French flag Embassy of France in Beirut

AmbassadorM. André PARANT
AddressRue de Damas
Espace des Lettres
Ras El-Nabaa
Phonelocal: (01) 420.000
international: +961.1.420.000
Faxlocal: (01) 420.013
international: +961.1.420.013
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» Can I visit France without a visa?

Comments on this Embassy

Bilal ouzon
Tue, 5 Feb 2019 13:35 EST
Je m'appelle Bilal Ouzon
Je suis un réfugié syrien
J'ai trois enfants
Ma situation sociale est très mauvaise
Mes enfants sont malades
S'il vous plaît aidez-moi
Veuillez accepter ma demande d'asile dans
votre pays

961 78985615 +: Mon N Tele

Merci beaucoup
Abd altaef ahmad ali
Fri, 1 Feb 2019 14:31 EST
انا عبد اللطيف احمد شاب عمري23سنه من الجنسية السورية يتيم الاهل كنت في سوريا ادرس في الجامعه وبسبب الحرب لجئت الي لبنان ولم اكمل الجامعه اود المجيئ الي فرنسا لاكمال دراستي في الجامعه والعيش بسلام واعمل في لبنان في بيع الصحف اليومية في الشوارع ارجو مساعدتي وشكرا لكم.
emad dihman
Sun, 13 Jan 2019 06:32 EST
I am 31 years old,Married to Rasha (31 years),We have a daughter (3 years).My wife and I are a dental technicianز
Ask you to accept immigration to France,Because we are from a religious minority (Ismaili) of the(salamieh) city,More importantly, we are looking for a country that respects citizenship, freedom and openness.
We want our daughter to learn and live a healthy environment away from extremism and poverty.
Abdul Hadi Rifai
Thu, 27 Dec 2018 13:33 EST
Hi, my name is Abd al-Hadi Muhammad al-Rifai. I live in Lebanon for five years and I am 22 years old. I have no permanent job. I live in a small room alone and live in Syria. I can not go to Syria because of the war.
Thu, 20 Dec 2018 17:17 EST
سبلين وادي الزينة
مرحبا انا علي من سوريا مقيم بلبنان منذ عام ٢٠١٣وانا مسجل لدى الامم المتحدة كنت دائما اتمنى ان اهاجر الى فرنسا بسبب الحرب السورية وسوء الاوضاع في لبنان على كافة الصعدالى انا من اسبوعين حصل اخي على سفر على فرنسا عن طريق الامم وهوالان في مدينة نانت وانا بصراحة اتمنى منكم انا احظا بسفرالى فرنسا لان الوضع هنا بلبنان لايخفى عنكم انه سيئ وخصوصا بنسبة لسوريين وانا اعاني من الرجفة الدائما من اثارالحرب في سوريا واتمنى انا اسافرالى فرنسا للعلاج وان اكون قريب من اخي وهاذا رقمي 76811964
Thu, 20 Dec 2018 17:14 EST
سبلين وادي الزينة
مرحبا انا علي من سوريا مقيم بلبنان منذ عام ٢٠١٣وانا مسجل لدى الامم المتحدة كنت دائما اتمنى ان اهاجر الى فرنسا بسبب الحرب السورية وسوء الاوضاع في لبنان على كافة الصعدالى انا من اسبوعين حصل اخي على سفر على فرنسا عن طريق الامم وهوالان في مدينة نانت وانا بصراحة اتمنى منكم انا احظا بسفرالى فرنسا لان الوضع هنا بلبنان لايخفى عنكم انه سيئ وخصوصا بنسبة لسوريين وانا اعاني من الرجفة الدائما من اثارالحرب في سوريا واتمنى انا اسافرالى فرنسا للعلاج وان اكون قريب من اخي ولكم حزيل لشر
Wed, 19 Dec 2018 09:29 EST
beirut lebanon
My name is farah, i'm from Lebanon studying in the uni, my father is a doctor in a hospital. We have lots of problems and we like to travel. Our situation is more difficult than syrians. Plz help us travel from here before it gets more worse. I'm 22 years old and i want to be christian because as muslim we're getting a lots of warning from bad people

Our lives are in danger in Lebanon and we've been threatened from bad people to kill uPlzz help us, our situation is very difficult, i beg u, i want to be christian, you feel with humans not like our  arab country.. plz make an appointment to see me. I'm 22 and my life is in danger plz acc me plz
Iyad barghouth
Mon, 26 Nov 2018 08:32 EST
To the distinguished members of the Embassy

I am Ayad Barghouth, born in Latakia. 24/10/1992 Ibn Salim and Ghalia are married to Fatima Farajah. I have a child and my wife is pregnant.

