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Comments on this Embassy

Alternative World
Fri, 4 Sep 2015 10:32 EDT
The first EastRussia conference has been a great success. This is another proof and vehicle for developing that Alternative World that we as a Planet and the World must have, if we are to survive that kind of World America and her puppet states have ruined.
Look what has American Grand Imperial Strategy come to, as you watch the catastrophic happening right now in Europe and Mideast. This can be put straight at the feet of America and her puppet states. While they are bombing several countries, what did they expect? Did they expect those bombed people to just sit there and die "happy" because America and her puppets are "liberating" them by killing them. No, they are on the move and they will come in millions upon millions. Wait when other massive movement start from Asia, where we have such overpopulation. They will get ideas that they too can move in millions and no one will stop them.
Solution is this alternate world, that will be peaceful and include all the countries that want to be peaceful and fair in their dealings with others. This means American hegemony must be stopped at the extent they reached and reversed once the alternative world is established and strong enough to "pursued" America that De-Americanization of the world is the only way to live on this planet. That includes De-Americanization of America itself to save it from itself.
Alternative World countries Unite!!!
Let them know in
Mon, 17 Aug 2015 10:02 EDT
uncertain terms:
With demonizing of Russia by America and her vassal states that is going on, there is a serious chance they may attack Russia eventually, as they did to all countries they demonized in the past. It is their MO, that everyone can see through, but no one has done much about it, except those poor attacked countries left to defend themselves alone.
To make sure those who mean harm to Mother Russia know EXACTLY what would happen in case they do attack, your great country must let them know in no uncertain terms what they can expect in such case.
Here is a friendly suggestion:
" Russian Federation will never attack anyone as an aggressor. However it will defend itself with absolute and immediate retaliation, using absolutely everything at her disposal, immediately and absolutely.
Any enemy or group of enemies that attack Mother Russia, will be destroyed immediately at our borders, and simultaneously at their home land, with total disregard for consequences of using our most effective weapons. At the same time, any other country or countries, associated with the attacker in threatening posture against Russia, will be dealt with the same ferocity as the attacking enemy.
This is an absolute pledge designed to discourage any potential enemy harboring ideas of doing any harm to sacred Mother Russian soil and its peaceful people.
Russian Federation and her people are peaceful, cooperative contributors to the World peace and prosperity for all and will guard her security against any and every enemy of peaceful World.
Anyone who wants to come to Russia as a friend can cross our borders and will be welcomed guest and friend of our country and people. No enemy of any kind will ever cross our borders in any shape or form, due to our pledge to deal with him as outlined above.
Please take notice of this important pledge and make sure you take this in account if you harbor any ideas of ever harming Mother Russia, again.
Thank You."
USA embassy
Sun, 12 Jul 2015 10:42 EDT
your government!?
Yes, this is what America wants to achieve with their World hegemony. Turn every USA embassy in every country of the World, into the government of all those countries. What that would mean, your sovereign becomes non-existent and everything you want to do, must be approved by American govt. via their embassy in your country. Thus their embassy becomes de facto your govt.
If you do not agree to "accept" this deal peacefully, they have other ways to convince you, namely at the point of their guns.
Many countries have already "accepted" this deal "peacefully" either as result of historic fact (Euro countries after WWII) or via the more persuasive method used on the last 11 or 12 countries they "persuaded" recently, like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and others. In fact many of these recently "persuaded" countries,are in ruins with untold dead, maimed and displaced as refugees in their own countries or outside, while America is building bigger embassies to act as govt. of these countries, once they are in line with American domination.
Of course, countries like Russia, China, Brasil, India and others, do not intend to transfer their sovereignty to this nasty empire, bent to subjugate the world to their will and their corporation to rape and exploit the world's resources and people.
It just ain't gonna happen here, but the insanity driven neo-con forces of this empire, think and believe in their sick minds they can do it all.
Now we have a situation where America is marching towards their goal of world hegemony, with reality that at some point, they would run into an un-breachble barrier. What then? One thing for sure, the independent minded countries that would never back off, would never attack the empire as a preventive measure. But this is claimed by the empire via their demonizing of Russia, as a demonizing flavor du jour. Lies, lies, lies, in order to justify their marching forward with their goals of total hegemony.
Fine. The BRICS countries (all in America's cross-hair) will never hurt anyone, even an advancing hegemonist, till he is close enough that they see him in their cross-hair. Then, all bets are off and THE lesson of World's history will have began. Hopefully, this would be enough for the modern age declining Roman empire to stop and disintegrate peacefully, as the enfolding of the universe requires, in fact demands from them.
