German flag Consulate-General of Germany in Istanbul

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Visa forms Online Schengen visa application

» Can I visit Germany without a visa?

Comments on this Consulate-General

Ahmed Alabyed
Thu, 12 Mar 2015 06:02 EDT
inquiries regarding Visa regulation
Dear Sir,
,Please note that due to the temporary close of Germany Embassy in Tripoli, Libya we look forward to to obtain the Germany Visa from Germany Consulate general of Germany in Istanbul, Turkey. For that please, inform us is it necessary to fix date for interview and handed over Visa application form. And how many days Visa takes after application form has been submitted by us

Waiting for your reply.

Thanks in advance.

Ahmed Alabyed.
Wed, 11 Mar 2015 09:58 EDT
Ich bin Hussein Assaf :Ich werde für meine frau warten und meine vier Kinder hinterlässt für die wiedervereinigung .Die Beiträge an die Botschaft in Istanbul übergeben vom 17-2-2015- Danke
Tue, 10 Mar 2015 15:48 EDT

I Syrian live a tragic situation because of the destruction and the war which disbanded in my read about human rights, and I would like to resort to Germany, a country of democracy and human rights, I have a degree in baccalaureate and I want to pursue my studies in your country of Human Rights and Democracy and Germany that helped and help the Syrian people in the tragedy that befell him I read about human rights, many in Germany, which helped people
Mohamed almselati
Sun, 8 Mar 2015 17:21 EDT
Retaj royale Istanbul
Hellow ,I want student visa of Germany to complete study ,
What can I do to get it.?
Because we don't have embassy of German in my country (Libya )
I have bachelor medicin and surgery .
Wed, 4 Mar 2015 14:39 EST
I Syrian live a tragic situation because of the destruction and the war which disbanded in my read about human rights, and I would like to resort to Germany, a country of democracy and human rights, I have a degree in baccalaureate and I want to pursue my studies in your country of Human Rights and Democracy and Germany that helped and help the Syrian people in the tragedy that befell him I read about human rights, many in Germany, which helped people
Sat, 28 Feb 2015 07:23 EST
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
hiermit beantrage ich den schnellstmöglichen Termin für meine Ehefrau und meines Kindes bei Ihnen in der Deutschen Botschaft. Meine Ehefrau und meine Tochter leben derzeit alleine in der Türkei und haben keinerlei Einküfte. Ich bin zurzeit in Deutschland wohnhaft und mein Asyl-verfahren wurde mir zuerkannt. Ich habe vor einigen Tagen eine Nachricht von meiner Frau bezüglich Der Botschaft " Idata" in Istanbul erhalten , dass meine Frau einen Termin erhalten würde , aber erst im Jahr 2016 . Das dauert viel zu lange und die haben kein Essen und kein Trinken.
Ich bitte Sie diesen Antrag schnellstmölich zu bearbeiten. Im Anhang sind meine, meiner Ehefrau und Tochters Pässe enthalten. Über eine Antwort Würde ich mich sehr freuen . 
Gerne können Sie mich unter der Rufnummer 015775212166 erreichen.
Ich bin in der Alfred-Randt-Straße 19 in 12559 Berlin wohnhaft.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Eiad Haj Biram
Sat, 28 Feb 2015 07:23 EST
I Syrian live a tragic situation because of the destruction and the war which disbanded in my read about human rights, and I would like to resort to Germany, a country of democracy and human rights, I have a degree in baccalaureate and I want to pursue my studies in your country of Human Rights and Democracy and Germany that helped and help the Syrian people in the tragedy that befell him I read about human rights, many in Germany, which helped people
Fri, 27 Feb 2015 13:46 EST
تركيا- مرعش
انا احمد من سوريا اعتقلت عدة شهور من قبل النظام السوري وانا طالب جامعة في السنة الثالثة من كلية طب الاسنان واريد ان اطلب اللجوء السياسي الى المانيا
للتواصل 00905350729547
Mohamed Ghumari
Thu, 26 Feb 2015 10:37 EST
German Approval
Greetings Staff Members,

My Name is Mohamed Ghumari currently living in Istanbul and recently my mother has received the approval for a German-Visa from Hamburg-Stadt.

I have been told by my lawyer to visit your consulate the soonest time possible to get the stamp of visa-entry on the passport;

So please expect my arrival/visit at any time soon.

Best Regards,
Mohamed Ghumari
mohammad Waleed
Wed, 25 Feb 2015 16:36 EST
electrical engineering
Hello I am a Syrian citizen Menen Kurdish origin. Holds on electrical engineering degree. I am 31 years old married and I have a 1 year old child. My wife holds a commercial high school diploma. We are currently staying "in Istanbul for five months. We fled from the war in Syria and we Mthion Kurds in Syria. We want to complete our study and live in your country germany With many thanks and respect Email tel : 00905378408502

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