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Comments on this Embassy

chevi zulvan
Sat, 17 Jan 2015 14:01 EST
assalammualaikum.wr.wb sy dari pekanbaru butuh dana hibah 50jt utk membayar semua utang-utang saya dan utk membuka usaha kembali. agar bisa mensejahterahkan anak..istri dan ortu saya.. ne no rekening sy. NO REK BNI 355182779 A/N CHEVI ZULVAN. no hp 085265199923.trims
Wed, 14 Jan 2015 13:15 EST
Proposal pembangunan gedung asrama dan loka santri tahfidzul qur'an
Sekretariat : Jorong Pasir Talang Nagari Pasir Talang Kecamatan Sungai Pagu Kabupaten Solok Selatan CP : 0813 69617 31981

No : 19/Y-RH/I/2015
Lampiran :
Perihall : Proposal pembangunan Gedung Asrama

Kepada Yang terhormat,
Bapak kedutaan Saudi ArQbiyah
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Segala puji bagi Allah Saw shalawat dan salam semoga senantiasa tercurahkan atas qudwah dan uswah hasana ummat Rasulullah saw bweserta keluarga dan penerus risalah beliau hinnga akhir zaman.
Alhamdulillah,ditengah kelangkaan para hafizh Al-Qur’an dan para da’I yang ingin membangun generasi dakwah sesuai dengan pemahaman salafush-shalih dan berqudwah kepada Rasulullah saw dalam beribadah, Yayasan Raudhatul Huffazh Pasir Talang Solok Selatan sumatera barat yang berdiri sejak tahun 1435 H/2013 dengan Ak ta Notaris : (no.32 . 27 September 2013 Sri Bimo Ariyanto,SH) telah memulai aktifitasnya dengan meyelenggarakan tahsin tahfizh al-Qur’an dibawah program Rumah Tahfizh Al-ikhlash, dan insyaallah akan mendirikan ma’had Tahfizh Al-qur’an raudhatul huffazh.kami berharap agar pengabdian ini segera bisa terwujud, diantaranya : tersedia gedung yang memadai demi keberlangsungan proses belajar mengajar di Yayasan ini.
Melalui proposal ini, kami mengajak Bapak Ibu/saudara/i untuk berperan serta dalam pembangunan gedung Yayasan Raudhatul huffazh Pasir Talang ( Asrama dan Ruang belajar ), yang anggarannya mencapai Rp. (Enam ratus lima puluh juta rupiah) – terlampir-,Nabi Bersabda : “ Siapa yang mempersiapkan sarana untuk berjuang di jalan Allah, maka sesungguhnya ia telah ikut berjuang.” (H.R. Bukhari – Muslim )
Demikian permohonan ini kami ajukan. Semoga menjadi amal jariyah yang terus mengalir pahalanya tiada akhir. Amin.
Jazakumullah khairan katsira.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
Muara Labuh , 14 Rabiul Awal 1437 H
05 Januari 2015 M

Yayasan Raudhatul Huffazh Pasir Talang

Dra.Hj.Anisuldjalis Zulkarnaini,S.Pd.I
Dewan Pembina Ketua


Nama : Yayasan Raudhatul huffazh Pasir Talang
Tahun berdiri : 1435 H / 2013 M
Alamat : Jorong Pasir Talang Nagari Pasir Talang Kecamatan Muara labuh kabupaten Solok Selatan
Provinsi Sumtare Barat HP. 0813 6961 7319
Email :
Akta Notaris : No.32 – 27 September 2013 Sri Bimo Ariyanto,SH
Depkumham RI :AHU – 1185.AH.01.04.TAHUN 2014
Peserta : 60 Orang
No.Rekening : BRI UNIT MUARA LABUH No Rekening : 5545-01-012556-53-7 an. Yayasan Raudhatul Huffazh Pasir Talang

