Saudi flag Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Amman

PostalPO Box 2133
Phonelocal: (06) 581.4154
international: +962.6.581.4154
Faxlocal: (06) 582.6154
international: +962.6.582.6154

Comments on this Embassy

Ahmad Faidi
Sun, 20 Mar 2016 06:41 EDT
Legal Services - Jordan
Dear sir / madame

We would like to offer you our full legal services and solutions in JORDAN. We look forward to co-operate with your leading firm in any legal issues,reconciliation services ,payroll services , attestation services and debts collection.

Ahmad Faidi

Faidi Law Firm - Jordan
Amman, Jordan

مكتب فيضي للمحاماه - الاردن
Yusuf Hendrawan
Sat, 27 Feb 2016 20:55 EST
To. All Middle East Leaders
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh.
Atas nama umat Islam seluruh dunia, tidak terkecuali kita semua yang berada pada perbedaan mazhab, pandangan politik, garis perjuangan dan lain sebagainya, kami serukan agar saudara-saudara kami di Timur Tengah untuk menghentikan dan menarik diri dari saling menghancurkan, membunuh dan memusnahkan. Hakikat dari pertikaian antar kalian hanyalah menyisakan kematian sesama moslem. Sadarlah kita, bahwa kematian satu orang moslem di tangan moslem lain adalah kekalahan terbesar Islam. Bukankah Piagam Madinah di landasi oleh perbedaan ekstrim suku-suku yang berbai’at ?, dengan itu, bukankah Rasulullah telah memberikan tauladan yang baik bagaimana kita hidup di dalam perbedaan ?. Bila bersama dengan kaum non-moslem kita bisa berdampingan dan berbagi, kenapa sesama moslem harus saling memusuhi ???
Bila kalian mencintai dan meneladani tauladan Rasulullah, HENTIKAN PEMBUNUHAN, PENGHANCURAN DAN PEMUSNAHAN SEKARANG JUGA.
Berkumpullah dalam satu naungan agama Allah. Duduk dan berdiskusilah untuk menyerahkan semua urusan kepada Allah. Hapuslah semua fikiran yang di dominasi hawa nafsu untuk merasa menang dan upaya memenangkan. Saling memaafkanlah kalian dan menghapus semua dendam. Sungguh dendam adalah virus hidup dalam jiwa yang perlahan akan mematikan kebenaran dan nurani.
Berkumpul dan berijtihadlah atas nama dan untuk tegaknya kalimah Allah. Sesungguhnya bila saling membunuh dan membinasakan ini kalian lanjutkan, kalian bukanlah sedang berlomba mencapai ridho dan surga Allah melainkan saling bergegas menjemput la’nat Allah. Kalianlah yang di amanati untuk memberikan tauladan bagi umat moslem dunia di luar jazirah kalian. Kalianlah yang di anugerahkan untuk menjaga ketentraman sekeliling baitullah. Negeri-negeri Kalainlah yang di anugerahi risalah para Rasul dan Nabi. Maka saat ini, bila kalian tak bisa menjaga bahkan mengingkari, sesungguhnya Allah telah menurunkan azab pembinasaan kaum-kaum zaman terdahuluu karena melampaui batas.
Sekali lagi saya menyerukan agar kalain menahan diri, menghentikan segala permusuhan dan saling memusnahkan. Tarik kembali semua alat perang dan pasukan kalian, cabut semua resolusi menyerang. Duduklah kalian untuk berkumpul dengan hati dan fikiran yang berserah diri kepada Allah dan membuka untuk ijtihad bagi kebaikan. Bilamana saatnya kalin berkumpul lalu ada yang membangkang, sesungguhnya mereka itulah yang harus kalian perhatikan.
Duduklah kalian atas satu kepentingan menjaga ketentraman kawasan untuk memelihara baitullah dari penghancuran demi menjalankan amanah titipan Allah dan RasulNYA. Kuatkan hati kalian dan tegakkan wajah kepada Allah untuk memohon ridlo dan ampunan.
Kami umat Islam di luar jazirah kalian berdoa dan mendukung upaya kalian untuk saling menjaga ketentraman kawasan baitullah.
Kami mohon maaf, bila yang telah kami serukan di anggap tindakan menggurui. Kecuali karena Allah kami tidak lakukan apapun untuk lakukan seruan ini bagi kalian.
Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh.

