Italian flag Embassy of Italy in Islamabad

AddressStreet 17, Diplomatic Enclave, G5
PostalPO Box 1008
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» Can I visit Italy without a visa?

Comments on this Embassy

Khush Jahan
Wed, 20 Jul 2011 15:25 EDT
Plz help me
Dear Sir,
My name is Khush Jahan Begum My age is 47 years. I have three Childs two son one daughter Big son 15 years second son 10 years and daughter 8 years and my Husband name is M.Wajid Hussain He is 42 years. he works in electrician , Electric Welder and Plumber like Handyman. My husband is education Metric. He is don’t have diploma but 25 years experience , Before two years my husband Had been sick and my expanses was spend so I had sold out my Home I had made a little company after sold out my home we were spending thief time, But during this is my partner did cheat me and he had gone away from this country and I had nothing to spend anything else and my children had left home from my bad circumstances and now am leaving at Rental house and I do some work myself to get spent life but I couldn’t get much money to keep ready education of my children so I want to get well education to my Childs so please do help me ether you call my family to your country or give me fees of my Childs education till my elder son would be able to work himself beside this I can know beautician works as usually and my husband is very hard worker and also none of here did not help to me please I couldn’t be very much thankful to you.
Please reply me
My name is Khush Jahan Begum
My E-mail
My Cell no: (+92) 321-2468978
Wed, 20 Jul 2011 12:45 EDT
Mon, 18 Jul 2011 17:45 EDT
my name is Muzammil.i am doing job in textiles as a helper. plz help me i am very poor man 03224100072,,
Dr. Syed Sada Hussain
Fri, 15 Jul 2011 11:58 EDT
Sir i just want to say that ur processing time is two months and after wasting my four months u delivered my passport without visa and declared that i didnt meet the requirement.
My question is that if i didnt meet the requirement then why Garry submit my documents for italy.
Plz dont keep pakistani people in dark and dont play with their time. Time is everying.
U take passport and forget to deliver it back.
Pakistani people have many destinations other than italy.
Plz give ur full details to garry and dont give trouble to the new people who r submitting their case.
Thanks .
Thu, 14 Jul 2011 14:21 EDT
It's not Official Italian Embassy website
For those who are posting requests to italian embasssy Islamabad here, please be reminded that it is a private website that ONLY provides contact information of embassy. No Official embassy's person is available to assist you in any regard.. Contact Embassy directly and dont post here the requests
Adnan Ahmad
Thu, 14 Jul 2011 12:44 EDT
tourist visa
sir...I want to Italy tourist visa from islamabad Embassy for the three months and what documint required me to get visit visa. Email. contact 0946.710511
Thu, 14 Jul 2011 06:24 EDT
kindly send me some iformation about the italy visa process /03034330133 mail contact /
How to Complain
Mon, 11 Jul 2011 09:35 EDT
Complaint for Italian Embassy Islamabad
For complaints:
Online complaint: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Italy

Italian Ambassador in Isalamabad
H.E. Vincenzo Prati

In-charge, Visa Section
Giuseppe Lacatena
syed muhamad taimoor
Sun, 10 Jul 2011 02:16 EDT
please sir requst you
Sat, 9 Jul 2011 10:32 EDT
Visti mai arrivati per il mio matrimonio, danno irreparabile . VERGOGNA!
Sono italiano e mi sono sposato qui in
Italia in data 18 giugno con una splendida ragazza pakistana .
Tre mesi prima del matrimonio ho dovuto preparare una marea incredibile di documenti per invitare sua madre sua sorella e sua nipote alle mie nozze in
Ebbene oggi in data 09/07/2011 questi visti devono ancora arrivare ed ovviamente il matrimonio è già stato celebrato in data 18 giugno senza i familiari di mia moglie.
Io mi domando e dico com'è possibile non rilasciare questi visti turistici per un semplice matrimonio privando una signora di 77 anni di vedere la sua ultima figlia sposarsi in Italia. Chi mi risarcisce del danno morale ed economico cagionatomi dall'ambasciata italiana in Pakistan !!!
Perchè è stato messo di mezzo il Fedex di Lahore che fa solo perdere tempo e (tanti)soldi quando la domanda si poteva presentare all'ambasciata italiana direttamente !!!! I visti sono gestiti in modo vergognoso e squallido inoltre aggiungo che alle mie email non hanno mai risposto ed al telefono risponde uno che non sa nemmeno una parola di italiano e che non ti passa mai nessuno, praticamente ti prende in giro dicendoti che non c'è nessuno.

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