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Comments on this Embassy

Objective Ob.
Sat, 8 Nov 2014 11:28 EST
The End
That is what we need ASAP. If the movement into East Ukr. of significan firepower is true, it is the good news for all. For it means the end of this crisis will be over soon. The East decided in absolutely demcratic voting they are no longer part of Ukraine, period. Now they need firepower to back this up as the finalize the "fine print". So if Russia is providing this, it is the right thing to do. They have every right to protect their people (again) from fascists, now reborne in Ukraine and sadly and tragicly supported by the west. This again showes the west speaks with fork tang and acts like the owner of one.
If they were really true to thier principals, as in their dismentling of Yugoslavia, they would be bombing Kiev and Ukr. military for not letting East becoming independent. That is what they did in Yu. They bombed Sebia for not letting the country brreak up. Many more examples in the post war American quest to dominate the world and have only two kinds of countries. Their "friends", like UK for instance and their "slave countries" under theor boot, like Iraq. Afg. and many others. The problim is that many want to free themselves (like S. American's, African's etc) thus this state of constant war for USA.
They must be stopped somewhere and East UKR is as good a place as any. Hopefully there will be no need to teach them a lesson of not moving forward again toward the Russian Bear's taiga, for that would be costly for all.
However they will continue to attack those that can not fight back, as so far (Granada, Panama etc) till someday the blowback they are exposed at all time, becomes so huge they will simply implode. Yes, folks the American dream is on the way to self destruction as all nasty empires did in the history of the planet. So when you consider the Bush's ill formulated doctrine: "You are either with us or..." the smart money is on OR. For OR means you will not be dragged down with them.
Objective observer
Sun, 28 Sep 2014 10:17 EDT
The End of the Begining
One more step and there will be peace in East Ukraine and the rest. This, no thanks to those who initiated and carried out the crisis, by support for the violent coup the neo-fascists did to usurp the power in Kiev.
It took so little of real soldiering by small force of Russian hero army (don't deny it for it was completely justified and the right thing to do as written up earlier by many) that it took only hours to break the back of that Candyman's forces everywhere in East. What a farce. America, Canada, Britan et al wanted to back this dead horse against the biggest country in the world, at least against their ethnic brothers in the East UK. No wonder they are all silanced, or as they say in America, they all STFU. Especially that talking head Harper who acted as a pappet for losing side, with Obama's hand..up-you-know-where.
The final step, THE END will come soon when you get everything what they deserve for the East Russians and assure the red line for NATO will never be crossed, and you mean NEVER.
The future of Europe is with you and yours with them, but without the hegemony of America. Europeans on the streets of their cities and villages know America is the problem. Their way of life is just so distructive that everywhere it gets "exported" usualy by force, that country gets destroyed for the benefit of America's 1%.
Europe is not like that as is not Russia and her wonderful, peaceful and goodhearted people. Thus in the end Europe will be united in one cause, EUROPE for Europeans, with peaceful cooperation with anyone who is peaceful. For that America will have to change, peacefully or otherwise, but change it will.
Till they do that, all European countries must resist them and stay on their European way of life. Remember European way of life is: you work to live. American (and Canadian) way of life is: you live to work (for the 1%) and fight and die for that evil 1% also. Does Europe want this? NEVER.
Russia with your enormous resources can only help them stay on their decent way and resist the evil across Atlantic. Please talk to them and help them. They will take your hand in help and future for all Europe. Such future will be good for all the world and believe it or not even for America, once they free themselves of terror by their corporations and eveil 1%.
Obj. Observer
Sun, 7 Sep 2014 10:16 EDT
Begining of the end....
Or end of the begining? Regardless what it is, the fact is Russian approach to resolution to this conflict/crisis, created by America et al, is the right one and is working, as we all see. This is the second round of better approach by Russia vs America et al, that has been "won" by Russia in the last 2 years. If you think it over and are an honest person, you can not but conclude, it is not America et al but Russia that is the god guy in the last few years. Just consider what was done in and TO Iraq and Afg. and what we have there today.Those who did it are responsible for the chaos that threatens us all. It was not Russia, yet they are demonized and shown no respect by those that Russia saved from the worse of the worse, the nazis.