Thank you BRISC for starting the end of the most dangerous period in World's unfolding, that in the end will become its very salvation. Otherwise, with what is going on thanks to the "exceptionalism" of America, the future of this green planet, the only one we have, is simply grim.
Final Proof
Thu, 2 Jul 2015 10:30 EDT
4 alternative world
Now that Pentagon has declared in no uncertain terms that Russia, China and all BRISC countries are "risk for World and American security", thus "enemies" of America and her puppet-states, Mother Russia has no choice but to forge ahead with self assured defense that would repel and defeat any combination of American orchestrated and assembled attacking forces. This on top already started BRISC based alternative world in which there will not be any injustice, exploitation or hegemony of any "exceptional" nation as America claims to be at this time of her Roman-empire-like decline and eventual disintegration.
As unbelievable as it is, it gets worse: they have lined up Russia and others along the ISIS and other terrorist/extreme movement, that were born and now flourish thanks to American et al, doings in destroying countries that had nothing to do with what they were accused of.
This announcement by Pentagon is just another part of demonizing Russia (they are not doing this to China or others, yet)and eventually could lead to the same outcome it lead in cases of all those countries America attacked after good enough dose of demonizing. That is their MO (modus operande) and those who are watching them (as Russia is doing closely we are sure) have no reason to think otherwise, as to the eventual outcome of this nasty, lying demonetizing.
Thus, Mother Russia has no choice but to be absolutely and in-few-seconds/minutes-of-American-attack ready to teach them a lesson they will NEVER forget, as they did the worse one they got, VIETNAM defeat.
Yes, Pentagon and the politicians of both colors are in a state of mild but worsening insanity (this as result of 9/11 they did not manage to overcome without going into mental health issue state; insanity)that leads them to believe they can do something no one has ever done;dominate the world and conquer Mother Russia, as a must do step.
Only an insane person, govt., military and nation (yes nation can become insane as Nazi Germany population did) could come up with an idea and plan to attack Russia, as was done twice in the past. We know who they were and what happened to them. Now we know who might do it again, but know exactly what would happen to them if they ever try.
Mother Russia is UNCONQUERABLE and will stay strong and decent as America never was. The time is on their and BRISC side, for we are witnessing the beginning of the end of AMERICANIZATION of both the World and America itself.
So let's just do it.
Alternative World
Thu, 18 Jun 2015 13:39 EDT
in the making II.
First BRISC now SPIF. American politicians and European politicians (under order from their puppet master), are not coming to St.Petersburg (Leningrad, the hero city, as many still know it)for this important international forum. But guess what, it is not Russia that is isolated but the very countries that are trying to isolate Russia, are. Even American business people are coming, for they are not about to miss the proverbial train.
The way to an alternative world to the American so called dream (turned nightmare for most)has begun in earnest.
It can be done and it will be done. And for those who did not know, the turning point was the American/NATO fiasco in Ukraine. They created this crisis to humiliate and undermine Russia and Putin, but it turned into a turning point for the NEW AND IMPROVED ALTERNATIVE WORLD.
Russia has stud her ground and stood up to the bully who had bullied everyone for the last few decades, but this is the end. BRISC will accept any country into their fold and make it part of the new world order, parallel with the declining and rotting American. Americanization of the world is over and it stopped in the steppe of Ukraine where Mother Russia has drawn her line in show, mud, grass and dust of that steppe. That means that drawn line is perpetual, covering all seasons and all times.
Anyone with an insane idea to cross it, as an enemy with intended harm for Mother Russia, will do it for the last time. That is an absolute promise, for no one will ever cross that border as enemy. That began with Napoleon and ended with Hitler.
Once the new Alternative World is established and completed with all the countries (not under American boot) are together, they too will have complete and absolute protection of the BRISC, so no harm will ever come to them from whatever would be left from the current world bully.
So let's move on and do it ASAP for the sake of all good countries and their people.
Are you watching them?
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 20:22 EDT
Of course, we all are.
Who? The insane republican candidates in that even more insane presidential race in USA. Why? for it is so unreal, crazy and even funny, that it could not be made up by anyone.
The latest "thing" they have is demonizing Russia. They are so engrossed into it that they all are foaming at their mouths as they do it.
President Putin is right. Only the in a dream of a insane person, Russia would attack NATO. Well that would be fine and dandy (as they say in good old US of A) if it were not true, possibly.
