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Yasuo Watanabe
Fri, 26 Jun 2015 07:40 EDT
Ask to Protection for my friends' and the abduction victims
Ask to Protection for my friends' and the abduction victims family

※ A shocking description is included in the following articles. I would like it not
to show this email to a child.

 My name is Yasuo Watanabe. I am one of the mind control victim by the power
of the state, and continue to receive physical and thinking disturbance over a
long period of time.

【 Human traffic market in Asia, Abduction, Mind control 】

It is thought that the issue of mind control and the abduction issue have the relation
that is close to a human traffic market spreading out in the Asian region from the story
of the conventional operator. ( Please refer the "Articles of the past") However, most
of the actual situation is not clarified. 

5/21 4:00 pm, the operator suggests the kidnapping for the purpose of giving to U.S.A.
it for the child of my friend again.The police seem to aim. (Please refer the "Articles
of the Past".) Please support the children.

6/10  At 1:30 a.m., The operator thrust the child of one abductee and mentioned it. The
age is an Indian girl approximately estimated 14 years old. As for her, operator said that
she always pray to solve their problem. Because it is thought that they are confined,
she will not be able to contacts to outside and will not be able to insist on being a victim.
Therefore it is decided that I write it.
At first the person who read this email contacts a lawyer and the human rights group
having jurisdiction over India, and I would like communication to the relative and others
that a child was abducted in India. I send me too.
However, about the name of the girl, hometown, the name of the parent, the operator
does not tell. Therefore, this report is extremely limited.
According to the operator, she can say only the girl is very beautiful. But the other
thing, she cannot say anything about the personal information of the girl.
There is possibility of the falsehood in most of stories of the operator. However,
there are some reports from plural human rights groups that there are many children
who is sent from the human traffic market to Japan. So I think this is fact that there
are these children in Japan .
There was the story of an Indian girl thought to be an abductee earlier, but, besides,
according to the operator, a Chinese woman of around 20 years old and a Japanese
man in his 30s, a boy of approximately 15-16 years old appear. It is unknown whether
an operator let you appear as a story whether they were summoned to the operator

6/12 7:00 a.m., The operator said that three university students of the human
rights group of the state of Illinois were marked by the United States. The operator spoke
the details, but they begun testimony to contradict it, and finally they said that it is lie.
Therefore I leave out the details here, I ask to the international organization about the
hearing to the executive of the U.S. information organization and the U.S. army, and
confirmation of the fact, and the protection of the human rights group.

6/18 At past 6:00 p.m., the operator thought to be a victim said that all the members were
murdered if this was settled. Mother is held hostage, and they are victims used on the
assailant side forcibly. I think that the victim used by such an assailant should make
treatment by law.
I hear that I forced suicide once whether the Japanese military kills many Japanese
charity dames at the time of defeat. The cadreman in Japan and the U.S. is going to
repeat the same thing again.

Google search 「ホッシュジエン 従軍慰安婦」 (Charity dame)

K☆Bros Bulletin board
Bulletin board

7/3  From the middle of the night to the present, the operator mentioned my friend or
abducted victim as ever, but they contradicted it each other and were falsehood and
judged contents obviously. It is from yesterday that clear contradiction came to be
seen in the story of the operator. And the operator explain the reason why the
situation changed that the United States Armed Forces and the Self-Defense Forces,
the police are criticized by human rights groups and lawyers of the world .
On 30th of the end of last month, the global community that left the United States
was greatly reported by the news. It is thought that therefore the change of the
operator is a thing by these synergy. However, the operator is not going to yet talk
about the actual situation of children sent to the human traffic market.
In the news, M6.1 earthquake is generated yesterday in Indonesia. We must hurry
the warming measures. However, the huge right called the warming measures business
does not become the right of the United States Armed Forces. Therefore the United
States Armed Forces which want to maintain power of the top prevent world warming
measures. It may be said that it is ultimate egotism, but this is a suicidal act.
Therefore the global community is going to leave the United States where the United
States Armed Forces hold real power rapidly.