To. All Middle East Leaders
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh,
On behalf of Muslims all over the world, not least all of us who are on the sect differences, political views, line of struggle and so forth, so we call on our brothers in the Middle East to stop and withdraw from mutual crush, kill and destroy. The essence of the struggle between the death of a fellow you are only leaving a moslem. Realize us, that one man's moslem death at the hands of others moslem is the biggest defeat in Islam. the Medina Charter was built on spirit extreme differences tribes allegiance, wasn’t it ?, With it, didn’t the Prophet have provided good models of how we live in a difference ?. If along with the non-moslem we can co-exist and share one another, why among moslem should against each other ???
When you love and emulate a role model of our Prophet, so, STOP MURDER, DESTRUCTION AND DESTRUCTION OF NOW.
Get together under the shade of the religion of Allah. Sit down and come to the table to hand over all affairs to Allah. Erase all minds those are dominated feel lust for winning and winning efforts. Mutual forgiveness between you and remove all grudges. Thus, revenge is a virus that lives in the soul then will slowly turn off the truth and conscience.
Gathered and ijtihad on behalf and for upholding the sentence of God. Indeed, if this kill each other and destroy you are still going on deploying, trully y,ou all are not in a race reaching heaven blessing and ridhlo Allah but rushed to pick up each other for la'natullah (Na’uudzu billah). You are the ones in amanah (mandate) to provide role models for the people moslem of the world outside of your peninsula. You are the ones in bestowed to maintain order around the House of Allah. You all are countries which bestowed of the message of the Apostles and Prophets. So this time, if you can not keep even deny, verily Allah has revealed the destruction doom of passed people for exceeding the limit.
Again, we call for your restraint, cease all hostilities and annihilate. Pull back all your tools of war and military forces, unplug all resolutions attacking. Sit down to converge with the heart and mind surrendered to God and open to ijtihad for goodness. When you all gathered last time there was a renegade, they are the guys who have to pay attention.
Sit down on the interest of maintaining order in the area to keep the House of Allah from destruction in order to carry out the mandate entrusted by Allah and His Messenger. Strengthen your hearts and enforce the face to God to beg ridlo and forgiveness.
We Muslims outside your peninsula pray and support your efforts to maintain order in the area of mutual Baitullah.
We apologize if we have called for in regard to patronize action. Except for God we do not do anything for this call for you.
Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh.