Watching these insanity driven candidates, one can imagine if one of them becomes president, that he may in fact "dream" in his insane mind, that Russia is attacking America and NATO, thus he would order all out "retaliation", even before he is fully awake.
BOOM, we have the WWIII before his breakfast.
So, please Mr. Putin do take this possibility in mind and be ready with your might military to send one of those super noisy bombers over the White House 24/7 so the new Mr. President Insanity may never fall a sleep and dream that insane dream. The whole world will thank you, including that part of America that is still sane.
Thank you.
G7 summit confirms
Sun, 7 Jun 2015 19:38 EDT
6 are American puppets
Just as the whole NATO, offensive alliance, is a compilation of American puppets, the six members are their puppets within this organization that is just another extension of American hegemony being imposed. enforced and otherwise being spread on the whole world. Well this is what Americans and her puppets think,but reality is entirely different.
With Mother Russia standing up for herself against this evil peril threatening the whole world and its very survival, and others like China, Brasil, India, S. Africa etc. doing the same, the plans and schemes orchestrated in that Bavaria remote, 1%centers' resort, WILL SIMPLY NOT WORK OR STAND.
America and her puppets, always need and have an enemy they use as whiting country at any given time. If it isn't Afgh. or Iraq, then it is Libya and so on. Now it is Russia, over the American et al orchestrated crisis in Ukraine, that they use to keep up the hysteria going and to use it as a fear factor they always use to oppress and control their and other people.
Thus they decided to "keep the sanctions" on Russia. And to make it easier to decide, they have issued orders to Nazi regime in Kiev to keep the attacks on Donetsk and other east Russian cities, in spite of the ceasefire in place. What they really wanted and needed was an all out response by the freedom fighters of East and Russia itself. That way they could even "prove" better that it is Russia that is the real threat to the world peace. Yet it is complete opposite, for it is America and her willing and unwilling puppets (many Euro countries are pulling their hair over what they are ordered to do, but would rather do the right thing, defy these evil plans and schemes by America) that are the true and ONLY threat to world peace.
But by demonizing Russia, they are barking at the wrong tree. Mother Russia ain't Panama, Granada, Serbia, Iraq..and all those countries America demonized first and attacked second. Those poor victims of their bloodthirsty aggression simply could not fight back. Thus America "won" and they did in Iraq. What a joke. Look what is going on there. ISIS that is all you need to know about that "win". Yes folks, America did not win one lousy war since WWII (even in that war it was the Soviets and their Red Army that actually won the war) and got beaten badly by Vietnam while all the other wars she lovingly participated in, were draw at best.More were pure losses.
With such poor record, how in the world America and her puppets intend to follow the demonizing of Russia (and others who can fight back) with an actual attack. This is the logical endpoint of current Demonizing of Russia, isn't it Mr. Obama? Do you intend to do the same thing with Russia as you did with other countries ("you" meaning America) demonized before an attack?
Was the crises you orchestrated in Ukraine to demonize and accuse Russia, that first and final step before you attack? Is your pending SABER STRIKE NATO excise on the borders of Mother Russia a REAL thing that will expand into an actual attack?
These questions are not out of reality considering your violent behavior over the last few decades. You have been nothing but World's bully looking for an excuse to attack those who do not bend to your insane will to subjugate anyone who is not under your boot yet.
We who see you for what you are trust that these events and schemes have had complete and careful attention of Russian authorities. Certainly they are absolutely determined and ready to respond to any insanity driven action on your part and that should you do what comes naturals to someone bloodthirsty as you are, you will find an unpleasant reception to put it into mildest terms. There will not be a faint and feeble response, but response that will set you strait for many decades or even centuries to come, which apparently your shameful loss to hero barefooted people of Vietnam did not seem to have done.
To Russian federation and all other peace loving non Americanized nations, the outcome of this G7 gang hangout means only one thing: WE HAVE TO FIND A BETTER WAY TO ORGANIZE OUR ECONOMIES, LIVES AND FUTURE. The BRISC org. is a more than good start. With enormous resources of Russia, India, Brasil, China and all the others, we can put a stop to destructive and poisonous ways of America and her puppets. In fact this is a MUST for the very survival of this planet.
Once we have our new and improved ways established we'll accept any and all countries now in the chains of Americanization. Even America will be taken in provided she herself DE-AMERICANIZE along with all others.
DE-AMERICANIZE THE WORLD, SURVIVE AND THRIVE AGAIN, must become the battle cry for every decent person on this Planet.
