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Comments on this Embassy

Sat, 7 Nov 2015 06:29 EST
butuh bantuan darurat
saya bingung mau memita bantuan kepada siapa lagi..
saya sangat membutuhkan uang utk menebus anak saya yg duduk di kelas 2 sd yg di culik kemarin saat pulang sekolah
penculik meminta tebusan 30jt
dan penculik meminta utk menyerahkan uang tebusan hingga besok siang.
saya sangat membutuhkan bantuan para dermawan
dan saya akan mengembalikan dgn cara mencicil
ini no rek saya bank bni an gunawan no.rek 0415-171-895
no.hp 089657712387
Sat, 17 Oct 2015 22:08 EDT
Selamat pagi,
Saya seorang karyawan yg karena kebodohan saya sehingga saya terlilit oleh hutang yang tidak terlunasi.
Dengan berharap pada pertolongan Allah, saya ajukan permohonan bantuan berupa hibah atau hutang tanpa bunga yang akan saya kembalikan dengan cara mengangsur sebesar 3.000.000,- / bulan sampai lunas.
Saya butuh dana sebesar Rp 300.000.000,-
Bila ada dermawan yang berkenan mohon bisa menyalurkan melalui rekening BCA atas nama NInda Wibowo no rekening 0281447261.
Terima kasih

Nindya Wibowo / HP 081586016907
Sat, 3 Oct 2015 16:21 EDT
الموت السعودیه کسکش تیم النصر رتون را تا دسته گاییدم هادی نوروزی مادر همتون را گاییده بود ملخ خور بی خایه حرام زاده های کثیف عرب پاره پاره کیرم تو کس خواهرت کیرم دهن السعود ملک سلمان باید برا سگهای ما ساک بزنه مادر جنده ها
هرچه سریعتر ایران را ترک کنید وگر نه میکشیمتان خود دانید کسکشا
iranSat, 3 Oct 2015 15:22 EDT
Fri, 25 Sep 2015 12:08 EDT
Pembangunan gedung pondok pesantren DARUL ATIEQ
300.000.000 Rupiah
BCA BANK .2010345785
yoyok mariyadi
Mon, 21 Sep 2015 14:54 EDT
Asslmkm wr. wb.

Puji syukur kita limpahkan kpd allah swt dan junjungan kita Rosulullah Muhammad yang membawa kita dari jaman jahiliyah kepada jalan terang benderang. Saya ucapkn banyak terima kasih telah di ijinkan berbagi antara KEKURANGAN dan KELEBIHAN diri di mata Allah swt, kiranya Bapak KEDUBES Rela membantu Kekurangan saya dan Keluarga Saya, kita mempunyai hutang 45juta dan mohon bantuan modal usaha Air isi Ulang 35 juta.
Alamat : Dukuh : Jambe Rt 02 / Rw 11, Kelurrrahan : Kepoh KIdul, Kecamatan : Kedungadem, Kabupaten : Bojonegoro, Propinsi Jawa timur.
No. HP 085850858707
Saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih

Wassalamkm wr. wb.
Sun, 6 Sep 2015 01:01 EDT
Mr. Ambassador
I am a Muslim.
I am Iranian.
When I was a child, I thought Islam ,means Iran,
But the older I learned that Islam should be found abroad,
For example, a place like Saudi Arabia ...
Through my beliefs, must go on the Hajj, I do not believe in the pilgrimage caravans Iranians . Now at 44 years old, I am determined to make the pilgrimage.
But this seemingly Muslims (Iranian leaders), so the conditions are ready (for the masses), that every person, now he wants to go for Hajj, must pay up to $ 12,000, and it is very heavy. (but free ,for everyone they to choose) .
Unfortunately, the corrupt government of Iran oppress the people(iranian), that it is incompatible with Islam.
On the other hand I pay attention that unfortunately Saudi Arabia from another country (third) do not give visas to Iranians I am upset and.. disappointed...
I feel,i am from the two sides under pressure.
Please tell me who is Muslim? and Where is Islam?
Sincerely your,
khazmier hamzah
Thu, 27 Aug 2015 00:41 EDT
permintaan tolong darurat,butuh segera,apakah sdh tidak ada lg orang dermawan muslim??mana buktinya klo ada?saya sdh minta bantuan,tp blum ada peduli,saya sanggup tukar ginjal saya segera,untuk hutang dan berobat orang tua saya,mana kyai mana ustadz yg seperti ditelevisi yg siap membantu?muslim sekarang tega dengan sesama??masih adakah muslim yg rendah hati?yg ada banyak yg menipu?klo memang benar ada dermawan,kontak saya segera 081.938800023,saya siap donasi organ saya,atau saya cicil,demi allah,masih adakah orang baik saat ini?tolong segera darurat.mohon muslim sesama apakah anda benar2?ada?dimana anda semua?saya sdh capek hidup,orang makin sombong dan makin kaya,dimana anda dermawan?
Mon, 17 Aug 2015 01:20 EDT
pakistan swabi (Bazargi)
Aslam Walikum SIR
I am looking job of computer also type oprator and having 10 years work experience. I am facing very problems and hardship and need urgent job. Kindly help to me for job. I can be reached at.
Ramlan jamill
Thu, 30 Jul 2015 05:03 EDT
request for help
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb .disampaikan with respect that I happen to madrasah madrasah committee chairman is memprihatin it because of lack of classrooms (three) 3 classes. therefore I beg assistance to the father presumably willing to provide budgetary support for the construction of new classrooms. Almat madrasah kp.cijarian Rt 27/08 Kaler village sukabumi cipetir district.
Thus this petition, and for his help, we say thank you.

Chairman of the Committee: Ramlan jamil

Treasurer: Maryani

no tlpn / hp 085722274476/0858600020
Tue, 14 Jul 2015 12:44 EDT
please help school construction TK Islam Al Muslim
My Ali Muslim
I was a teacher at SDN Nanggewer Mekar, I was cut heart to see children who are less fortunate that can not be less schools and religious education. so with this I want to devote myself to the world of education more deeply so that the children can not afford to go to school. so with this I really needed funds for the construction of school buildings, infrastructure and other education. big my hope that in the grant, I need funds for Rp.300.000.000, - charity given may be rewarded by Allah. Amen O 'Lord of the Worlds.

Address: Nanggewer Mekar RT.001 / 001 Kel.Nanggewer Mekar Kec.Cibinong Kab.Bogor West Java Province Zip Code: 16912.

Assistance can be channeled through:
Name: Ali Muslim
No.rekening: 0019963403100
Bank: Bank BJB
Branch office: Cibinong

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