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Comments on this Honorary Consulate

steve west
Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:41 EST
small scale economical power generation
Dear The Honourable Enegy Minister for Indonesia.
Our company has gained an international franchise for small (1 megawatt ) power generators that can provide power to large remote communities far more economically than by diesel generation and uses very low grade power sources.
One Megawat can supply a medium size town and machinery can also be modified provide any excess power to desalination or water purification processes.
This machinery can transform remote communities by providing economical refrigeration, power to process produce, power manufacturing and many other uses that can provide remote communities the ability to start new industries that will provide employment, education and opportunities for remote peoples.
The processes have been thoroughly examined by the University of Queensland and can be installed within 6-8 months from order and can prove themselves more economical than diesel power within a few years even taking into account capital cost of the equipment.
Please arrange a meeting with the relevant people within your department so we can discuss the benefits of this development.
Steve West
P. +61 430276827
Mike Scott
Fri, 6 Mar 2015 18:54 EST
Andrew & Myuran
Hi all, I just want to let you know that as part of the Indonesian Government, that if Andrew and Myuran are murdered ( because that is what it amounts to)I will not be holidaying in Bali ever again and that intend to make a point of boycotting all Indonesians products from time of execution and I know there is a lot of talk through out my community regarding this and I would assume it is more than likely a country wide phenomenon. regards mike
Lisa Rowe
Fri, 6 Mar 2015 04:39 EST
Andrew and Myurun
I'm not going to repeat all the arguments about Andrew and Myurun. All I will say is that I spent a month in your country in 1991 and I loved it. The association now though of Indonesia with the execution of these two men makes me feel sick.
Please don't kill them. Lock them up for ever - we'll pay - but please don't taint my memories of your country with this terrible act.
I repeat, I beg, please don't kill them. It's wrong.
Thank you
Thu, 5 Mar 2015 21:38 EST
Developing Nation
I, as a young man travelled Indonesia nearly 40 years ago and enjoyed places of beauty such as Lake Toba in Sumartra, the island of Jakarta and the beaches in Bali. However, along with the beauty came the reality that the majority of the Indonesians I had contact with were impoverished, uneducated and lacked access to resources that I considered to be a part of everyday life in Australia. Indonesians and hence the country was known to be underdeveloped. What has changed in 40 years. Underdeveloped to a developing nation would seem to be a play on words only. We continue to support development through foreign aid with apparently little improvement in the understanding of what is humane. Stop the aid and redirect it to those that have the potential for growth, thus a nation that respects life!
Thu, 5 Mar 2015 20:35 EST
boycott Bali
No more aid to indonesia for the next 10 years
Recall our Ambassador
5 years minimal jail for illegal fishermen plus heavy fines to be paid before released and make them work in jail... not play footy all day like they do at this time.
Meg Thompson
Thu, 5 Mar 2015 19:55 EST
Andrew and Myuran
Please spare these two young men from execution. We in Australia understand you have your own laws. But these two men did kill anyone with their own hands. They did not force needles into the arms of drug addicts. They have not committed crimes so heinous that killing them in return is warranted. Execution should be a penalty reserved for criminals who demonstrate extreme cruelty with no remorse. There is never any genuine satisfaction to be had from taking a life in these situations. Even the execution of the Bali bombers brought no joy to anyone here in Australia.
Robert Smith
Thu, 5 Mar 2015 08:25 EST
Murderous ghouls
Can you not see that you are committing a crime fat more terrible that the one you are punishing these two young boys for? Let them Co go you cowardly ghouls. We will never forget this!
Thu, 5 Mar 2015 06:23 EST
A prediction
From what I am seeing, President Widodo's popularity in his own country is waning. . It certainly has taken a fall in Australia. I hope the 603 million in aid that Australia is giving to Indonesia is stopped if the executions go ahead. Indonesia behaved in a ridiculous manner yesterday with fighter jet escort, armed personnel carriers and troops etc. It was supposedly to show Australia how "mighty" they are, and that Indonesia will stop at nothing to ensure the executions go ahead. Many Indonesian people do not approve of the drastic behaviour of their president. He has the potential to adversely affect Indonesia's reputation forever.
Antonia mather
Thu, 5 Mar 2015 05:08 EST
how dare you
I am appalled at the exploitation of two prisoners who yes were found guilty in your corrupt, repulsive country, but how dare you exploit their plight......I as a tax payer no longer wish to fund "aid" to this bastard of a country"...........
Thu, 5 Mar 2015 02:44 EST
Spare Andrew and Myurun!
You don't need 4 sukhois, 1000s of commandos and armoured troop carriers to transfer two condemned men in shackles! And take photos of it! More than for any other prisoner in the history of Indonesia.

Please do not turn this judicial issue into a jingoistic display of political power. Show these men whose lives you are about to take some dignity.

I ask where is your decency and humanity?

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