There is a good chance
Fri, 22 May 2015 10:21 EDT
they are bluffing/lying
Of curse the Russian govt, that is helping their own people defend themselves from nazis from Kiev, will not be lied to or duped into thinking America and Europe has changed their ways. Especially America that is the worse lair nation in the world. They will not give up their alertness and readiness to defend their people at a moment notice.
We all remembered Serbian Kraina region in Croatia, during the break up of Yugoslavia. The Serbian population agreed to peaceful solution (Minsk agreement in Ukr today) and reintegration in Croatia as autonomous region. But while this was "implemented" Croatian neo-nazi regime was being helped and armed by American "private" interests, USA govt in fact (what they do to Kiev neo-nazi regime in Ukr today), getting ready for a big offensive against basically helpless population.
Then, the day before Croatian forces opened up with heaviest barrage of artillery on civilians, American ambassador came on Croatian TV and "re-assured" the world there would be no violence and fighting. He lied on Euro TV as they lie today on worldwide media, that they are supporting peace in Ukr. It is their MO as we all know, but someone like Russia will not fall victim to their lies. Unlike Serbia, that should have defended their people,but did not do anything, Russia will not stand by and watch their people ethnically cleansed and killed.
Ukraine nazis, in fact are discussing the "Croatian solution" and planning it under supervision of America. Arms are coming in, trainers are training (just as in Croatia) and as soon they are ready, BOOM, they will attack (as Croatian did with). BUT, unlike in Kraina, where nazis won, driven out 300K Serbs, never to return, in East Ukr. this is NOT GOING TO BE THE CASE. In fact, it'll be opposite. There will be an all out intervention by Mother Russia (we predict it 100%) along with already powerful defense force of people of East. Just like in WWII, when no one could stop the heroic Red Army in liberating Ukraine from nazis, the same will happen again. They will not stop till Ukraine is free again from nazis and all other scum that has emerged under American tutorship.
There is no "Croatian" solution here only mass suicide for anyone who dares attack the good people of East .
She went to Kiev
Mon, 18 May 2015 10:42 EDT
to eat her words
We are talking about that big time hctib, Victoria Nuland, who had to go to Kiev with her tail between her legs, to carry out the orders by John Kerry to order the nazi govt there to keep in line with current reversal of bully politics towards Russia. Kerry, who gave her these orders, was ordered by his boss Obama (the Nobel Peace Prize winner, LOL), to reverse their insane march towards the abyss of #3, via Ukraine crisis.
Why did this happen? It's easy to answer. Once they went into Ukraine with their "trainers" to teach the nazi hoards of so called Ukraine army, they realized they were good for nothing but crazy enough that they would attack the East Russian population again, thus trigger an all out Russian response that would not stop till Ukraine is LIBERATED again from nazis. This time from home grown but "watered" by America via forcing the Europeans to do the actual ""watering".
Finally they have realized that Russia ain't anything like any countries they; demonized, lied about and then attacked. Now they know such an outcome would be far worse than Vietnam, where they LOST or any other hegemony adventurism they"won", like Panama, Granada, Iraq, Afgh. Libya..and all those who could not fight them back and win, as in Vietnam.
They should do themselves a big favor to remeber that no power won over Russia, ever in history. Napoleon's Grand army was the biggest and strongest in the world. Had all Europe under their boots, yet you know what happened to them in Russia. Then came Hitler. Again the strongest power with Europe under their boots. Yet they had even worse outcome once they attacked Russia.
Americanski, do you think you can do better or differently? It seems, by these two visits, you just said NOT. Good for you. You just saved your entire country and the world by extension. Should we thank you. Not.
He came with
Sun, 17 May 2015 15:18 EDT
hat in hand.
Yes folks. John Kerry the handsome and rich (by his wife, he married well) "hero" of Vietnam war his side lost, thanks to Soviet arms and know how, came to Moscow 3 days after the most successful and meaningful celebration of Soviet true victory over nazi Germany. How did he come? With hat in hand if you want to be precise. Read the blog by professor Paul Craig Roberts and see what he has to say. He was in Reagan's administrator that wrongly called Soviet union the "Evil empire" when he was the one representing the true and only evil empire of the modern times. This professor, one of the most intelligent and knowledgeable, has seen the light and now he writes and comments on the doings of his own country, he calls the most dangerous on the planet. Please google him and learn the truth. It is scary but thanks to coalition of Russia, India and China we do not have to be afraid any longer.
Thank you BRISC and all the other countries that will join it in an Alternative world to Americanization.

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