South African flag Embassy of South Africa in Jakarta

AddressWisma GKBI, Suite 705, 7th Floor
JI Jend. Sudirman No 28
Kav 9-122
Jakarta 10210
Phonelocal: (021) 574.0660
international: +62.21.574.0660
Faxlocal: (021) 574.0661
international: +62.21.574.0661

» Can I visit South Africa without a visa?

Comments on this Embassy

Thu, 21 Feb 2019 10:25 EST
Permohonan Bantuan Dana Pembangunan Gedung Lembaga Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Pandan Duri Excellent (LP3E)
Kepada Yth,
Embassy of South Africa
Di Wisma GKBI, Suite 705, 7th Floor
JI Jend. Sudirman No 28
Kav 9-122
Jakarta 10210

Salam sejahtera kami sampaikan kepada Bapak/Ibu/Sdr/I, semoga senantiasa berada dalam lindungan Allah SWT.
saya Atas nama pendiri Lembaga Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Pandan Duri Excellent (LP3E)bermaksud mengadakan kegiatan pembangunan Gedung LP3E, namun karena terbatasnya anggaran dana yang ada, maka kami bermaksud mengajukan permohonan Bantuan Dana.Dan Pembangunan Gedung LP3E tersebut akan menghabiskan sekitar Rp. 5,391,584,000 (Lima Miliar Tiga Ratus Sembilan Puluh Satu Juta Lima Ratus Delapan Puluh Empat Ribu Rupiah).
Atas perhatiannya Kami sampaikan terima kasih.
Akta Notaris: Yulita, SH,M.Kn., Akta Tanggal:
Nomer Rekening BRI:
Sat, 29 Dec 2018 09:07 EST
Permohonan Bantuan Dana
Assalaamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Mohon bantuan dana untuk Pembangunan Pondok Pesantren (Lembaga Pendidikan Islam) NO REK BANK BRI: 006101076363507 atas bantuannya Saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih
Fred Smook
Mon, 19 Feb 2018 03:34 EST
My passport expires 2024,i need extra pages, as my pasport pages are full of travel stamps , can you assist me with extra pages, and if can I get it from SEMARANG
Ust. Tentiyo Suharto, M.H.I
Tue, 17 Jan 2017 03:45 EST
Mohon Bantuan Dana Hibah Untuk Pendirian dan Pembangunan Sekolah SD, SMP dan SMA/SMK Islam Terpadu (Boarding School) Berbasis Tahfidz Al-Qur’an dan Teknologi Informasi di Kabupaten Tertinggal/Miskin.
Kepada Yth.
Bapak Duta Besar Uni Emirat Arab

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Dengan hormat, teriring salam dan do’a semoga Bapak pimpinan dan keluarga besar pemberi bantuan dana hibah Duta Besar Uni Emirat Arab selalu sehat, sukses dan dalam lindungan Allah Swt. Shalawat dan salam senantiasa tercurah kepada Nabi Besar Muhammad Saw. Aamiin.

Kami pengurus Yayasan IGC yang bergerak dalam Bidang Pendidikan, Dakwah, Pemberdayaan Ekonomi dan Sosial yang beralamat Kelurahan Talang Rimbo Baru Kecamatan Curup Tengah Kabupaten Rejang Lebong Provinsi Bengkulu. Saat ini kami berkeinginan melaksanakan pendirian dan pembangunan Sekolah SD, SMP dan SMA/SMK Islam Terpadu (Boarding School) Berbasis Tahfidzh Al-Qur’an dan Teknologi Informasi. Kabupaten kami adalah Kabupaten Tertinggal/Miskin dan kurang akan pendidikan sehingga generasi mudanya jauh dari agama, tidak memiliki moralitas dan akhlak sehingga menjadi faktor utama penyebab terjadinya kriminal, kurangnya Aqidah/Iman dan mudahnya diserang berbagai pergaulan yang tidak mendidik. Pada saat ini kami menghadapi kendala dalam hal pendanaannya, besar harapan kami semoga Bapak pimpinan dan keluarga besar pemberi bantuan dana hibah Duta Besar Uni Emirat Arab dapat memberikan bantuannya.

Demikian permohonan ini kami sampaikan, atas perhatian dan bantuanya diucapkan terimakasih.

Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Ust. Tentiyo Suharto, M.H.I
KTP/NIK. 17021912050003 Email :
No. Handphone: 082186121778 - 085831116168
No. Rek. Bank BRI 1: 1668-01-000575-52-7 An. Tentiyo Suharto
No. Rek. Bank BRI 2: 1668-01-001936-53-0 An. Tentiyo Suharto
No. Rek. Bank BSM: 7095781726 An. Tentiyo Suharto
Sun, 17 Apr 2016 11:29 EDT
assalamualaikum, i need ur help
just, the father / mother I want to ask for financial assistance per month in order to "Glorifying Friday". I want every person who Friday prayers at a mosque near my house distributing food or cake and drinking water after Friday prayers in order to glorify the Friday. I would like to distribute food to those that Friday prayers that had been lazy to go shlat Friday could be encouraged in distributing the food. at the mosque near my house, about 87's of people who pray every Friday. I want more of the Friday prayers at a mosque near my house.

presumably the father / mother knows I mean who wants to glorify Friday. multiply charity on Friday will not make us poorer. because Friday is a glorious day. one of which has been described in the Qur'an that 'doomsday would come on Friday'.

I apply this in because I became underfunded, I just do not want to see my shortcomings mosque every Friday prayers worshipers. therefore, if the father / mother will help me very grateful.

does not mean anything, but I just wanted to see my mosque full with pilgrims who come every Friday, I was begging for help you, in case you can consider my proposal

This is my account number: 3051-01-007418-50-1
Muhamad Yaasien
Tue, 22 Mar 2016 15:03 EDT
Mohon Bantuan Dana Hibah
Assalamualaykum wr wb
saya membutuhkan danatur yang bersedia memberikan dana hibah kepada saya untuk biaya study dan sarana serta prasarana saya disini. berikut rek BRI 576101001430508 a/n Muhamad Yaasien. Hp. 062.853.6600.0299. hubungi saya bila ada donatur ingin mengenal saya dan yang minat memberikan saya dana hibah. sebesar apapun saya ucapkan terima kasih sebelumnya.
wassalamualaikum wr wb.
Tue, 22 Dec 2015 08:46 EST
Request Help Health Education Activities Fund
The increasing number of patients "CARDIOVASCULAR" (narrowing of blood vessels due to diabetes, cholesterol and uric acid) in Indonesia based on data from various hospital showed that the patients who come for treatment on average had reached an advanced stage, is caused by the lack of information received by society.

Then we hereby consultants INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTH CARE (LPKM) has been carrying out health education in order to socialize in order to raise public awareness of the dangers of Cardiovascular.

The constraints in the field is the lack of funds to carry out social activities, ranging from transport, meals and others. For that we ask the participation of funds from the South Africa ambassador appropriate for operational costs in the field. we are aware that these social activities do not get any advantage. If you want to participate can send funds to Bank Syariah Mandiri in the name of. Thanks before.
Abi Nur Said
Sat, 28 Nov 2015 22:52 EST
mohon selamatkan nyawa kami
the respectable father / mother-led, I beg you to save me from a renternir, I had a debt of Rp 100,000,000, my business went bankrupt because renternir the 2 years I can only pay interest of 20% per cent per month, but the money I renternir borrow to remain intact with no decrease at all, every month I pay 20% (Rp.20.000.000), up to 2 years I only pay interest. I hereby apply to the leadership and Gentlemen, I would like to borrow money to pay the debt to renternir, I borrow from the father / mother-led Honourable Rp.150.000.000 would give a loan, to repay debt and the rest for businesses so that I can payment of monthly installments to the lender Majesty, I promise to repay the loan with long term. Implore me for help father / mother-led Gentlemen, order would help me, Now In threatened to be killed by renternir it if it does not pay the debt as soon as possible, renternir it continues to threaten me and to terrorize me, I will bow down to the leadership to help save me and my mother and brother from the threat of death, for God's sake help me, now my efforts to eat only broke I had no money, my sister dropped out of school, if only father / mother leaders help me, I beg save our lives. This is my bio Name: Abi Nur Said Age: 27 Years Gender: Male Status: Single Mother Name: Nana Father Name: Asta Country: Indonesia Province: West Java City: Bekasi Loans: Rp.150.000.000 Payment: Long-term I really begged the father / mother leaders would petrify me from death. This data My Bank Account: Bank Name: BRI Account Name: Abi Said Nur Account Number: 4793-01-011276-53-8 Swit Code: BRINIDJA before I am very grateful. Yours sincerely Abi Nur Said
SMK Ma'arif Cicalengka
Sat, 30 Nov 2013 05:12 EST
Proposals Request assistance funds
In order to realize the goal of education it is necessary to maximally conducive to the learning process that involves all components of an optimal learning. One of the key components that make the learning process to be smooth and is conducive classrooms and practice space.

