Mozambique flag High Commission of Mozambique in Pretoria

Address529 Edmond Street
Arcádia, 0083, Pretoria 0007
South Africa
Phonelocal: (012) 401.0300
international: +27.12.401.0300
Faxlocal: (012) 326.6388
international: +27.12.326.6388

Comments on this High Commission

Tue, 11 Jun 2024 01:25 EDT
Good morning can you please tell me about the passport con I renew my passport and my ID I'm from Mozambique but I'm saying in south Africa please can someone help me
Thu, 29 Feb 2024 14:44 EST
Application for passport renewal
Paulino Jose
Mon, 15 Jan 2024 01:04 EST
Good morning, I would like to know how much it costs to renew a passport.
Hi I am Anselmo sitoe
Mon, 4 Dec 2023 15:09 EST
ID documents
Hi my name is Anselmo I need full details about registering ID documents here at south Africa people the are talking that we must go to limpopo province an one with information can help me please.
Helio simiao simango
Sun, 3 Dec 2023 11:07 EST
Hello I'm from Mozambique I lost my passport and I need go back to Mozambique fixed my documents how can do I want cross border and I don't have passport I will find here south Africa
Sun, 26 Nov 2023 14:24 EST
Mozambique id
Hi I wanna ask how can I do to make a passport and a Mozambican ID while I'm in South Africa
Morris Sithole
Tue, 21 Nov 2023 15:59 EST
My documents
Hi am morris sithole iam staying in South Africa l want to fix my ID details then l can apply a Mozambique passport. So l need a help.
Jorge Paulo Mandlate
Sun, 29 Oct 2023 12:10 EDT
Passport renewal and verification of documents
I need to renew my passport and get more information on a document issued by Nelspruit consulate because I'm now struggling to open a bank account or get money from my bank
Mon, 11 Sep 2023 12:16 EDT
Hi I wanna ask how can I do to make a passport and a Mozambican ID while I'm in South Africa
Jaime Tomàs Sitoe
Fri, 25 Aug 2023 15:18 EDT
I need help with mozambiquen passport
Hi I need help with passport as I'm from mozambique however I do have Mozambiquen ID but I need a passport...I'm struggling to get employment in Here in South Africa..please help

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