Brunei flag Embassy of Brunei in Jakarta

AddressJalan Teuku Umar No. 9
Jakarta 10350
Phonelocal: (021) 3190.6080
international: +61.21.3190.6080
Faxlocal: (021) 3190.5070
international: +61.21.3190.5070
Consular Faxlocal: (021) 3190.5233
international: +61.21.3190.5233
HoursMonday to Friday
0830 to 1600 hrs

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Comments on this Embassy

indah rhona
Mon, 30 Mar 2015 03:35 EDT
nama saya rhona saya dari solo keluaraga sangat misikin tetapi saya baru krna musibah buat pengobatan paru paru bapak saya yang harus menelan biaya 309 juta rupiah.tolong dibantu saudara2ku yang dermawan saya sudah ga tau mau bagaimana lagi cari uang segitu... kirim aja ke rekening teman saya mandiri no.rek.1380012597147. saya doakan semoga amal saudara di ganti dengan yang lebih besar lagi.amin
Sun, 29 Mar 2015 11:40 EDT
Borneo adalah organisasi pencari bantuan untuk di bagikan ke YAYASAN yang sangat butuh pendanaan untuk YAYASAN itu sendiri. Dan sisanya dari DANA tersebut nantinya akan di kelola dalam bentuk modal. Apakah anda termasuk orang DERMAWAN. Siapkah untuk menyumbangkan sedikit REZEKI anda 10% dari pendapatan tiap bulan anda.
NO.REKENING : 031-00-0744743-9
Nita Kurnia
Sun, 29 Mar 2015 10:52 EDT
Kepada Yth
Divisi CSR Embbasy Of Brunei
Saya mempunyai usaha sendiri di bidang Event Organizer, Photo & Video, Design ,Dan saat ini memerlukan kerjasama dengan yayasan/lembaga/institusi/perorangan untuk pekerjaan/proyek2 selanjutnya. Dan saat ini kami mengelola secara bersama Toys Bank For Kids Indonesia, dimana ini adalah proyek sosial untuk anak tidak mampu, anak jalanan, anak berkebutuhan khusus. Kami mengumpulkan mainan bekas layak pakai untuk di bagikan kembali. untuk info lengkap bs komunikasi by email

Sat, 28 Mar 2015 06:32 EDT
sangat butuh uang
No rek 0216042447 bank bni senayan .Jakarta Pusat a.n Indra kurniawan untuk keperluan melunasi hutang dan membeli rumah sebesar 350 juta. Semoga amal bapak di balas Alloh berlipat ganda.
Ki Joyo Arto
Fri, 27 Mar 2015 21:29 EDT
Anda butuh dana hibah ghaib?
Dengan metode supranatural terbaru, siapa saja bisa dapatkan dana hibah ghaib sesuai keinginan anda.. Mahar tergantung besar kecilnya dana yang anda inginkan dan merupakan syarat mutlak dan harus dipenuhi karena jadi tolok ukur keseriusan anda. Jika berminat dan serius segera hubungi saya.. Hp:089613547494

Nb:Untuk yang percaya saja
Fri, 27 Mar 2015 03:13 EDT
butuh dana hibah dan orang tua asuh
Apabila berkenan saya mohon dibantu utk pemnjaman dana sebesar Rp. 35.000.000,- akan saya pergunakan utk mebayar hutang dan buka usaha . Dan apabila disetujui saya akan kembalikan tiap bulan dalan jangka waktu 3 tahun.
Alamat email :
no. hp
a/n Wahyu Nugroho
Saya sangat berharap untuk dapat dipertimbangkan dan disetujui.
Saya tunggu kabar lebih lanjut.
Terima kasih
Wassalam Wr.Wb
MM Rindangwati
Thu, 26 Mar 2015 21:31 EDT
~ from Tangerang~Indonesia~South East Asia
I am a house wife and jobless.My husband was an employee of the Goverment with a low salary.I need to build up my food bussiness /culinary bussines. Would you please help me Sir,I need 100 millions in Rupiahs ,thank you am from Indonesia ~South East Asia. And I hope it can be support my bussines to helping my bussines and finacial of my family ... thank you so much dear Sir, here is my email : +6285729635039
wahyu nugroho
Thu, 26 Mar 2015 08:02 EDT
peminjaman dana
Selamat malam
Apabila berkenan saya mohon dibantu utk pemnjaman dana sebesar Rp. 35.000.000,- akan saya pergunakan utk mebayar hutan dan buka usaha warung makan. Dan apabila disetujui saya akan kembalikan tiap bulan dalan jangka waktu 3 tahun.
Alamat email :
Rek Mandiri :240005941282
a/n Wahyu Nugroho
Saya sangat berharap untuk dapat dipertimbangkan dan disetujui.
Saya tunggu kabar lebih lanjut.
Terima kasih
Wassalam Wr.Wb

