British flag Embassy of the United Kingdom in Jakarta

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» Can I visit the United Kingdom without a visa?

Comments on this Embassy

nugroho b.p
Thu, 20 Mar 2014 00:35 EDT
mohon bantuan dana untuk tempat tinggal,bayar hutang dan modal usaha
Dengan hormat..
Saya saat ini benar2 membutuhkan bantuan uang pak, jujur saja saya tidak berani meminjam karena saya tidak punya agunan dan penghasilan yg tetap. Usaha saya bangkrut, hutang saya banyak dan sewa rumah saya juga hampir habis masanya. Saya mengirimkan permohonan ini untuk meminta bantuan,saya tdk berani berjanji untuk mengembalikannya,saya benar2 meminta bantuan. Saya sdh usaha kesana kemari tetapi tidak ada hasilnya. Mengajukan bantuanpun banyak sekali syaratnya, yg akhirnya saya memberanikan diri memohon bantuan kepada bapak. Mungkin bapak lebih bersedia menolong saya. Saya butuh Rp. 50.000.000 pak. No rekening saya 0309234677 Bank BNI. email saya:
Saya benar2 berharap bapak bisa membantu,saya tidak menipu pak,saya benar2 kesulitan.
Atas perhatian bapak, saya ucapkan terima kasih..
Fatimah Nur Hadi
Wed, 19 Mar 2014 01:45 EDT
Need some books to learn about British
Dear sir,
Today I learn about United Kingdom. And i interest about British.
I need some books to learn about history and others.
dony cahyadi
Fri, 7 Mar 2014 09:39 EST
please heinekken beer plaza kemang show at botani loteria bogor thank you.
please heinneken beer plaza kemang show at botani loteria bogor launching producct soon wait thak you.
Lies indawani hrp el laghdas
Tue, 17 Dec 2013 02:29 EST
Bapak Data United kingdom Di Indonesian
Saya lies indawani hrp el laghdas suami saya rachid el laghdas tlah tlah meninggal di penang dan meninggal Kansas anak 2.Saya rachid mohon bantuan dr Bapak tuk biaya hiddi penang Indonesian husband Saya mempunyai pension tp Saya mempunyai tidk tau sampai kpn dtg ya..tlg Saya meunyai pak krn krn Saya miskin
SMK Ma'arif Cicalengka
Sat, 30 Nov 2013 05:13 EST
Proposals Request assistance funds
In order to realize the goal of education it is necessary to maximally conducive to the learning process that involves all components of an optimal learning. One of the key components that make the learning process to be smooth and is conducive classrooms and practice space.

The classroom as a learning group learning activities have a strategic role in order to create an atmosphere and a sense of learning for students. Its presence brings broader impacts such as, security, sense of belonging, serenity and other positive things.

SMK Maarif Cicalengka as a vocational high school in Bandung Regency also feel how important the existence of a classroom as a key element of the success of the learning process. The school has 911 students divided into 23 person class (group learning) currently has 16 classrooms, so ideally still need 7 more classrooms.

Based on the reasoning above, the SMK Maarif Cicalengka considers that the construction of new classrooms at SMK Maarif Cicalengka is very important and urgent to be realized. To this end we propose GRANT PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE FROM THE GOVERNMENT OF United Kingdom CLASSROOM through the United Kingdom embassy.


Become a Service Centre Vocational Education and Training and the National Standard for International

1. Developing Education and Training Program in accordance with the needs of the World Industrial / Business World
2. Developing Education and Training Program quality minded, and future-oriented prifesi
3. Develop training programs that empower people potential
4. Create an atmosphere of learning that is rooted in the norms, cultural and religious values.

1. Prepare participants to enter the workforce training and developing professional attitude.
2. Setting up the training participants were able to compete in the international job market and are able to develop themselves, and have an entrepreneurial spirit.
3. Preparing middle level manpower to fill the needs of industry / business at present and future.


Various obstacles faced in order to achieve the expectations and goals as described above, then the full expectation that funding DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE GRANT FROM THE United Kingdom CLASSROOM can be realized.
To realize these activities, we utilized for the construction of the New Classroom as a means of learning activities in order to improve the quality of education.

New classrooms were completed from the Japanese government in the form of Infrastructure Revitalization Activities of Secondary Education can be utilized for:
a. Develop good cooperation between learners
b. Optimizing the substance in the implementation of the learning process in schools.
Given adequate classroom quality and quantity of education is expected to be increased in the academic year 2013/2014.

In accordance with the condition of our school as seen in the School Profile, we propose action plans for development activities of new vocational classrooms with funds needed for the construction of new classrooms for 5 classrooms overall Rp. 425,000,000.00 (four hundred and twenty-five million dollars)

This proposal beresensikan sincere intentions and our concern for efforts to improve educational services based on Minimum Service Standards (MSS) vocational schools to produce quality graduates who are qualified in accordance with the demands of the industry. One effort that must be implemented to meet the demands of the qualification is available comprehensiveness of infrastructure and services so that the ideal atmosphere conducive to teaching and learning to walk.
Hopefully the help of the United Kingdom embassy can be realized for meet needs are we expected.

