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Comments on this Consulate-General

Ed Riley
Sat, 3 May 2014 23:09 EDT
Call for Justice
I am interested in travelling to Egypt as a tourist. However, the continued jailing of the Australian Peter Greste makes me fearful. More than that, I am concerned that the message given by his continued imprisonment is one of injustice and violation of human rights. I ask that the judiciary consider the impact of its decision and the outrage Australians, and I assume, others are feeling.
Tue, 29 Apr 2014 08:03 EDT
Sultan AL- SIsi
No election is needed in Egypt. Sultan Sisi should be president for life or the king of kings.

Sultan Al-Sisi is no Sultan Qutuz. In fact Sultan Sisi is behaving like the brutal Mongal King Gengis Khan.

Boycott Egypt as long as Sultan Sisi is in power.

O my fellow Australian, boycott Egypt as long as Peter Grester and other journalists are in jail.
Gerard Payne
Sun, 20 Apr 2014 21:18 EDT
Peter Greste
Is there planned action to secure there release of the journalist peter greste?
With respect to the Egyptian government today, this is unjust . The Egyptian embassy here in Australia has the unique opportunity to communicate our Australian sentiment and protective feeling for those journalists bringing the news of the world back home to Australia.
Peter Greste deserves to be released now and allowed to leave Egypt in good health.
Happy Easter .
I'm hoping this email may add some weight to the decision process to take action that may assist Peter Greste's return to his family .
Thank you
Thu, 10 Apr 2014 19:22 EDT
Al Jazeera Journalists Trial
A Defence Lawyer said in the courtroom

"“If this continues it will kill the image of Egypt – we are not prosecuting terrorists, they are educated people, they are journalists and we are asking for mercy and justice.”

I am afraid the image of Egypts justice system is already dead. The Judge is a joke, the prosecution is a joke, but no-one is laughing, we just hope they grow up and join the real world one day.....
Marisa Viel
Sat, 5 Apr 2014 13:35 EDT
Re. Boycott Egypt
By the way, Alan, I forgot to mention that I am presently in Egypt and I am having the time of my life! I suggest you keep your mouth shut if you don't know what you are talking about. May God Bless Egypt and protect it from ignorant people like you!
Marisa viel
Sat, 5 Apr 2014 13:29 EDT
Re. Boycott Egypt
This is for Alan: I am a "fellow australian" and I must say that you are an absolute idiot.......
jane seymour
Sun, 30 Mar 2014 15:33 EDT
Registering for Presidential Election
Would like to know if same reference number used for the Referendum can be quoted for the forthcoming Presidential election, and also what is the deadline for registration. Thank you.
Sun, 30 Mar 2014 08:08 EDT
Boycott Egypt
O fellow Australian! Egypt has become a paraiah state, a repressive state. Egypt is killing its own citizen. Egyptian coup plotters have become bloodthirsty beasts worse than the leader of the Lord Resistance Army. I urge you to boycott Egypt! I request you not to travel to Egypt! I ask you not to buy any Egyptian goods!
Faruque amed
Sat, 29 Mar 2014 14:38 EDT
Free arrested political person
I condemn the verdict of political person in Egypt and requesting to let ten free.
Mon, 24 Mar 2014 05:52 EDT
I am so distraught by the latest attrocities Egyptians are committing against Egyptians. Moslems slaughtering Moslems. I have had the great blessing of reading the Koran and say earnestly this UNELECTED government (other definitions would be closet to the truth) cannot justify their behaviour on any level other than a greedy brutal grab for power. I pray there is a God as I've read in the Koran. Why is power so sort after? May divine strength be given yo the righteous. Ameen

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