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Comments on this Embassy

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 20:02 EDT
DEATH SENTANCE AFTER 10 Years in primitive prison
President of Idonesia
The two Australian boys have done there time and have repented.
They were adolescents when they made a big mistake, but you have no right to take there
Lives for this.
It highlights how primitive your country Is and how far you have to go
christine tanner
Sun, 26 Apr 2015 17:41 EDT
Mercy for our reformed men
some body else
Wed, 18 Mar 2015 20:32 EDT
Australia needs to reevaluate our relationship with indo , like america we offer our hand out in friendship to indonesia with terrorist, surveillance, and training suport for there military,our joint military excersises in our country,gives them intermit knowledge of our country and our great fighting mens stratergy and ability,this needs to stop because as like the us it could come back to bite us in the long run,Austrains have long thought we would go at it one day.
peter johnson
Tue, 17 Mar 2015 21:56 EDT
tony and julie
as much as i didnot agree with some things the government dose, at least we now have a team that will stand up us, un like the previous useless pricks ,now its up to us to get be hind our government so he comes from a position of strength, comon ozy comon, and show indo that we wont let our nabours in west papau get slaughtered anymore.take a holiday on the gold coast its 100 times safer and cleaner that stinky bali, ha you guys the girls are much hotter also
no body
Tue, 10 Mar 2015 08:31 EDT
i want tyhe indonesian consulate to know what they ard doing in WEST PAPAUA is genocide and if you delete this comment you are just a guilty as the indonesian and it wont be the last they will hear of it a vidoe that has come out of WEST PAPAUA showing the military murdering the people and they do not own the country they invaded it so get out of their country there is more to come about their activities in WEST PAPAUA the indonesian people will soon find out about it and so will the rest of the world
Thu, 5 Mar 2015 02:54 EST
Execution of Heroin Smugglers
Dear Ambassador,
I am a parent with two young daughters and resident in Australia.
Thank you for being strong by executing those that would contribute to the use of heroin.
Your actions do more to protect the lives of Australian children than that which our politicians are prepared to do.

If PM Abbott can say, "we save lives by stopping the boats", he should equally say, "we save lives by stopping the drugs".
Jim Breinl
Wed, 4 Mar 2015 04:39 EST
To whom it may concern:

Could you please inform your ambassador and your president that I find their actions to shoot the two convicted Australian drug smugglers absolutely abhorrent.

Thank you
Wed, 4 Mar 2015 04:10 EST
So kill them. What will that prove?

I want Joko Widodo to personally hold the gun and personally kill 11 persons.

Any way you look at it, it is just plain murder!

Do it yourself Joko, don't order anyone else to do it. Do it yourself!

Trudy der Kinderen
Wed, 4 Mar 2015 01:17 EST
I am disgusted by the way the Indonesian government has made a soap opera from the imminent death of these two men; special forces, training, fighter jets etc...I hope you realise this has done you no favour and has shown Wododo to be as arrogant and disrespected as Russia's Putin. I don't care how many deaths drugs have caused. Drug BUYERS/USERS need to take responsibility for their own actions.
Wed, 4 Mar 2015 00:48 EST
Please grant mercy!!!!
Please do not kill two men who made a mistake and have repented. It is barbaric for this to occur in 2015. Please forgive them and not kill them.

As human beings we can change as well as forgive.

Australia is crying tears for two strangers, I am.

Please President Widodo grant them clemency.

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