SMK Maarif Cicalengka
Drs. H. Asep Deni Aziz, M.M
CP: +6227948614 - +6289675122555
oktriana vertasari, AMg,SPd
Wed, 6 Nov 2013 01:26 EST
make a cooperation
Hi, my nickname is Verta, I've been teaching englisg and earn money by teaching English since I was 15 years old, howeverl my self never go to united kingdom at all, it is like a dream for me to go there and meet your princess and prince, l've built and english course with my husband since 2005 , and now l have 200 students with me, in this case l've made licence for it in Indonesia, and actually l really want that my student get certificate from united kingdom directly if you can give us way for it, so my student get international admit , would you mind give us the way and solution, thanks
MTs. NW Tanak Beak Barat
Thu, 12 Sep 2013 21:52 EDT

di- Jakarta

Ass...wr wb.
Bersama ini kami sampaikan bahwa dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan pada madrasah tsanawiyah NW Tanak beak barat dibidang IT dan Bahasa Inggris maka kami bermaksud membangun satu ruang multimedia dan satu ruang Lab. Bahasa Inggris. oleh sebab itu kami mohon bantuan bapak dalam bentuk apapun.
Demikian permohonan ini kami sampaikan agar bermanfaat bagi kami. Assalamualaikum Wr,Wb.

MTs. NW Tanak Beak Barat
Alamat Tanak Beak Barat Desa Tanak Beak Kec. Batukliang Utara Kab. Lombok Tengah NTB. Kode Pos 83552
Contact Person:
Ahmad Apandi Hp. 087763398689
Sat, 7 Sep 2013 12:12 EDT
Permohonan Bantuan Keuangan
Yth : Bpk / ibu duta besar United Kingdom beserta keluarga dan staff

Dengan hormat
Saya seorang anak dari 4 saudara, saya sudah menikah dan allhamdulillah saat ini istri saya sedang mengandung 7 bulan. Saat ini saya sedang mengalami masalah. Saya mempunyai hutang di 4 bank yg berbeda dengan total keseluruhan 200 juta. Hal ini saya lakukan untuk biaya perobatan orang tua saya dan syukur alhamdulilah bapak saya sudah agak membaik dati struknya. Namun pendapatan saya tidak mampu untuk membayar angsuran di bank tiap bulannya. Saya bekerja di salah satu bank swasta dengan gaji 3,8 juta/bulan. Angsuran yg harus sy bayar totalnya sekitar 9 jt/bulannya. Saya tinggal di jayapura dengan kost rumah. Mohon kiranya bpk/ibu dubes berkenan untuk membantu saya karena saat ini saya sudah putus asa untuk mengatasi hutang - hutang tsb. Jika ada yang berkenan memberi bantuan saya akan pergunakan untuk melunasi seluruh hutang saya dan saya akan kirimkan bukti lunas nya. Bagi saudara-saudara saya yg berkenan membantu dibawah ini rek saya. Sekali lagi saya ucapkan terimaksih sebelumnya dan bukan bermaksud untuk bermalas-malasan atau tidak mau berusahaberusaha tapi sy sudah tidak sangggup untuk menjalaninya

Rek. Bank Danamon
94372633 An. Asnawi
Thu, 5 Sep 2013 19:44 EDT

Dengan Seluruh Rasa Hormat,
Saya Siswanto (22th), saya muslim. Saya adalah seorang TUNA DAKSA, Kaki kiri saya telah diamputasi sejak saya duduk di bangku TK akibat terlindas truk, Saat ini saya bekerja sebagai karyawan swasta dengan gaji Rp. 550.000,-/bulan.
Dengan ini saya sangat mengharap uluran tangan dari para dermawan untuk dapat mewujudkan keinginan orang tua saya merenovasi rumah, karena jika hanya dengan gaji saya mungkin butuh waktu yang lama untuk dapat mewujudkan keinginan orang tua saya, sedangkan orang tua saya saat ini telah memasuki usia senja.
Cita-cita terbesar saya sa'at ini hanyalah membahagiakan ke dua orang tua saya yaitu dengan merenovasi rumah orang tua saya sebelum mereka meninggal dunia.
Adapun Data Diri Saya adalah sebagai berikut:

Nama : Siswanto
TTL : Tulungagung, 04 Pebruari 1991
Alamat : Tulungagung - Jawa Timur
Kode Pos : 66291
E-mail :
No. HP : +6285 815 778 726

Mohon maaf jika ada kata-kata yang kurang berkenan di hati para dermawan dan atas perhatiannya saya sampaikan Terimakasih yang sebesar-besarnya.

tri redani
Fri, 10 May 2013 05:44 EDT
ingin menikah dg orang Ireland
Mohon penjelasan untuk mendapatkan temporary marriage certificate,abstract of marriage,dan marriage affidavit,,dia Atlanta dublin,Ireland,bekerja di united kingdom,,trmksh,,tolong sms ke saya di +852 97645150 atau email,,trmksh pak/bu,,,salam hormat

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