At the beginning of the Syrian revolution in 2011 I was working in the field of construction in my city where I was helping my family and helping them at the time. I was at the age of compulsory military service. I received a telegram to join the military service. I had no way to escape because the regime controlled all Syrian territory. In the army was my task car driver at an officer in Damascus Zabadani area and in that period began events and demonstrations in Syria and after a short period turned into repression and weapons at that time I began to think of the split because I was against this regime I was against repression and bear arms in front of my brothers ... System With those demonstrations without pity or Rahmh..kan my friends in the army out to suppress the demonstrations were spilling orders by Alillat.hna made the decision to defect from this regime that kills its people Aloazl.lkn was the way the split is very difficult I tried several times but failed attempts

In 2014, there were clashes in the area where I was serving. I was able to split and flee to Lebanon between the mountains with the help of people from the area who had given me the way. The officer I was serving I have been told and told the story to my family that I am dead and I kept this news to this date. I worked in Lebanon to build and build a family, but I have no documents, I was in a small village,

Here I decided to build a family that married Fatima on 28/9/2014

We live in a small village, but living in Lebanon is very difficult because I can not move because I do not have papers and because Lebanon is a small country that does not carry the numbers of Syrians who are on its land.

I ask you to help me because my life has become very difficult. I can not work or travel to secure a living for me and my family ... I wrote to you, I hope you can help me because my life has become very difficult. To help me and look at my situation and my situation ... With sincere thanks and appreciation

Iyad Barghouth
khaled zeno
Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:32 EST
Bonjour, je suis Khalid Nayef Zeno de Syrie enregistré aux Nations Unies dans le dossier n ° 947-14c00151
Ma famille, ma femme et moi avons trois enfants, un garçon de 7 ans et deux filles de 4 ans et 2 ans, déplacés de Syrie à cause de la guerre, des meurtres et de la peur de mes enfants de cette guerre. Je suis venu au Liban pour la sécurité. Ma famille et moi n’avons pas changé. Je ne fais pas partie de mon régime, je suis clandestinement à cause de ma commande de réserve dans mon pays, je ne voulais pas y aller. Maintenant, j'ai 4 ans au Liban sans aucun changement dans ma vie, j'ai accumulé des dettes et je ne peux pas aller travailler loin de ma région. J'ai mal au bas du dos. DISQUE
Sachant que je suis un apprenant et que j’ai un bon intérêt, je ne peux pas travailler ici. Je travaille dans le domaine de l’électricité industrielle depuis 7 ans. Ma femme est également éduquée. Elle est institutrice.
Je pense que la guerre de mon pays, la Syrie, est longitudinale et nous ne pouvons pas y retourner alors je suis sortie pour mes enfants et je crains qu’ils ne puissent pas suivre leurs études, mais les conditions. Dans la maison dans laquelle je vis, il ya deux pièces avec des toits vitrés et j’ai beaucoup de religion.
J'espère que vous pourrez aider si vous pouvez envoyer mon dossier voyager dans n'importe quel endroit pour le partager avec moi et sans aide aussi, je m'en fous Dieu merci, je peux travailler en ma faveur et ma femme aussi, j'espère que vous regardez ma situation et que vous serez en sécurité à l'avenir, les enfants avec vos mains et vous êtes en sécurité
+ 96176486791
Sun, 18 Nov 2018 09:44 EST
سوريا ريف دمشق مزرعة بيت جن
تحية طيبة.انا لاجئة سورية مقيمة حاليا في جنوب لبنان /شبعا منذ العام 2013.
وانا من مواليد فرنسا مدينة مرسيليا مشفى اوبيتال ليفيران في العام 1981.
اود ان اسالكم عن موضوع استصدار شهادة ميلاد فرنسية ثم موضوع اللجوء الى فرنسا والحصول على الجنسية لي ولعائلتي.
ولكم كل الشكر
رقم هاتفي المتحرك

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