RSOE-World warming disaster

 At past 5:00 p.m., the woman operator informed me that the police intended to
attack my friends.
The police get huge right and power in the japanese bureaucratic organization by the
stationing of the United States Armed Forces in Japan. For them, they do not care
about the warming disaster. Subject of concern is to maintain the right for the police.
Therefore they repeat blind flattery to U.S. It may be said that they are also ultimate
egotists of bureaucrats privatizing the power of the state .

7/5 4:30 p.m., when I was outside, namely I am in the situation that I could not
report immediately , the operator said that they attacked the Chinese girl above. The
operator says that the child is treated now at a hospital. After all they seem to have to
think that it is certain that they are doing damage to the children.

7/6 11:45 p.m., the operator still mentions my friend surprise attack by the police
obstinately. It is said that instructions are given when it disrupts Watanabe according
to the operator from the U.S. embassy. 

7/8 At3:00 pm, the operator said that the United States shows cruel pictures in large
quantities to make the security police a geek. And it is said that they show the children
whom they abducted the similar pictures. The group of state organs is abnormal

7/10 At 5:30 a.m., the operator said that the security police went to the Chinese girl
mentioned above, and the security police said "You are not saved", and was going to
wreck her mind. However, as for the operator, other victims repulsed security police
afterwards, but it is said that the American who should come over does not come next .
Conversely there are some kind of causes that the human being of the American side
does not come for, so the security police can think that they are going to wreck mind
to enfeoff the testimony of abductees. I do not know what kind of situation the Japan
and the U.S. relationship in now. But, it is a fact to come to have obstinate and intense
attack of the operator in these days.
 I describe this Chinese girl as follows. This child is the child whom an operator calls
"Tonton". For convenience, I put her name as Tonton here. I do not know her figure.
She is regarded as one of the abductees employed in the considerably severe situation.
I hear she is sometimes commute between Japan and the United States. It is said that
she cries while demanding help of mother by the mental doing damage to by the public
employee now.
After demanding her personal information from an operator to have the human rights
group look for mother, I list it because some operators showed it. It is said that the
operator cannot yet say her name.
 She is a Chinese girl of around 20 years old, and when she is small, she learned a
keyboard instrument, and it is said that she can play it even now. In addition, it is said
that she can spin a thread. It is said that she dislikes tea. There seems to be such a
characteristic to her.
 But I do not know whether this is the information that is all right because many
falsehoods are included about the story of the operator. 

At 3:00 p.m., The operator told me that a U.S. soldier was with the Indian girl mentioned
above and returned, and she had not been yet returned to Japan.

7/14 8:00 p.m. ago, the operator said that the U.S. soldier performed doing damage
to the children. I cannot describe it. They say that they will do for the grudge remains
forever, and they insist that it is abducted victims to be bad to justify oneself.

7/15 At 8:00 p.m., the operator said that a U.S. soldier took the above, a Chinese girl
away. However, it was said, this "was a lie" afterwards. they suggest the participation of
the Self-Defense Forces.
 Afterwards, the operator said that this was operator say without permission, it is not
Self Defence Forces.
  4:00 p.m., the operator aimed at my going for going out, and the operator gave the name
of my friend in sequence again and suggested doing damage to. However, on the other hand,
the operator tells, "Ministry of Justice is over". This meaning, Ministry of Justice greatly
participates in this crime and may suggest that it was found out to interfere with the
investigation and suit.
Yesterday 6:00 p.m., the operator told the participation of the police about this attack
again. They in particular access one of the classmates of my junior high school era, and
it is said that they are sued by my friend.
However, for an old friend for 40 years without the acquaintance, will the police be going
to let what give testimony?

7/17 past 11:00 p.m., result was required by the United States, and the operator of
the man said that they suggested doing damage to one of children. The GO signature
of the NY rule layer is given yesterday.

7/19 Yesterday 11:00 p.m. ago, a woman operator of the one said "The police restrict
me, and he assume me his possession. I want all people to inform it.
It might be she is one of the abductee abductee.

