Indonesian flag Embassy of Indonesia in Canberra

Address8 Darwin Avenue
Yarralumla ACT 2600
Phonelocal: (02) 6250.8600
international: +61.2.6250.8600
Faxlocal: (02) 6273.6017
international: +61.2.6273.6017
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Comments on this Embassy

cathy hill
Sun, 15 Feb 2015 17:26 EST
Mercy for these young men
Shooting someone dead who has been imprisoned for 10 years seems uncomprehendable. Surely the best way to pay for crimes against society is to have perpetrators contribute in a positive way to that society. How does death contribute?
Certainly the drug trade is a scourge. We need to target the 'big boys'. They are the ones who orchestrate the misery of drug addiction. How many of them are on death row?
Sat, 14 Feb 2015 05:05 EST
Thank you indo
These so called 2 Australian drug runners should be shot.. I will pay for the bullets . Thank you Indonesia!!!
Steve from dee why
Sat, 14 Feb 2015 04:56 EST
100%. Support to Indonesia
Thank you for your stand against drugs!!!! I have 2 children and you are helping to keep the posion off the street. Many off our friends feel the same as us.. Thank you Indonesia. Ps my family and I are going to bali soon for a holiday soon. And feel safer now..
Fri, 13 Feb 2015 23:34 EST
Sounds like a good bumper sticker to go on all Australian cars. OR perhaps all the countries who have your 300 people on deaeth row should think about doing what Jordan did to the Isis terrorists. What, given the plan to murder two Australians makes you different to terrorists - YOU need to change and move into the modern world, and we neeed to think about every dollar that Australia gives you, in aid, travel and purchasing Indonesian products
Never again from me will a dolalr go into Indonesia
Robert Roestenburg
Fri, 13 Feb 2015 02:12 EST
Bali visit on hold, depending outcome of executions
Dear Ambassador. My envisaged visit to Bali is on hold depending on the outcome of the executions of two Australians. Presidential pardons can have a positive or negative affect on tourism. Please consider mercy and the consequences on the economy of Australians being turned off Bali tourism.
Brian adams
Fri, 13 Feb 2015 00:04 EST
Apart for al tne money you takes from australia as foreign aid I wonder where in the,ight of tne endemic corruption at the highest level the money goes to they must have the greatest number per capita of wealthy pub,ic servants as a restkt of corruption yet they sit smugly saying we have a moral right to execute people.sorry mate you don't if you intend talking money from overseas then maybe it's time for things to happen and l the money gies to'the county inof he tyrants running it and humanity enters the your ethos
Thu, 12 Feb 2015 08:05 EST
Australia has given more that a billion dollars to help Indonesia, I will lobby Australians to put an end to any financial help to Indonesia if Indonesia goes ahead and murders Australian citizens!
kevin canny
Wed, 4 Feb 2015 18:58 EST
indonesian murderers
Australia should kick out their embassy since they have no respect for human life
Karina Ayudia
Fri, 17 Oct 2014 10:17 EDT
Informasi magang
selamat malam, saya Karina Ayudia P S mahasiswi S1 Universitas Brawijaya Malang jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, saya interest utk magang di KBRI Australia, kira2 persyaratan apa yang diperlukan utk pendaftaran magang di KBRI Australia? Mohon di informasikan di email saya:
terima kasih dan selamat malam
Thu, 16 Oct 2014 02:21 EDT
Passport Inquiries
saya indonesia dan passport saya,masa berlakunya habis bulan februari, bagaimana caranya memperpanjang passport saya, trimakasih atas bantuanya...

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