Dayat Hidayatullah
Tue, 13 Jan 2015 22:08 EST
Mohon Bantuan dana Pembangunan Masjid
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Kami panitia pembangunan Masjid Al-Quba di Kampung Kiaraeunyeuh RW 06 Desa Banyusari Kecamatan Katapang Kabupaten Bandung Jawa Barat, mohon bantuan dana untuk menyelesaikan pembangunan Masjid.
Terima kasih
Tlp. 087823443133. email.
Mon, 12 Jan 2015 07:17 EST
permohonan bantuan dana
Asalamualaikum wr wb.
Kepada Para dermawan yang terhormat,
saya tito berkeluarga ingin memiliki rumah yang sederhana, tapi saya masih tinggal di klender mengontraksudah 2 tahun
indah rasanya bila sudah memiliki rumah yang layak tetapi saya hanya karyawan yang bergaji minim sulit rasanya untuk memiliki rumah. adapun rumah di daerah depok dgn harga 150 juta sy sdh menabung dan ada dana sebesar 20 juta.
untuk itu mohon kiranya untuk para dermawan sudi memberikan bantuan dana Rp 130.000.000 untuk memiliki rumah impian kami di daerah depok saya mohon bantuanya
melalui Bank BCA no rek 2860058653
no tlp 62 8571995825
sangat besar harapan dan insyaallah akan saya pertanggung jawabkan dengan sebaik baiknya
wasalamualaiku wr wb.
Demi Allah Saya membutukannya
Mon, 12 Jan 2015 04:47 EST
bantuan biaya sekolah,membayar hutang dan ongkos naik Haji
Assalamualikum wr wb,Semoga bantuan Allah swt datang melalui anda, saya membutuhkan biaya untuk menyekolahkan 4 anak saya, membayar hutang dan ongkos naik haji, pada hari minggu tanggal 11 Januari 2015 saya terbangun oleh suara adzan ddari masjid haram sekitar jam 14.30 wib, mudah2an merupakan jalan untuk pergi ketanah suci dengan bantuan anda, pendapatan saya tidak mencukupi kebutuhan saya, semoga hati anda tergetar oleh keingginan saya no hp.085281527557
Sun, 11 Jan 2015 22:31 EST
as long as i arrange for my klient visa's is not directly to embassy its self but trough by some one at some travel , but then the problem rise point by point , late of finishing , payment guarantee , uuntill lost document ,, please any suggest me to connect by whom at embassy ,,,thks brgds_budi
my contact_ 083834472242
iman rahmat
Sun, 11 Jan 2015 21:22 EST
Saya mhon bantuan untuk biaya kuliah
Sun, 11 Jan 2015 09:00 EST
kok ada yang kirim proposal melalui kolom ini ya ?
lucu banget
proosal itu dikirim secara resmi
alamat yang jelas
Fathimah suryana
Sat, 10 Jan 2015 20:50 EST
Solusi Harta yang disimpan
Bismillah, dengan memohon kebaikan dari Allah, saya mengajak pada kebaikan. Dan Ia berfirman "sesungguhnnya perumpamaan orang orang yang menafkahkan hartanya di jalan Allah adalah seperti ia menanam sebutir benih padi kemudian tumbuh darinya tujuh tangkai yang tiap tangkai menumbuhkan seratus biji benih, demikianlah Allah melipatgandakan balasannya kpd siapa yang ia kehendaki (tanpa batas), dan Allah maha luas karunianya lagi maha mengetahui" ( al baqarah 261 ), dan hendaklah kalian takut kepada suatu hari (penghisapan) dihari kiamat dimana tak berguna sedikitpun harta yang kalian simpan dan dikumpulkan selama di dunia.( al hadits). Dan sesungguhnya harta yang disimpan ditumpuk seseorang di dunia nanti dihari kiamat akan dipikul diletakkan di atas punggungnya. Hendaklah hamba Allah yang telah Allah titipkan dari sebagian rizkinya senantiasa membantu saudaranya yang lemah diantara mereka yang memerlukan bantuan. Karena dgn sebab adanya orang yang lemahlah Allah berikan rizki pada kalian. Sesungguhnya harta yang kalian infaqkan itulah sebenar benarnya milik kalian karena ia menjadi cacatan amalan dihari kiamat. Semoga nasehat ini berguna bagi pembaca yang di tangannya Allah titipkan harta dari sebagian karuniaNya. Amin. ( solusi: 0823 7348 1768 )
Thu, 8 Jan 2015 17:14 EST
Pekanbaru, 09 January 2015
Re: please help loan or grant

