South African flag Consulate-General of South Africa in Mumbai

AddressGandhi Mansion
20 Altamount Road
Mumbai, 400 026
Phonelocal: (022) 2351.3725
international: +91.22.2351.3725
Faxlocal: (022) 2351.3730
international: +91.22.2351.3730
Consular Faxlocal: (022) 2353.3729
international: +91.22.2353.3729

» Can I visit South Africa without a visa?

Comments on this Consulate-General

Tue, 3 Jul 2018 00:17 EDT
visa rejection CSV
I read about people talking about missing offer letter for visa rejection. Please let me know which offer letter ?
Tue, 3 Jul 2018 00:00 EDT
visa rejection
visa got rejected saying false information. given 10 days to appeal. helpless in gathering info "false information" as stated by them.

For appeal along with mandatory docs what other doc can i send which they suspect to be wrong?
Mon, 2 Jul 2018 01:08 EDT
CSV Rejected
My CSV got rejected with the reason 'DID NOT REPORT FOR AN INTERVIEW'. Actually my interview was scheduled on May 24th but on 23rd May I got a mail and call from VFS Global that my interview was cancelled.Today I called to VFS but they are not responding to anything they are saying only one word (We are not Authorized for High Commission Decisions).
CSV Reject
Fri, 29 Jun 2018 06:53 EDT
@Ram have you attached offer letter?
Fri, 29 Jun 2018 06:36 EDT
CSV rejection
my visa rejected saying false information.
CSV Reject
Fri, 29 Jun 2018 06:03 EDT
Visa rejected
I got rejection recently and what I have noticed that they are rejecting every one who don't have offer letter.
Thu, 28 Jun 2018 09:06 EDT
CSV Rejected
I received my passport with rejection reason as "Inconsistent Information" for me they took 75 days.
Thu, 28 Jun 2018 04:18 EDT
processing times
What were the processing times for CSV ? how many days it took for you guys to receive the passport back ?
Thu, 28 Jun 2018 01:14 EDT
Got CSV visa rejection "Inconsistent Information"
I have been rejected recently showing status "Inconsistent Information". I have applied on 7/May/2018 without offer letter. Meanwhile i have been interviewed and got offer letter so i have submitted on 26/Jun/2018 and next day 27/Jun/2018 got rejection. Please anybody could help me on it, what should I do now?
Thu, 28 Jun 2018 01:05 EDT
Got CSV visa rejection "Inconsistent Information"
I have been rejected recently showing status "Inconsistent Information". I have applied on 7/May/2018 without offer letter. Meanwhile i have been interviewed and got offer letter so i have submitted on 26/May/2018 and next day 27/May/2018 got rejection. Please anybody could help me on it, what should I do now?

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