After this, no one will ever be allowed to treat Russia as they were some kind of banana republic. The redline is drawn and no NATO expansion would be ever allowed beyond it, at any cost to Russia and worse to those who dare to make that insane step forward.
The sooner they realize this and the sooner their population knows about real and certain grave consequences of any attempt to cross that red line, the better for them and the whole world.
Just look what that democracy and freedom has done to their own country; Ferguson and thousands upon thousands places like this everywhere. Europe should do much better to isolate itself from anything from the "LAND OF BRAVE & FREE". They are neither brave not free.
Obj. Observer III
Mon, 1 Sep 2014 15:49 EDT
All we can say
Obj.Observer II
Fri, 29 Aug 2014 10:15 EDT
They claim you do it
So do it then. They put those sanctions on you for claiming you are doing the fighting. So do it, for it is the ONLY right thing to do.You can still save countless deaths of your own people, for the kiev candyman will not order shelling stopped from (safe distance) of women and children and babies. Those volunteers are wining for they are on the right side of histlry and cause.
Did you see that female dog, their UN representative and the security council. She continues the tradition of lies and fabrications, as they have done for ever. Remember general Powel? This is as bad. Not once she mentioned killings of the civilians or asked for the candyman to stop killings.
East Ukr is for really good people what Spain war was then. Even amercians werevunteers were fighting the fascists while THEIR OWN GOVERMENT WAS SUPPLIING FRANCO WITH WEAPONS ANS SYPPLIES.Thus they won.
Now they do it via "private corporations of war" as they did it in Kraina during Yugoslav civil war, then Iraq, Afg. etc etc. In fact american private military corporations are waging WWIII already on the behalf of their govt in Wa. The only thing is, they better be careful, for any attack on your country will result in an all out retaliation at who ever these firms represent. Bizzare as it is, american elite actually believe they can break up your country and take it over in the end. They are in for a rude awakening, if they do not awake earlier, much earlier.
Fri, 22 Aug 2014 15:29 EDT
Aid for desparate population arrives, Euro & USA do nothing to help
Again, you should have moved in with your troops weeks ago, which was the only true right thing to do. You had obligations to protect your own people, but for some reasons you failed. OK, now with this aid you have proven to the whole world that you are the peaceful nation, not USA, not Germany, not France, Not UK not..any of those nations that have contributed directly or indirectly in initiating and creating this crisis in Ukr. You patientce was unheard of in the recent history. Now you said that the BS the kiev neofascist regime was spewing out their foaming mouths, was competely intolerable. Yes it is for obviously for you but also for any and everyperson of good will in the world. What was done by fabrications from Wa. and even that backwater village Ottawa, is simply digusting. They are treating you, the biggest country in the world, as if you were a third rate banana republic. Yet you have more culture and resources than both those N. american countries put together. Your farmers have the level of culture equal or better than eny so called educated class in these still wasteland countries.
Sooner or later you will have to put your foot down, let them know you had enough and put them in front of such situation that if they continue with this humiliation and mistreatment, they would put themselves into such predicament that one does not want to even think about let alone live or worse ...
Again, the only "guilt" that can be ascribed to you, is that you did not use your military early enough to save your own people and THOSE INNOCENT AND WONDERFUL DUTCH CHILDREN AND THEIR PARETNTS, ALONG WITH ALL OTHER INNOCENT PASSENGERS ON THAT DOOMED PLANE.
Objective observer
Sun, 17 Aug 2014 09:52 EDT
Still wrong thing to do
Your aid is moving towards those desperate you should have saved in a different way, much earlier. Those who accused you of warmongering, did nothing to help them,even with a simple complaint to kiev neofascist regime about their destructions and killings of civilians.America did nothing as it also ordered Europe to do nothing, but threaten you with further sanctions and more. They are the ones behind the crisis and YOU HAVE PROVEN YOU ARE THE PEACEFUL SIDE with all the actions you did. The aid moving in with no military force ahead of it (may need it later) is an absolute proof you are the good guys in this crisis, althought the bad guys did everything possible do demonize you as the one.
BUT this does not mean you did the right thing. By not doing the true RIGHT THING, as written earlier, moving in with your military to protect and save your people, while teaching a good lesson to ALL those who are behind this crisis, you in fact failed to do your duty, as a country to your people in east ukr. Many died and will still die, those Dutch children and others would be alive on that plane and so on and so on.
