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Comments on this Embassy

Merkel started
Sun, 10 May 2015 11:30 EDT
her job.
Ms. Merkel coming to Moscow is showing she is not going to blindly follow the orders from Washington. She came to show her respect and to show American imperialists they can not dictate everyone for ever. Germany and Europe have had it with American hegemony, not only over the rest of the world but themselves. Europe has paid its dues to America and now they owe them NOTHING.
In fact, America is leading them to the abyss of total ruin, if the obey the orders from Washington to implement their evil plans and schemes. America is the new age evil empire. Russia never WAS, but was demonized by America from the first day of end of WWII. Only during the darkest days of WWII, when Soviets bore the brunt of the brutality and barbarity of nazis, did America show some understanding and sympathy for glorious Russian people and country. Even this was done only after then president Roosowelt, ORDERED the Warner brothers film studio to make a positive film about Russia. The moment this rarely good American prez. died the demonizing continued and is still on to this very day with no end in site.
America must always have enemies, so they can use up their morbid ingrained sense of violence they have it in their DNA. Thus they are and will continue to be the MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRY IN THE WORLD.
For this very reason Ms. Merkel came here to continue what she started to establish a peaceful Euro-Russia coexistence, for the benefit of Europe and the world. America will be slowly eliminated as a dominant force over Europe and if they want to join the rest of civilized world, they will have to do it as equal partner not an "exceptional" nation.
The world must shake off the shackles of American hegemony and domination. This can be done by starting the De-Americanization of Europe (as Ms. Merkel has started) and every other country that has been a victim of this modern age evil.
Yes McDonald, Coca Cola, Pepsi, WalMart, USA military, financial engineers and other thiefs, etc GO HOME. If you want to return, return as human beings not Amerikanski.
We the rest of the world want peace and clean life. America has ruined it for all of us, but there is hope and chance tp reverse it.
Note: read the "Kiev in Yemen" comment. Today Putin used the very same argument we put forward when Yemen was attacked. The good old American double standard.
Alternative World
Thu, 23 Apr 2015 10:46 EDT
in the making
Argentine president visiting Russia is an example of more and more countries joining BRISC, be it informally or formally. This is the beginning of the end of Americanization of the world and the "American way of life" for everyone America is trying to impose on all of us. Now we see the BRISC countries standing up for themselves and FOR ALL OF US who do not need, want or desire that so called American dream and American so called democracy.
It is not the only way to live on this planet and BRISC will lead the way to developing the alternative, better, more just, more democratic, more inclusive and best of all truly peaceful way of life on this planet. Thus they and we who will also join, will de facto save the life on this planet. If America and her usual suspect friends, like Britain, Canada and only few more have their way, the life on this planet is absolutely doomed to non-existence.
It is high time that this good news movement happened. The doomsday clock has moved up to 5 minutes to midnight, again. This thanks to America and those they control in their march towards world hegemony.
This is over and it ain't going to happen.
Thanks BRISC countries, the majority of the World is with you.
"Kiev" in
Thu, 26 Mar 2015 17:51 EDT
We are sure you are watching this development in Yemen and wonder if America will be with or against rebels, who took down the legitimate president by force, just like in Kiev in Ukraine. Of course this time this rebellion is AGAINST American interests, thus it is perfectly OK for a foreign power, next door like Saudi Arabia to intervene militarily. In the same case next door to Mother Russia, it was not OK for Russia to protect her people and interests from rebellion for it was in the interest of America, that in fact orchestrated the violent take-down of president and crisis that followed.
This is that proverbial double-talk, double-standard, America is known for by everyone but those just arrived from planet 300 light years away from Earth.
This will continue till an alternative power is established. Both economic and military that would put a stop to this behavior originating from America's power and delusion that they are "exceptional". In fact they are so ordinary, that if Columbus had not discover them, the rest of the world would avoid discovering them at any cost, given what and who they are and what we know about then nowadays.
Columbus must be turning in his grave, regretting he ever sailed that way. Imagine how peaceful and quaint the world would be without them. On the other hand, if we, the rest of the world make an effort to come up with that alternative world, we could have it after all. Let's get to work on better future.
They are practicing
Mon, 23 Mar 2015 10:10 EDT
to get it right.
Whoever watched the recent America & partners military practices at your borders, must be having quite a laugh at what went on and is going on for the next 10 days. First they billed this as "defensive" exercise when there is no one to defend from, thus the practice was for a real thing they may have in mind, attack on Russia, if and when they choose to do so.
Secondly, another even greater reason to laugh, is their final stage of this hilarious practice: Driving back their armor across several Euro country, on the way back to their basis.
