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Comments on this Consulate-General

Sun, 22 Sep 2013 21:37 EDT
Protests marked the start of a new academic year in Egypt
Sunday 22nd September 2013 Student protested Nationwide on the start of a new academic year in Egypt. Students protested against restrictions on campus freedoms and the return of military rule. The young generation hates the General but unfortunately helpless. The anti-Islamists are trying to win through a military coup what they’ve been unable to win at the ballot box. The joint venture is win win for both military and anti-Islamists. The military want wealth and ultimate control of country and anti-Islamists want the control of politics.
The Egyptian military consists of almost half a million conscripts. They have not fought a war since 1973 and are well funded. These soldiers need to be placated and controlled. But if Egypt is going to be a true democracy complete with transparency of its institutions, at some point the military will have be accountable to the people of Egypt which the Military will never want to do.
The military has, over decades, created an industrial complex that is well oiled and well funded. In over 35 factories and companies it produces everything from flat-screen televisions and pasta to refrigerators and cars.
Their soldiers live in their own mini villages. The army has become a separate entity untouchable by the state with an unaudited economy.
Thu, 29 Aug 2013 08:22 EDT
Victorious Egyptian Army
Egyptian Army has successfully defeated its enemy for the first time since the Mongal invasion. The enemy is unarmed protesters.
Egyptian Army had LOST all wars with Israel, but for the first time the COWARD army has won one war, that is, war with its own people (defenseless civilians).
Shame on you! Shame on you!
Mon, 26 Aug 2013 07:38 EDT
Love Egypt - Not any more
I have lost my love for Egyptian history. I was horrified to see Army warlords killing protesters like video game. As proud Australian, I will never visit Egypt because of what al-sisi did to fellow human being. I urge all Australian to boycott Egypt and Egyptian goods until al-sisi is sent to the Hague.
Abul Wali Islam
Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:44 EDT
Stop Brutality
It is shameful and stupidity to kill own people. Stop genocide, come to sense; no easy way out if you continue.

Would you listen!
Wed, 21 Aug 2013 18:01 EDT
Hey Muslims either united under Ikhwan/Jamat/AKP/PAS, Improve Knowledge, continue struggle
Dear sleeping Muslims unless united under Ikwan/Jamat/AKP/PAS/ICNA, Improve Knowledge, continue struggle , you would be killed by so called double standard and hypocrites democratic Americans, Shias, Indians and their boot licker Saudis and ( Al Qaeda and Salafis ?)
Wed, 21 Aug 2013 14:28 EDT
Try to imagine if …
The changes are very little, only a few things to make it an easier read. So here’s exactly what happened in Egypt over the past 12 months, but expressed in “American” terms (such as substituting U.S. President Barack Obama’s name for that of deposed Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi).
There are no exaggerations or lies. All these events actually took place in Egypt.

