South African flag Consulate-General of South Africa in Mumbai

AddressGandhi Mansion
20 Altamount Road
Mumbai, 400 026
Phonelocal: (022) 2351.3725
international: +91.22.2351.3725
Faxlocal: (022) 2351.3730
international: +91.22.2351.3730
Consular Faxlocal: (022) 2353.3729
international: +91.22.2353.3729

» Can I visit South Africa without a visa?

Comments on this Consulate-General

Fri, 6 Jul 2018 17:23 EDT
My Critical skills visa approval
Hi Venkat

At first I submitted my Critical skills visa in Mumbai and got Rejected after that I got reference of Mr. Pawan Sharma from this portal and again I applied my visa from Delhi 14-05-2018 and without interview I got my visa on 05-07-2018.

My covering letter and other documents had been prepared by him. Covering letter is a very important document and it's different in each cases ,so I will suggest you to take a expert advice
Fri, 6 Jul 2018 11:37 EDT
My Critical skills visa approval@Ramakrishna
Hi Ramakrishna,

When you had applied for Critical Skill Visa and when did you receive the Visa. How long it took to process the visa ??

You have given interview @ Delhi Embassy?? .

Please reply back to me.

Please also provide your contact details.
Fri, 6 Jul 2018 09:41 EDT
My Critical skills visa approval@Ramakrishna
Hi Ramakrishna,

Can you send me Cover letter how it should be. can you please send to " " please.

Please help us to get the critical skills visa. can you reply to my previous posts. we are eagerly waiting for update from you.
Fri, 6 Jul 2018 08:10 EDT
My Critical skills visa approval @Ramakrishna
Hi Ramakrishna,

Congratulations. could you please provide some inputs.

first time where did you applied Visa? For Delhi Consulate or Mumbai Consulate ??

I heard that Interviews are happening for Delhi Consulate ?? you also attended Interview in delhi??

Could you please provide your contact number. I will reach out to you and get clarified some doubts.

have you attached offer letter from SA Also ???

Please guide me.
Thu, 5 Jul 2018 16:56 EDT
My Critical skills visa approval
Dear All

I would like to inform you, today I got my critical skills visa from Delhi high commission .

Last time my visa got Rejected with the reason not to qualify for critical skills category.

From this blog I got contact of Mr. Pawan Sharma who already helped other people's for their visas ,someone commented that he is a lifesaver and it's true in my case .I really lost all hopes after my first visa rejection but I really thankful to this platform ( Embassy finder) & Pawan Sharma to help me in my difficult situation.

I will highly recommend to Pawan Sharma for any visa help +91-7827932033 email
Thu, 5 Jul 2018 09:13 EDT
Visa Rejected with Iconsistent information
Hi srinivas Reddy,

I have seen your update. I would like to speak to you. could you provide me your contact number as I wanted to speak to you.

my visa got rejected two times. I want to take your advise. Please help me to have your mobile number.

have you applied for critical skill visa and got the visa ?? for which consulate you had applied ??? you visa also got rejected for one time ???
Thu, 5 Jul 2018 08:58 EDT
My Visa Also got Rejected with reason as : Inconsistent information
Hi Team,

I had submitted my Visa Application @ Bangalore on 27Th June and on 29Th june my visa got rejected as soon as it reached to consulate general.

not sure what was the reason and how to proceed further.

may I know , what could be the reason. how come immediate rejection on same day ??

Please let us know, how to get Visa ???
Wed, 4 Jul 2018 14:01 EDT
CSV Interview
How may days does the High Commission, New Delhi take to give outcome after interviewing an applicant?
Wed, 4 Jul 2018 11:26 EDT
Relative Visa Rejected
My relative visa was rejected as i did not attest my Marriage Certificate. I have gone for appeal and submitted attested copy of marriage certificate. Kindly guide me how long will it take to consulate to review my application or shall i go for new application.
CSV Reject
Wed, 4 Jul 2018 05:47 EDT
Offer letter from SA organization. Having info related to your joining, designation, work, DOJ etc...

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