South African flag Embassy of South Africa in Harare

Address7 Elcombe Street
Belgravia, Harare
Phonelocal: (04) 760.404
international: +263.4.760.404
Faxlocal: (04) 749.657
international: +263.4.749.657
Consular Faxlocal: (04) 749.654
international: +263.4.749.654

» Can I visit South Africa without a visa?

Comments on this Embassy

Spouse + work
Tue, 10 Mar 2015 05:10 EDT
Requirements for Spouse + work Visa
Does any one have a list of requirements for applying a spouse + work visa?
Fri, 6 Mar 2015 05:11 EST
Fri, 6 Mar 2015 05:00 EST
spouse permit
hie my friend got married so she need a spouse permit her husband is using the zsp permit does she need to go & apply in Zimbabwe.Which documents are needed & how much.
Marcus Garlin
Thu, 5 Mar 2015 07:40 EST
Never again will I visit this Embassy
Wed, 4 Mar 2015 03:46 EST
Poor service,rudeness of guards and lack of professionalism
I was shocked by the reception I got at the gate to the embassy for a simple inquiry about study permits for my wife. The guard at the gate; a Zimbo for that matter, is the sole authority for all my problems which I thought a qualified officer inside the embassy would attend to but alas, everything starts and ends with the guard at the gate and no one is allowed in no matter how genuine your case is. Whoever is in charge of embassy business there is letting SADC down. May God intervene.
Mon, 2 Mar 2015 06:00 EST
Do you people have working telephones because these ones are either not answered or engaged.
Sun, 1 Mar 2015 13:04 EST
Relative Permit
In Zimbabwe we have women from South Africa who are married to Zimbabweans sand Home affairs of Zimbabwe don't give them trouble why does South Africa make it difficult for Zimbabweans married to South Africans they treat us like criminals if you have a marriage certificate why all the denial to stay with your husband even if you have no all the requirements cam someone explain please
Jessica Hogg
Fri, 27 Feb 2015 07:14 EST
Rude employees, understaffed embassy and an overall embarrassment!
I have applied for my study visa for South Africa and over the last two weeks have tried desperately to quicken the process with letters to the embassy from myself and my university. Today marks the fourth week of lectures that I have missed due to the wait for my visa. I went in to once again plead my case and try to make some head way only to get to the front of the queue where Grace Sekgotse looked at me, recognised me from the previous day and said (I quote) "I am ignoring you, next."

If this is one the very few people that the embassy is proud to have behind their counters in Zimbabwe then that is disgraceful! With only three counters BARELY being operated and no assistance given when the opportunity comes then I am thoroughly embarrassed for both my country and South Africa! It is now the end of February, the back log should have been dealt with my now or more employees brought on to counter the problem.

I feel sorry for all the people who have encountered this place that is not fit to even be called an institution. There are more tea parties happening there than actual work.
Wed, 25 Feb 2015 04:26 EST
Alternate Number
Hi, does anyone have a number for the embassy especially the visa section, that actually gets answered. Been trying the number for weeks now. Its either no answer or its engaged
Tue, 24 Feb 2015 03:38 EST
South Africa
Wow! I have friends and family from Zim and it is so annoying having to see them suffer soo much. It's just a visa. people want to study and work to better their lives but the south African government is not being fair. South African government is greedy and selfish. its sad to know that when SA was under apartheid oppression Zimbabwe helped SA so much as they would settle In Bulawayo. Now that Zimbabweans need to come to SA they are being slow like they own Africa. They just don't care if Other students are suffering and classes are starting. This is not fair. I hope the exact same thing they do happens to their children so that they may suffer like the embassy workers are doing. imagine having to let go of your dream of studying or working just because of selfishness. no its not fair. what happened to UBUNTU? as Africans we keep bringing each other down. We don't lift each other up!! To all the guys waiting on their Visas don't stop praying guys. God is with you he sees the suffering you're going through. .

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