But this is serious, for them at least. They wanted to do this practice right and completely. You see, just as it happened twice in recent history with Napoleon and Hitler, the current era potential Russia invaders (America & partners) must learn from history, and learn completely. Just like those two invaders, the new one will have to go through the whole thing: attack, get beaten big time and run back to their home land or base.
So this "victory" and "moral boosting" drive back to base, over next 10 days, is nothing but a necessary practice of withdrawal/running away from those they attacked. Just like Napoleon's and Nazi Germany's armies. But the difference this time would be that no potential insanity driven attacker would even come close to Russian borders let alone cross it. They know the scenario but the problem is they never told it to their people who actually vote for them in their "democracies" and give them mandate to do what ever they want. Would those voter approve and vote for what they have in mind and maybe even plan to do, if they knew the truth of that outcome?
Remember boys, Prentice makes it perfect. Or not, you'll find out only in the real thing.
Guilty till
Tue, 17 Mar 2015 10:54 EDT
proven innocent.
In cases of America's behavior (with her "partners & Friends") for long time, perhaps since WWII, but certainly since 9/11, anywhere in the world, they are automatically guilty in causing crisis and other troubles, until or unless they prove they are innocent.
In case of Ukraine crisis, there is absolutely no doubt they are guilty and they can not prove innocence, even if the used another set of toys in UN if they were to attempt to do so.
Usually they go out all the way to deny, lie, fabricate, BS and you name it to distance themselves from whatever they did. NOT IN THIS CASE.
Is this admission of guilt? They don't care what world's community thinks for they are EXCEPTIONAL and they will to what ever they want. Until they do the wrong thing......... Certainly they are on their way, judging by recent behavior. Of course this pertains only to their govt but not the people at large. Those poor, brainwashed American people do not even know what is going on and what consequences they could experience right on on their soil (for the first time)
if their govt/military makes that fatal mistake.
Do you know anyone in America that you can callow, email or write to let them know what their govt/military does on international scene? Do them a favor and enlighten them.Their corporate/govt controlled media will not.
There is a multi-trillion dollar idea their govt/military could have used, thus save all those trillions of tax $$ spent on their recent adventures.
That they can not deny.
Sat, 14 Mar 2015 11:12 EDT
Who is behind it?
Perhaps that country that kills its own people on daily basis, (mainly blacks of curse)is not behind this either. Now that Russian security did get some suspects, not related to Putin or to do anything to do with Russia, the western media (their WMD's - Weapons of Mass Demonetization/Deception) has STFU completely re this subject. They are quiet as a mouse (more like rats) and are wailing for next "demon" to demonize Russia. No apologies, no regrets but regret that they could not find a real thing or issue, but only fake and fabricated ones. But then, that is what western media is all about, isn't it?
Poor regular or ordinary folks (as they like to call their modern age slaves) that must live in such a system. The only comfort is that they are so brainwashed that they do not know what is going on, thus they are "happy".
That is what Americanization is all about and any country that lets them export it to theirs, peacefully or at the point of gun, can look forward to same level of "happiness" for their regular folks.
Not letting this happen to them is Russia's biggest "crime" as far as America is concerned.
Bravo Russia!!
Tue, 3 Mar 2015 11:13 EST
Who is behind it?
The usual suspects, of course. Do you think that a country that kills people on thier streets even on cameras, as homeless person was assasinated by 4-5 policemen in their big city, the other day, would hesitate to kill someone in Russia to compromise them and provoke what you see in the west today? Not at all. It is very likely Nemtsov was whacked by their agency AIC or by their order and payment. The woman with him was involved for sure. She was a bate and contact (wore GPS device so they can know exactly where she/he was).It was so obvious that it bogles the mind. She saw nothing, she knew nothing.
That is the answer to this non-mistery. A country that is killing people on daily basis in their own and around the world, would not hesitate to whack anyone in their way for what ever reasons. They assasinated their presidents (no president of Russia was ever killed) and any other kind of activist that was in their way. The famous intellectual Noam Chomsky wa asked how come he was not killed yet by his country's killing machine. To this he said: he was too well know by now and withy corporate state controlling everything he can no harm them ay longer, by his writing and speeches. This country is behind everything nasty happening today in the world, thus it s the only EVIL EMPIRE on the face of this planet. Russia or Soviet Union never was and never will be.
Stand up for yourselves, as you do and by extension fo all of us who are on the side of truth and liberty from theri way of life and death to us, the next most evil thing since nacizm.
Sun, 22 Feb 2015 11:06 EST
who needs it?