Mr. Mrs. Leaders
in place

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركا ته
Ba'da regards Islamiyah
We pray that the father / mother is always in a state of good health and always successful in all activities.
Previous please allow me to introduce identity;
Name: ikhsanudin
Place and date of birth: sragen / 28 June 1976
No ID: 1471082806760041
Age: 38 years
Address: Jalan Cempaka / 256 behind the Ramayana robinson jessamine panam west Sidomulyo handsome Pekanbaru
Status: married
Occupation: Self Employed
No phone: 081277733865
That`s briefly my personal data, then please allow me to express the desire of my heart, I actually honestly embarrassed and no desire at all to convey this to the father / mother, but my condition is now very desperate and I was stuck right then it is my do as one form of initiative / my business while I have always been and continue to pray that god immediately gave me a way out of all the problems I had and continue to patient and focused.
Father / mother who I respect
Starting from my business that went bankrupt is cv.riauprint pekanbaru (can see his blog) last year for various reasons (sorry probably do not need me to tell), the then state of our economy becomes messy, so my various obligations that the bank debt, needs and other life becomes so heavy, so I sell a variety of our assets but also have not been able to resolve financial problems saya.belum longer need to support my family, school children and other obligations.
Ladies and Gentlemen
As a Muslim I am actually pretty sure there would be a way out, god is testing us, the children and my wife often said patiently, and remain grateful for what we still miliki.tapi sometimes when rice is up, debt collectors come home, children ask buy books or other heart feels heavy.
Father / mother who I respect,
Actually, various efforts have also I try to go back to work as a teacher, but not enough I finally stopped, then I try berwira back trying to raise quail with Fatiha Najah farm business name (bs seen the blog though unfinished), thank God began the fasting month ago already runs but the middle of my spirit started this business suddenly my right quail 29 December 2014 and then attacked the disease eventually die all in just 4 days when the number has more than 500 birds.
Finally I returned confused as to what I should do.
Astaghfirullah - astaghfirullah - astaghfirullah hopefully this is not the punishment of the gods for us because we may not be grateful and hopefully this will be the test that there is a way out amen.
Father / mother who I respect
As a Muslim I still believe there would be a way out, personally I'm sure I still robust in the face, but my children were young I was not sure they would be able to survive despite my still encouraged.
Ladies and Gentlemen
I want to work anymore or want berwira again for me no problem, but the necessities of life, the obligation to pay the debt can no longer be postponed, including one that until now burdensome true for me is my debt obligations to the commercial banks monthly installment 4, 5 million every month, in fact I've been trying negosasi that extended repayment but the commercial banks did not want to because of my efforts can not be financed said.
Father / mother who I respect
So little trip of my life that I am sorry to tell here and I do not mean to dramatize or melancholy or the other but I just wanted a way out of this problem my economy.
Therefore, along with this letter I want to help the father's mother in any form that may be the father / mother gave to me, especially facing debt problems kebank trade above because it's been nunggak 6 months or a total of 30 million or OS if paid 90 million dollars because if this month no payment of my house will be confiscated month guarantee ini.sementara house is currently only stay one of my only real asset.
Ladies and Gentlemen
I expect assistance is in the form of a temporary loan to the home melusasi and certificates as collateral for father / ibu.sampai I can pay it off or hopefully within 6 months I could return it and if not I sincerely homes were sold and the remaining 50% can the agency planned to donate to the charity of the father / mother pimpin.karena if my house is sold approximately market 300an million. Here's what I think right now why I complained to the institution of zakat father / mother leads than in the selling bank is most likely no rest or I lent to the smell of usury and it turns out I can not pay then there is no benefit whatsoever.
borrow honest efforts there and here actually I have done but have not been successful.
Father / mother who I respect
Personally actually I still feel unworthy to receive zakat / grant, but if the loan program at the institution, the father's mother there any program that can help me I will receive any nature including grants / charity although personally I berazam to mengembalikannnya, regardless of the father give / hibahkan will I receive and I use as much as you.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Why do I apply for a loan to zakat institution ladies and lead, to be honest because I've been there every aspect BMT dipekanbaru but have not been able to provide assistance, and loans to banks I've hit BI cheking, or if the father's mother in the institution of zakat there was a program of cooperation for the results of my ready to manage as well as possible with the current effort that I pioneered quail farm though I mentioned above I failed but I am sure there are still promising cooperation proposals could follow
Father / mother who I respect
Dikeheningan the night of Friday 09 January 2015 at 02:35 I write this letter. While I would bermunajat to god, I really hope really agencies father / mother leads can help me. Whatever bantunannya I received the best If can not thank you for reading this letter. Hopefully become deeds father and mother

Father and mother that I respect.
Help father and mother who may be the father / mother gave that to me or debt settlement can reduce the father / mother directly in the account transfer my debt in commercial banks with no rek.7600100012164 on behalf ikhsanudin or my other account is not anything that the bank independently with no rek.1080004705571 on behalf ikhsanudin

Father and mother that I respect
Perhaps this letter is already too long, finally I thank you for your attention and help the father / mother, sorry if not deign
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركا ته
Best regards

Also please help
Lilly yulieta (Wife)
Kassiya Kanza Ihsan (kids)
Arifa Hauzatul Ihsan (kids)
Pearls Nawafila Ihsan (kids)
Najah Fatihatun Ihsan (kids)

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