The irony is that in the end you will have to use foce to resolve this crisis. The other side will not relent till you do and that is the reality and fact you'll face. Be ready.
Objective observer
Wed, 13 Aug 2014 15:27 EDT
Time is running out
They stopped your humanitarian aid, which neither them nor their enablers,america and few others, would not do, some even in Europe that calls itself civilized beyond any doubt. East Ukr has been turned into Eurogaza and yet not even a complaint from any of "civilized" countries, re use of all the weapons at disposal of ukr military hords.
How much humiliation can you take? Here you have a country of UKR that your people saved from nazis, built up and provided with all kinds of goods, including power for their plants and home, and now they are demonizing you, with all kinds of lies and fabrications, with full instructions and finacing from their enabler.
You tried everything to help with peaceful solution, but they do not want that. They want to destroy the good people in east, drive them out and take over the whole territory into which the american rutheless corporations will move in. Worse their military will bring in the weapons of NATO right there on your border, with long term intentions to move over them and break up the biggest country in the world. The biggest prize for these bastards. They figure (and agree) hitler had a good idea to turn half of Russia into his India to exploit for ever. Now the americans are getting the same idea and they even believe this is workable. They are tasting you and your resolve to resits. First attempt was with that moron from Georgia. You responded properly and showed them what they can expect. Now this is another test that so far you have not failed in their eyes. You are not ready to hit back thus it gives them hope that they broke your resolve to resist. Next thing you may see them moving over the border of Mother Russia. Would you like that? Of course not. But they will do it if you don't teach them a lesson as last time in Georgia. You must stop them now, with carving the way for your aid, by use of overwhelming force against the attackers of your people in east. This must be done NOW or you are out of time. You have every possible right to do it; ethical, moral, humane, political and you name it.
Do not wait any lnger.
Objective observer
Thu, 31 Jul 2014 16:20 EDT
East Ukraine crisis
Why are you letting the west humiliate you so nastily with their fabrications, demonization, lies and other forms of their usual MO, that is based on puting the blame on everyone else but them. Earlier it was Iraq, Afgn.,Libia and many more. Now it is you (again and again whenever it suits them for their evil plans) the biggest country on the planet, that has contributed the most for saving the world (including USA, England, Canada, France,... etc etc) from the biggest threat ever, the nazis. Yet you never got the proper recognition or credit from the very beneficiaries of your unbelievable sacrifices (their schools never teach their students). Now they are blaming you for the crisis they created to undermine your economy, your military, your territory and the very lives of your hero nation. Yet you try to respond in peaceful ways to resolve the crisis they created. But they do not want that, for they want you county broken up in hundreds of pieces so their ruthless corporations can pick them up for a few dollars. They already have done it in Ukraine but your country is their big and ultimate prize.
Will you let them do this to you or you'll stand up for yourselves and let them know in absolute terms this is no go for them. Those terms are simple: power, force and line in steppes of east Ukraine. That means moving in with absolutely overwhelming force to save your people, the site of plane crash, they are responsible for and the lesson for neofascists from Kiev they would never forget. If you do this such lesson will be also for those who support them and are responsible for the crisis in that country.
This is a right thing to do, today, tomorrow but not later. In fact it should have been done at the very begining of kiev's ofensive against your people. It is that simple. Should you fail to do this, your future is not so bright and one day you may have to put the west before stark choice for them and for you. Either they back off or we all go down in flames. You would have an advatage there for the slavs who are the bravest people on planet, are also enough fatalistic that the west better take that choice seriously, for you will NEVER BACK OFF from such choice. There will be no more Cuban crisis solution and outcome. To prevent this act now. It is the right thing to bo. Damn the sanctions they mean nothing to you and the other side can not possibly go through that stark choice, for their people are still just, decent and want to enjoy the fruits of the lives on this planet.
Yakubu Magga Habakkuk.
Thu, 30 Jan 2014 16:08 EST
Iam undergraduate, i want to further school, but i dont have money to further my education. Please and please someone should help me. Most especially you.
May you bless as you help me.
My detail:
from nassarawa state nigeria.

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