The way their "way of life" is today, not even they (at least their abused majority) need it or want it. But their system is so strong, supported and perpetuated by the elite in power, backed up by huge military and militarized police, that very little can be done by the victims/majority, to change it. This at least for now. It may change once the critical mass of sufferers is achieved, needed for big change. In the meantime not only they suffer but the rest of the world, as it is obvious everywhere Americans have their fingers and weapons in.
This is the Americanization of the word, they believe is the only way of life on Mother Earth can be organized. WRONG!!
The American style of brutal capitalism is not the only way we this Planet can live and will live, once we shake off the chains of Americanization. This can be done and only concentrated effort is needed to start it and complete it.
Russia and her friends/partners in BRISC are and can be a good start. Also there are literally over 100 countries who would gladly join in findng an alternative way to live on this planet, for this is the only way to save us from total destruction that Americanization will end in.
A true and fair Socialism is the answer, as is already seen in few good Euro countries like Scandinavia. Also good degrees of Socialism is seen on other Euro countries presently under American influence, but they still manage to keep their way of life, different from the destructive and frankly (to use the mildest but printable word) disgusting "american way of life".
Now with American agression and demonization of Russia is the right time, and high time for Russia as the biggest and richest (by resources and potential) country in the world, to start this process of finding and evolving this new way of life for all those countries who have had it with Americanization.
Many intellectuals and scolars have written on this subject (Chomski, Golbrait et at)and have laid out the path to this new way of organizing life on this planet, other than the brutal system perpetuated by America and others who have hitched their wagon to the main protagonist.
We who have read about these paths believe they are comletely doable, the only thing it is needed a will to give up American jeans, Walmarts, McDonalds and other even more nasty carriers and exporters of Americanization.
So please Mother Russia make an effort and take up the leadership of this historic task. Billions will join you, for billions have had it with the brutality of americanization and its gruesome consequences for the regular/majority people of the World.
They may be
Sun, 8 Feb 2015 10:57 EST
too sick, by now.
Hopefully Mother Russia and Euro cultured will resolve this crisis peacefully very soon, after this hopefully sincere attempt on Euro side, apart separately and independantly from the wormongerers from N. Ameica.
The most serious issue here is not on the ground of East Ukr but what is happeneing in Washington. Many who know and see the reality, are begining to think the American govt and good deal of their people (the rednecks, teapartiers) have lost connection with reality. In plain language, they are mentaly sick to put it mildly and politely. Just look what is coming out of their mouths as a means to express what is in their mental state.
Latest is that senator who should be under the care of Obama care. He made a statemet:" If we prodided them with proper weapons they would not have to use balistic rockets and cluster bombs".
This in connection with Kiev nazis using WMD's against civilians and freedom fighters/self-defence forces. See what we are saying? This is pure insanity and you as a sane side, along with newly snapped out, sane Europeans, must consider this when dealing with them.
In any case, the world is watching and more and more millions are on your (and Euro) side, for you are the only ones that can solve this peacefully. Any further involvement of N. America will lead to total disaster.
Lets prevent it and provide some kind of therapy to the sick. If Obama care is not enough, Euro and Russian specialists will be at their disposal, no charge either.
They came with
Fri, 6 Feb 2015 18:49 EST
Hat in hand
Ms. Merkel and her escort the prez of France, came to Moscow under orders and instructions by the usual suspect for all the ills of the world, including Ukraine crisis, to beg Russia for help with ceasefire. Why now? Why not earlier when Russia offered to do everything to resolve this by peaceful means? Simple. The side they are helping, after given help with violent govt destruction in Kiev, is seeing the light. Their little nazis are losing the war, thus they now need help to stop the total defeat and even losing the whole country. Well Mother Russia is magnanimous and with a heart of true cultred nation (unlike the you kow who) that will give PEACE A CHANCE (unlike you know who). BUT this suing for peace (to use the traditional term for someone whose behind is on line) better be the real thing, or else.... God help those who try to transfer some so called "lethal" weapons to the Kiev nazis and god help the Kiev nazis if they do accept those weapons. At that very moment, the whole hell will break lose and this crisis will be over in less than a week as Mr. Putin already said it "off record". They can not supply those "lethal" weapons fast enough to prevent total defeat from the good guys.
Even if they move in themselves, the outcome is going to be the same. They could not possibly move fast enough to prevent the same outcome as in former scenario. Remember this is Mother Russia's taiga where Russian Bear resides and no power or combination of power in the World could possibly make him give up his taiga. You were already told this in recent months. Thus we know why you came to Moscow with hat in hand.
Mother Russia still welcomed you, provided your visit turns out to be sincere (unlike everything you did so far).
As Mother Russia says: Give Peace a Chance, or....

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