The classroom as a learning group learning activities have a strategic role in order to create an atmosphere and a sense of learning for students. Its presence brings broader impacts such as, security, sense of belonging, serenity and other positive things.

SMK Maarif Cicalengka as a vocational high school in Bandung Regency also feel how important the existence of a classroom as a key element of the success of the learning process. The school has 911 students divided into 23 person class (group learning) currently has 16 classrooms, so ideally still need 7 more classrooms.

Based on the reasoning above, the SMK Maarif Cicalengka considers that the construction of new classrooms at SMK Maarif Cicalengka is very important and urgent to be realized. To this end we propose GRANT PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE FROM THE GOVERNMENT OF South Africa CLASSROOM through the South Africa embassy.


Become a Service Centre Vocational Education and Training and the National Standard for International

1. Developing Education and Training Program in accordance with the needs of the World Industrial / Business World
2. Developing Education and Training Program quality minded, and future-oriented prifesi
3. Develop training programs that empower people potential
4. Create an atmosphere of learning that is rooted in the norms, cultural and religious values.

1. Prepare participants to enter the workforce training and developing professional attitude.
2. Setting up the training participants were able to compete in the international job market and are able to develop themselves, and have an entrepreneurial spirit.
3. Preparing middle level manpower to fill the needs of industry / business at present and future.


Various obstacles faced in order to achieve the expectations and goals as described above, then the full expectation that funding DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE GRANT FROM THE South Africa CLASSROOM can be realized.
To realize these activities, we utilized for the construction of the New Classroom as a means of learning activities in order to improve the quality of education.

New classrooms were completed from the Japanese government in the form of Infrastructure Revitalization Activities of Secondary Education can be utilized for:
a. Develop good cooperation between learners
b. Optimizing the substance in the implementation of the learning process in schools.
Given adequate classroom quality and quantity of education is expected to be increased in the academic year 2013/2014.

In accordance with the condition of our school as seen in the School Profile, we propose action plans for development activities of new vocational classrooms with funds needed for the construction of new classrooms for 5 classrooms overall Rp. 425,000,000.00 (four hundred and twenty-five million dollars)

This proposal beresensikan sincere intentions and our concern for efforts to improve educational services based on Minimum Service Standards (MSS) vocational schools to produce quality graduates who are qualified in accordance with the demands of the industry. One effort that must be implemented to meet the demands of the qualification is available comprehensiveness of infrastructure and services so that the ideal atmosphere conducive to teaching and learning to walk.
Hopefully the help of the South Africa embassy can be realized for meet needs are we expected.

SMK Maarif Cicalengka
Drs. H. Asep Deni Aziz, M.M
CP: +6227948614 - +6289675122555
Muhammad Ridho, Bsa
Tue, 26 Mar 2013 09:14 EDT
Meminta Haknya Fakir Miskin dan Untuk ke Maslahatan Umat Islam
Assalamua'laikum warohmatullahi wa barokatuh..
Kepada Yth.
Bapak Duta Besar Shouth Africa Embassy in Indonesia

Bersama ini kami Yayasan Harum Cendana Sejati, Memberitahukan bahwa Yayasan yang kami bentuk ini adalah untuk membantu umat diantaranya adalah
1. Membantu TPA dan TPQ yang belum mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah pusat maupun daerah,
2. Pembangunan Masjid didaerah-daerah yang belum terdapat masjid yang dimana selama ini mereka beribadah dirumah masing-masing
3. Memberikan bantuan aliran air bersih kepada masyarakat di daerah di Jawa Tengah dimana air bersih susah didapat.
Demikian hal ini kami sampaikan sebagaimana visi dan misi yayasan kami berjuang untuk pembangunan umat muslim dan mempertahankan aqidah dari pengaruh globalisasi jaman yang semakin menjauhkan umat dari aqidah dan ajaran islam.
Jika memang peduli terhadap umat yang seperti kami kerjakan saat ini, kami siap menyalurkan bantuan berupa zakat infaq yang seharusnya diberikan kepada mereka yang berhak,
Yayasan kami merupakan amanah yang tidak akan kami bisniskan dalam artian tidak akan digunakan sebagai kepentingan pribadi maupun golongan

Bersama ini kami sampaikan No Rekening kami di Bank BNI 46 No. 4545889997 a/n Yayasan Harum Cendana Sejati,
"Kami tidak meminta akan tetapi hak dari fakir miskin juga untuk kemaslahatan umat adalah tanggung jawab kita bersama".

Yayasan Harum Cendana Sejati
M Ridho,Bsa
Ketua Yayasan

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