لجميع قادة الشرق الأوسط
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
نيابة عن المسلمين في جميع أنحاء العالم، وليس أقلها جميعا الذين هم على الاختلافات الطائفة أو الرأي السياسي، خط النضال وهكذا دون ذلك ،فإننا ندعو إخواننا في الشرق الأوسط لوقف وسحب من سحق المتبادل، وقتل وتدمير. جوهر الصراع انما وفاة بين زميل لكم يغادرون مسلما بينكم. أدرك لنا، وأن وفاة رجل واحد على أيدي آخرين المسلمين هو أكبر هزيمة الإسلام. أ ليس في المدينة المنورة الميثاق لدقع خلافات القبائل الولاء ؟ مع ذلك، قد كان لكم قدم النبي النماذج الجيدة من كيف نعيش في فرق؟ إذا يمكننا تتعايش وتقاسمها مع غير المسلمين جنبا على جنب ، لماذا الآخرين ينبغي المسلمين بعضهم بعضا ضد ؟؟؟
اذا كنتم تحبون نموذجا تحتذون به لمحاكاة النبي ورسوله تعالى، فقف القتل والدمار وتدميربينكم الآن
تجالسوا معا في ظل دين الله. الجلوس الى طاولة المفاوضات لتسليم جميع الشؤون إلى الله. وامحوا كل الفكرة تهونها شهوات للفوز وكسب الجهود. تاسفوا وتغافروا بينكم وتزاولوا كل الضغائن. انما الانتقام هو الفيروس الذي يعيش في النفوس سوف تكفر قبالة الحقيقة والضميرعنكم
اجمتعوا واجتهدوا نيابة وإعلاء حكم الله. في الواقع، إذا كان هذا قتل بعضهم البعض وتدمير المتابعة يدوم معكم، فإنكم لستم فى السبقات إلى الله بل انكم تتعجلون في سبقات غضب الله والضلال, ونعوذ بالله. يا عمرا ء الشرق الأوسط, ان في هذه المسباقة لن تصلوا إلى السماء نعمة بل الآن انكم في الا هتراع لالتقاط لعنة الله بعضكم البعض. ألا بد لكم شبه في تقديم القدوة لشعوب العالم الاسلام خارج الجزيرة غيرجزيرتكم ؟. الستم في نعمة لحفظ الامانة على النظام في جميع أنحاء بيت الله ؟. الدول التي أنعم الله رسالة الرسل والأنبياء. حتى هذا الوقت، إذا تبقون فى القتل و الإنكار, فالحق لينزل الله العشائر تدمير الموت مرات لتتجاوزكم الحد المكوتب فى كتابه عزوجل.
مرة أخرى، أدعوكم لضبط النفس ، ووقف جميع الأعمال العدائية وإبادة، وسحب كل أدوات الحرب وقوات لكم، افصل جميع القرارات المهاجمة. فاجلسوا لتتلاقى مع القلب والعقل، واستسلموا إلى الله وافتتحوا أمام الاجتهاد من أجل الخير. عندما اجتمعتم مرة وكانت هناك الردة، فهم الرجال الذين لديهم أن تولي علىهم اهتماما.
الجلوس على مصلحة الحفظ على النظام في المنطقة لحفظ البيت الحرام عن الدمار من أجل تنفيذ عهد الله ورسوله. تعزيز قلوبكم. افرضوا وجوهكم لرضا الله والمغفرة ان شا ء الله.
نحن المسلمين خارج جزيرتكم نصلي وندعو إلى الله لخيرات جهودكم للحفظ على النظام في منطقة بيت الله.
ونحن نعتذراننا لم نفعل أي شيء لهذه الدعوة نسبة لكم إلا لله.
نستعفيكم بهذه الرسالة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أخوكم في الشرق البعيد
Thu, 19 Nov 2015 11:20 EST
seeking a job construction
im ali jordanian im looking a job for construction i have a licens for construction and i have experience for 10 yrs i appreciate if u contact me 0789283223
Wed, 28 Oct 2015 06:21 EDT
Discovery enormous underground lake drinking water in Saudi Arabia
Top Secret. Dear Mr.Ambassador, I did the important for a Kingdom scientific discovery strategically. I found out in Saudi Arabia the enormous inexhaustible underground lake of high-quality drinking-water.His diameter an about 200 km I Can specify his location and depth of bedding(boring drillings).My unique scientific criminalistics methodology of “Space Remoute Sensing” allows to find out any sought after objects in any point of planet. Ready to pass to you : 1.Results my 20 summer scientific research and search the greatest in KSA source of natural quality drinking-water. 2. Unique and healthy means for preservation (conservation) of drinking-water. Cleaning and conditioning of the desalinated water. Clears the desalinated water from radionuclides and harmful substances. This inexpensive and effective means will allow to every family of KSA to have in a house simple means for drinkable water and protecting treatment from dangerous illnesses. From a dysentery to the plague, cholera and oncology (cancer).Ready to the collaboration.Report please terms of contract. Sincerely, Professor is a researcher, criminalist , Colonel , Dr. Vladimir S. Pen.
Sat, 3 Oct 2015 16:22 EDT
الموت السعودیه کسکش تیم النصر رتون را تا دسته گاییدم هادی نوروزی مادر همتون را گاییده بود ملخ خور بی خایه حرام زاده های کثیف عرب پاره پاره کیرم تو کس خواهرت کیرم دهن السعود ملک سلمان باید برا سگهای ما ساک بزنه مادر جنده ها
هرچه سریعتر ایران را ترک کنید وگر نه میکشیمتان خود دانید کسکشا
iranSat, 3 Oct 2015 15:22 EDT
Engineer Raed Shqair
Wed, 9 Sep 2015 06:31 EDT
seeking hajj visa for my ill ( elder ) parents
hello and how are we doing , inshallah each one of you very bless from Allah
Any way , I'm originally from the holy land Jerusalem , but for now I have been
Living in the United state of America for over twinty years my father is 80 years old
Has a cancer four stage also done an open heart surgery and some other collocation
I came myself all the way from US to over here to take him to performing the hajj , but the
Strange things happen now every office we take to they ask for a few thousand for the visa
As far as I can remember these things almost free , what a shame to go visit and do the hajj now a days cost money ,
Please I'm asking whoever in charge to have some mercy, I will really appreciate it indeed.
Thank you very so much for ever of taking an action for this matter , and may GOD( Allah )
Blesses their hearts Amin .
My contact information :-
Raed Shqair
abdel-rahman al-mari
Thu, 20 Aug 2015 04:32 EDT
dear sirs
iam 56 jordan male citizen willing to do piligrimage this year inshallah .i work assistant director at yarmouk university .it is kind of you if you secure a piligrimage visa for me and this favour will be agreat present that i never forget and owe it to saudia arabia people and government.with my best wishes
my phone for further contact 0776862861 . Email
Ahmad abu zaid
Sun, 9 Aug 2015 22:12 EDT
I studied at royal jordanian air academy my major was maintenance engineering aviation , my GPA is good , im looking for a job in data entry or call centre
My email :
Tue, 14 Jul 2015 12:38 EDT
please help school construction TK Islam Al Muslim
My Ali Muslim
I was a teacher at SDN Nanggewer Mekar, I was cut heart to see children who are less fortunate that can not be less schools and religious education. so with this I want to devote myself to the world of education more deeply so that the children can not afford to go to school. so with this I really needed funds for the construction of school buildings, infrastructure and other education. big my hope that in the grant, I need funds for Rp.300.000.000, - charity given may be rewarded by Allah. Amen O 'Lord of the Worlds.

Address: Nanggewer Mekar RT.001 / 001 Kel.Nanggewer Mekar Kec.Cibinong Kab.Bogor West Java Province Zip Code: 16912.

Assistance can be channeled through:
Name: Ali Muslim
No.rekening: 0019963403100
Bank: Bank BJB
Branch office: Cibinong
indra arafat
Mon, 29 Jun 2015 15:56 EDT
for the purposes of medical treatment of my father
Assalamual'alaikum.. My name indra arafat and I live indonesia, I'm need money for my father because he sick. I'm live in : Kp. Cicondong RT 03/RW 09, kelurahan Cibeuti, Kecamatan Kawalu, Kota tasikmalaya country indonesia,
I will accept whatever the master give and for me a very meaningful, I will use for the purposes of medical treatmen of my father. Waallahi I'm not lying and I hope masters understand.. Thanks jordan embassy. Waasalumu'alaikum

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