Taiwanese flag Liaison Office of Taiwan in Pretoria

Address1147 Schoeman Street
Hatfield, Pretoria
South Africa
Phonelocal: (012) 430.6071
international: +27.12.430.6071
Faxlocal: (012) 430.5816
international: +27.12.430.5816
Web sitehttp://www.taiwanembassy.org/ZA

» Can I visit Taiwan without a visa?

Comments on this Liaison Office

Tue, 23 Jul 2024 06:39 EDT
Visa Application
As a marine engineer I need to get a visa application but the embassy will only allow documents and cash to he couriered. No courier company in South Africa wants to courier money. What can I do to speed up this process?
James opio
Wed, 11 Jan 2023 06:26 EST
TaiwanICDF scholarship
From Uganda,My country is on the list of eligible countries, but there is
no ROC (Taiwan) Embassy / Consulate General /
Representative Office here. Help on how I can send my documents.Thanks.
Yousuf Bhayat
Tue, 29 Dec 2020 18:21 EST
Do you have trade show in South Africa. Looking for alternative to China.
My email is
Samara Cloete
Mon, 12 Oct 2020 05:29 EDT
Authentication of documents
I’m wanting to know if you authenticate documents and if you are issuing work visa at the moment?
Thu, 6 Aug 2020 09:06 EDT
Reissue of Taiwanese passport
My Taiwanese Passport has missing but i do have the copies. Please assist me for the reissue a new one and what documents must i bring and how long ?
Thank you very much
Tue, 3 Dec 2019 11:17 EST
Hello, I'm a Ugandan by nationality who has under go all processes concerning academic auathotication from there. My question is , Is there a possibility for doing my interviews via Skype video?? And if yes, what are the procedures? Thanks
gert van schalkwyk
Thu, 26 Sep 2019 10:19 EDT
Mandarin classes
I am based in Pretoria and would like to take Mandarin classes, Can you assist.
Dalene Rall
Sat, 29 Jun 2019 06:43 EDT
Herbal Ointment
Good day
I make herbal ointment that cure curtain skin cancers, dry skin, acne, eczema.

Who can I contact in Taiwan

Looking for Distributes
Sat, 13 Jan 2018 22:52 EST
documents verification
I would like to know if there is any fee attached to auntheticate documents ...phadedagoon @gmail.com
Fri, 12 Jan 2018 08:40 EST
Holiday visa for South Africa from Taiwan
I wonder if you can help me – my nephew’s wife who is a Taiwanese citizen would like to come over to South Africa with her husband for a visit.

When applying for her visa she has been told that she requires
Proof of accommodation in the form of confirmed hotel reservation in SA or a signed certified invitation from Host relative friend stating
Contact details of Host/Relative/Friend
Full names
Date of Birth
ID/Passport Number
As well as purpose and duration of stay
The Host/Relative/Friend is not only required to provide accommodation but also be responsible for all expenses, medical repatriation fee should it become necessary.
I clearly do not feel comfortable being accountable for these expenses. I am happy to sponsor their accommodation but cannot believe a Hotel would be held responsible for Medical and Repatriation costs.
Please can you clarify for me
Many thanks and kind regards

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