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Comments on this High Commission

Can you
Thu, 23 Oct 2014 16:23 EDT
BlowBack? Another question: whatever happened to peaceful, lovable, respected by everyone, proud defender of justice for all and simply wonderful country called Canada?
It ain't no more, thus you as a passport holder traveling abroad, refrain from flashing it in public as you used to do proudly for decades, till the current PM and his hard core govt took over.
Be careful out there, please.
What happened?
Fri, 10 Oct 2014 16:09 EDT
You looked it up and......
....decided your 6 CF 18 will do the job, period.How lucky the world is to have you protecting us. Nobody STOP(s) Harper.
Good advice for fighting the ISIS
Sun, 5 Oct 2014 10:31 EDT
Look it up
Just go to the same website of USA embassy in London and see how someone gave an excellent advice that would work if implemented. If not, sooner or later your boys will be on the ground in Iraq along with USA and others to mop up the mess, created by you know who. No Canadian soldier must make the ultimate sacrifice for this cause. There are only two reasons to do it: For your family and For your country. No other cause is worth it or justified. By the way, is your PM's son and daughter of fighting age by now. We believe they are. Is he going to send them there when necessary? You and everyone else knows the answer.
So after you read this and the advice on USA site, quickly notify PMO to take steps to urge USA so they would order the Iraqi govt to carry it out. There is no other solution but sending in your boys to do the job. Of course minus PM's and anyone else's who has the authority to send the boys into harms way.
You fail to do this the worse case scenario will evolve for your side.
You could not make this up...
Fri, 26 Sep 2014 15:04 EDT
Your Prime Minister's UN speech.
Did you watch it? Of course you did and we are sure you felt the same: No one could make this up, it was so unreal and full of holes. One thing he claimed, Canada "will fight the crisis in Iraq as well in Ukraine". So he put these two crisis at the same level and he will "fight" them with same vigor and means. Is this what he meant? First there is a similarity to these two crisis, for they both are creation of America foreign policies and actions in the last decade or so. Except the crisis in Ukraine also has Canadian figerprints on as well as American, British. The usual suspects in other words.
The differences are far bigger. Main is that Ukraine's by-violence established govt acted as ISIS, killing, destroying and otherwise devastating the East Ukraine Russian cities, schools, airports, hospitals, people, children, and so on. They driven out over 1Million plus Russians with thousands dead and injured. Also that plane downed by someone (doesn't matter who) would never happen if ISIS-like forces from Kiev did not act as real ISIS. Only when Russia sent in few (maybe hundreds) of their real soldiers they qickly within hours, broke the back of Ukraine ISIS (would you vote for PM/govt that wants to risk everything for such country). Now there will be peace, no thanks to those who created the crisis. If such wise approach were to be used in Iraq (or was used in the first place) we would not have ISIS for long or at all. But America does not use their brains but their violent DNA, there to be forever. How can they make peace anywhere when they are in a constant state of war and they like it. Problem is, one day they will attack someone who can fight back, which will lead to total devastation to all. Including everyone who is in the club of "usual suspects". By the looks of it, your PM seems to be sleepwalking into this whole thing without explaining to the peaceful Canadian population what can happen if he stumbles into the mistake his masters are planing to do, sooner or later. The world's very exsistance depends on this.
K Parry
Wed, 14 Aug 2013 17:34 EDT
How do we trace an Indian doctor who lived in Canada??
My partner was conceived by an affair in 1963, his dad was a doctor who was working in Mayday hospital, he went back to Canada where he was living, how would one trace its more difficult as he changed his name to a western one?? Would he have had to register with anyone while coming into the country ?. Please help any one ??

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