7/20 The operator said that the brutal crime work of the large country which was
going to let India cause war was removed by human rights group.
By warming advancing, India is one of the country which is predicted the dead land are
increase and the large quantity of refugees occur. The war lets the industrial activity
of each country become active to the maximum, and the CO2 discharge will increase it
to the maximum. Therefore, India does not like war. But therefore, the large country
let brutal crimes of India intensify to let India activate regional conflict. Because the war
lets the weapon business of the large country become active.

7/21 A poison mixture uproar to lunch happened in plural Indian schools. The possibility
of intentional mixture seemed to start the investigation in the field of vision in the police.

7/27 There was the information of the abducted children Yesterday night. There
were some people who the children suffered from AIDS, or was cut both arms into,
or there was the topic and was ghastly contents. The intention that is going to let
we give up rescue as for this clearly is felt.
However, we must watch a fact if such an intention is thought about. I notify the
lawyers and the human rights groups to prevent the doing damage to the children.
So, the doing damage to to a child and a victim cannot be easy.

7/28 According to the operator, the lawyers and the human rights group found other
similar mind control victims in the each country.
If the testimony of this operator is a fact, it is thought that it is impossible that the
mind control nation crime continues already concealing as before.

8/2 10:00 p.m. ago, the operator said that the family that a child was kidnapped
in East Asia was informed of this email from the human rights group.
According to the operator, it was said that the human rights group receives my mass emails.
Probably it is thought that a number is considerably delivered from the group which I delivered
to the different group again.  I thank for all groups which had victim information spread thick.

8/4 4:00 a.m., the operator said that the children without the family register were found
in the United States. Because the operator does not convey further information to me, the
situation of the children are unidentified. If a public institution discovered a child without
the family register, the emigrant station protects it as an illegal alien, and it is thought that
they deport the children. However, it is thought that there are some kind of unnatural circumstances when they do not do so.

8/7 During going to bed, an operator mentioned the child of a protected abductee. 
The operator said that the child is one of the children abducted in American victims.
Age goes mad in a precocious tone in spite of 14-15 years old. The body is badly-
bruised, and according to the operator, a U.S. soldier continued doing damage to.
And the operator explains that those children die as soon as the children went mad,
Therefore it is one of the abandoned children and protected. Wariness is very strong,
and the operator said that she does not recognize mother in the state that a doctor
cannot examine.
A setting of these victims is a thing by the explanation of the operator. It is guessed
that the staff and the doctor of the protection organization, the blood relationship are
not informed of the physical wound of the victim and the mad cause.
According to the operator, the child of the abductee seems to be discovered.
However, the operator explains that the police become funny in the United States.
Therefore the operator suggested that the investigation does not advance.

8/7 My consciousness returned 7:00 p.m. ago. However, it was said that three
women of the operator were taken away just before that by a police officer. The t
ruth is unidentified.

8/8 Under going to bed, the operator informed me that the woman operator whom
a police officer took away yesterday had not yet come back.

8/12 At 11:00 a.m., the operator said that a police officer took a woman operator
away. The number of people is unidentified. The operator said that they were to
send the woman operator to the labor camp of the abductee.
8/13 According to the NEWS, forest fire and flood occur in the world, and the
warming disaster intensifies.  It is thought that the way of the military will be not
able to overcome the new situation of the warming era. In other words, "the
appeasement" of each country of the race is demanded to let warming measures
succeed. In contrast, because the military is the thing premising the opposition of
each country of a race. Ethnic antagonism is necessary so that the military survives.
Similarly, the police will promote the opposition between the nations.

8/15 At night, the operator continued interfering with my body function and brain
function to action intention. And they mentioned the doing damage to my friends
and abducted children as before.
However, these information is notified the group of criminal investigation agency
and judiciary, lawyers about. So, it is thought that a crime notice and the voluntary
confession of the crime are disadvantageous to United States Armed Forces and CIA.
This is because it is thought that statute of limitations does not run out to them
because they interfere to a criminal investigation agency and the judiciary.
Therefore they are going to let every public institution and group facing each
other to them or individual accept the issue of mind control and abduction the
existence of the human traffic market. It is supposed that they intend to prevent
the investigation and suit in this way.
 Therefore they will be going to put thorough pressure on o