Try to imagine if …
On June 30, 2012, democratically elected Barack Obama wins the election by a razor thin margin of 50.7% of the vote, takes the oath, and is sworn in as president of the United States.
The first five months of his term go relatively smoothly, where he makes almost no decisions (except for some dubious presidential pardons to a dozen convicted terrorists, including some convicted for their part in the assassination of a former president, and issues pardons to a number of convicted criminals and drug dealers ).
Suddenly, on Nov. 21, 2012, and despite his razor thin victory margin, President Obama issues a presidential decree giving himself sweeping powers, to the extent that his future decrees become un-contestable in any court, beyond all judicial review and in effect his decisions henceforth are akin to the word of God. His laws are a new Bible.
Nationwide protests erupt as a result of this decree and 1.5 million Americans organize a sit-in at the White House to peacefully request he rescind his presidential decrees.
Some of Obama’s hard line Democratic Party supporters attack the peaceful sit-in outside the White House with guns and shoot five peaceful protesters dead.
A few weeks later demonstrators of the hard core Democratic Party surround the U.S. Supreme Court, preventing the justices from convening so as to prevent any judicial review of the president’s decisions. Instead of protecting the judiciary, Obama dissolves the U.S. Supreme Court and labels its members all “traitors to America.”
One short week later, he fires the U.S. Attorney General and personally appoints a Democratic partisan to replace him without going through the Constitutional due process.
A month later, he annuls the U.S, Constitution and forms a “constitutional committee” to draft a new constitution in four days, (the committee includes no Republicans or Independents, no Muslims or Jews, and only a handful of women … and is composed primarily of Democrats & religious hardline preachers).
In a referendum not supervised by any judicial branch ( as judges all over the U.S. boycotted the process ), this constitution narrowly wins, and President Obama ratifies it the very next morning (despite it having only receiving the approval of 18% of all Americans).
Within a month, he invites top global terrorists, known jihadists and al-Qaeda members, from all over the world, to a rally in Yankee Stadium, where he cuts ties with and declares war on Canada.
Throughout this whole time, the U.S. economy is sinking, the stock market collapsing, foreign investment has all but stopped, tourism has died, and electricity, fuel, and water shortages are a daily occurrence.
Unemployment has almost doubled, and the U.S. dollar has lost 20 percent of its value globally.
Oh, and President Obama also outlines his new plans to lease the entire Silicon Valley area to China for 50 years (with full administrative control)…
With only .07% majority, democratically elected President Barack Obama has done all the above in his FIRST YEAR IN OFFICE!!!
Ultimately, on June 30, 2013, 110 million Americans take to the streets in 50 states to peacefully and politely demand — for four straight days — that democratically elected President Obama leave office immediately, and that he not serve his remaining three years.
Instead of listening to the people, President Obama goes on TV during prime time hours and threatens the nation with veiled and not-so-veiled threats.
To protect the 110 million Americans, the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the U.S. military ask Obama to step down, and because Congress was dissolved earlier this year due to the unconstitutionality of its election, the country is turned over to the chief justice of the Supreme Court.
That’s it in a nutshell.
Who would you say had “legitimacy” in this case if it had been America?
“Democratically” elected President Barrack Obama, or the 110 million Americans who, in effect, fired him?
Dr. Rashid Raashed
Wed, 21 Aug 2013 09:38 EDT
The Remote-controlled Regimes, Have the note of people's hatred of you!
The killings of thousands will never go unpunished. Sisi has destroyed the public image of Egypt as a nation. The poor Egyptians paid the army to kill the tax payers. They are so good in this. But when it comes to facing the Israilites, the army is the most coward! The history of Qarun, Ferawn and Hamaan is all there black and white. Sisi is the New Ferawn, well then, Ikhwan headed by Morsi is the Right Musa. Wait men wait for your turn of justice! It is coming!
Mon, 19 Aug 2013 20:28 EDT
General Sisi is enjoying the killing
General Sisi is a remote controlled dog unleashed by west. Truth will prevail and the sacrifice by the thousands of innocent men; women and children will not be going in vain.

West imposed strict sanctions on Iran for the suspected nuclear program knowing very well that Israel has their own nuclear weapons. Netanyahu said he is ready to order a strike on Iran if international sanctions don't stop its nuclear programme. Same west is allowing General Sisi and his friends to kill innocent Muslims. What a double standard?
Dr. Rashid Raashed
Sun, 18 Aug 2013 00:31 EDT
The puppet regimes in Egypt, take note!
It was enough a shame to removed the only elected government in Egypt's history and replace it with a Coptic president Adli Monsour. We knew the ugly face of the mercenary agent Baradai entrenched in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Now he shows his real face of being a merciless killer. Egypt belongs to the 95% Muslim majority so does its future. The killing of innocent is a proof that the West is keen to push Muslims in the politics of violence. Muslims all over the world know that the current regime is remote-controlled and must be put to an end by all means!
Sat, 17 Aug 2013 22:58 EDT
Fear Allaah and stop killing people.
Fear Allaah and stop killing people.

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