rolled over roads of these countries, were the Soviet ones in 1968 and Nazi Germany's starting in 1939.
Now it is you and for those poor civilians who need to listen to them roar and watch them spew the pollution into their air, must be as scary as earlier.
If nothing else, it reminds them of war and threat of war, your armor represents for it was this armor that poked around the borders of Russia, that threatens no one, but those who threaten their own people, like Kiev nazis did and still do, after your orchestration of violent coup and consequence crisis.
So get used to moving/driving due west from due east, for this is the only way you'll move if and after you stumble into the near Russian border, with such armor and other toys of war you just love so much.
Yes no one EVER moved to and stayed in the east that is Russia, period. Google Napoleon and Hitler and see what they did and what happened to them.
Unlike them, no one will ever again be allowed to come close let alone cross Mother Russia's borders. This everywhere; on the ground, on the seas and in the air including the space. NO one, and that is the fact for everyone who ever comes with even the faintest idea of doing such an insane thing.
So go ahead and "exorcise" as much as you want at near their borders, they do not mind or worry, as long as you know the way back as you are doing right now and for the next 10 days.
Get used 2 that part of your exercise and NEVER make a mistake in confusing East for West as you look at your maps and compasses, just before you give the order HOOOOO.... as in your cowboy movies.It ain't the same.

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