Wahyu nugroho
Kepada Yth, Duta Besar Saudi Arabia di Indonesia
Thu, 26 Mar 2015 06:00 EDT
Assalamu Alaikum, Mohon Bantuan pengadaan perangkat PC untuk kebutuhan praktek siswa SMA Negeri 15 Bulukumba

Email :
Thu, 26 Mar 2015 04:09 EDT
One of the Spiritual Needs of society who crave religious life is the availability of a unit / agency representative places of worship and strategic. The requirement is the availability of a place of worship is a very important requirement in supporting the implementation process of ritual / religious amaliah in a society that is hungry for spiritual consumption. In another context, the existence of the unit / institution it is a place of worship can be static and dynamic parameters of religious values in social life religion. And we must not forget is that in the course of its historical existence of the unit / agency places of worship that-in addition to as the venue for the ritual / religious amaliah Qur'an is as informal education institution which spawned generations Qur'anic Islam, and container preservation values of Islamic traditions.
In times of growth units / institutions such as places of worship, both in a limited scale and broad functionality, its existence to the demands that directly or indirectly would be an antidote to the destruction of the fort and the moral values of religion in society. Among the things that is very worrying is the sharp blow of the negative influence of the times, as well as culture, Science, Technology and ideology-ideology skulair that can damage our generation. Simply put, when in fact a community of people who historically have embedded the principles of religion, the existence of the unit / institution a place of worship is a necessity.
However, the existence of units / agencies the real place of worship is not only seen the glory of the function and purpose alone, but also should pay attention to the physical feasibility of building itself as a place or container organizing process as mentioned above, as well as organizers and users units / institutions where The worship will feel very comfortable when the places where they carry out activities and develop the science of religion was very representative, beautiful, looks magnificent, and the requirement for adequate infrastructure.
Because of the very basic reason above, then we as a small mosque Development Committee "Sharif Hidayatullah" which was believed to be a manifestation (manifestation) of the Holy intention and spirit of the people in the neighborhood. 01dan 02 RW. 01 Village Rawadalem and RT. 12 RW.03 Sukaurip village, then ideals mulya will quickly realized if Mr / Mrs / you as a servant of God who would Muttaqin Ikhlash menginfakkan some of fortunes for the realization of our goal as to which of the above.
Hopefully awareness, participation and sincerity that has Mr / Mrs / you entrust to us to be charitable pious accepted by Allah SWT. Amen
Purpose of Project Development This mosque (Tajug) "Sharif Hidayatullah" are:
1. Build a unit place / places of worship are very decent and the strategic and relatively affordable for the people within the village community and village Rawadalem RT.02 RW.01 Sukaurip RT. 12 RW. 02 and its surroundings.
2. Meet the ideals / Desire hard of Community and Rural Rawadalem RT.02 RW.01 Sukaurip RT. 12 RW. 02 and surrounding areas since the 1990s.
3. As a Rowatib worship (prayer five times a day) and a means for the students to learn the Koran.
4. As an alternative place of religious social activities Rawadalem RT.02 RW.01 Community and Countryside Sukaurip RT. 12 RW. 02 when in need.
The total funds required is approximately £ 500 million. (RAB Attached)
While the location, area and source of funds that will be used for this project are:
Building area of approximately 80m2 or L; 10 x P; 12m
1. Land used for development is land grant / Endowments owned by Mr. and Mrs. Raneti H.Casmian of ± 210 m2
2. The required funds are derived from the Organization / community contribution, which comprises:
a. Donors Auction @ 3,000,000 .- / m2.
b. Donations general public, without the auction price is determined.
3. Derived from other sources are kosher and non-binding.
TREASURER: Wahidi, S.AG. No. HP 085352053060
NO. REK BRI 002801028528507
Jazaakumullaoh Khoiron katsiro ...

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