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Comments on this Embassy

Dr. Farah Rostom Behramani
Sun, 22 Jan 2023 20:20 EST
We have sent this message to the Mr. President of America
By the name of Allah
Dear honorable brothers we had sent this message to the Mr. President of America and here it is
By the name of the great Deiu
Dear honorable sir Mr. President Joe Biden

there is a way to invent an electronic brain and mind instead of the computer machine may be in great Russia you can invent it and this way is Came by a book for Ayatullah Khomieni may be this book is called by the Forty Prophetic that Imam Khomieni says that the mind is a joint between the head and the heart which means that the mind is a joint between the thoughts of the brain and the feelings of the heart As Imam Khomieny said that the mind is a joint between the thoughts of the brain and the feelings of the heart for Example if a person had waked up in the morning and one اhad tell him that a dear of him had died then this person will feel by sad in his heart so he will keep in all the day think by a sad thoughts also if a person had think by his brain that he will succeed in his study in the university and will became a great engineer then he will feel by his heart by a feel of happy so the thoughts of the brain effects the feelings of the heart and the feeling of the heart effects the thoughts of the brain and which control all of that is the joint between the brain and the heart this joint is in a part of the brain
and this minute small part is one cell from the cells of the brain in which it has two spirits one a human spirit and the other is an animal spirit because each cell of the cells of the human body has an animal spirit except one cell in the brain it has two spirits a human spirit and an animal spirit as al Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib said in a book called by (Nahj al Balaqhah) he said that (it is for the human two spirits a human spirit and an animal spirit and the human spirit is in the head (in the brain)) and so this minute human spirit in one cell of the cells of the brain can guide and control the human body by the Nervous system which is this cell is one of the Nervous system And connected to it through neural connections connected to some brain cells, which in turn are connected to each other by neural connections. The example that this minute cell (which contains the human spirit) governs and controls the body , despite its precise smallness. It is an example of a person who drives a large passenger plane, train, or space missile. The small size of a person in relation to the plane, but he controls it by means of a computer, pedals, handles, and steering
so if we invent a
Logical electronic circuits that simulate the thinking of the brain, for example a sophisticated computer, and also if we design electronic circuits work by sinusoidal signals or by electronic signals encoded in the form of PC (Pulse Code) so that each feeling of the feelings of the heart has a special electronic encoded signal Pulse coded, for example the feeling of happy its encoded Pulse Code signal is (1100101) and the feeling Sadness is(1011101) and so on, the rest of the feelings of the heart. Each feeling has its special coded electronic signal for each feeling. If we invent electronic circuits that serve as the joint ( link ) between the thoughts of the brain and the feelings of the heart, then we will have then a developed intelligence that is more developed the the computer, which is the electronic mind (all of this was according to the teachings and supervision of our teacher Genius Ayatollah Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini, peace be upon him)
If we ad to this electronic mind a(radar)system then this mind will became to know what is behind the The barriers and structures, and for this the Electronic Mind will know then the unseen of the place
if we add for this mind a logical electronic circuits to predict what will happen in future and what was happening in the very far past from calculating by what is happening now and what was happening in the past then he can predict what will happen in the future and what was happening in the very far past so he will know the Disappear of time and if we invent a logic electronic circuits to act and behave as a joint between the electronic brain and the electronic heart as we had showed before then we will have a developed electronic mind but this mind need more teaching from what is around him so we add for him two microphone to be like ears and we add two cameras to act like eyes and we add to him a speaker to act as the mouth to speak and we ad to him two mechanical hand and two mechanical legs then this electronic mind will be like the small child who learn from his parents and what is around him if he see or hear some thing not Registered in his memory he will ask about it and will ask is it right or wrong and...etc then he will Register what he had learned in his memory till he became young man he will be more developed than the mind of humans because he know the Disappear of place and time and do not forget and...etc so when he became a young man he will make his search to Discover a new sciences and laws and ..etc then he will invent a mind more developed than him may be an electronic of sub of mind and this electronic sub of mind will invent some thing more developed than him and so on the inventions will continue till at least after a half million years we will have an invented God who will say to the thing be then it will be and after at least one million years we will have an invented Sub of God and so on the inventions will continue till the dooms day
Thank you Mr. President
Thank You my Brothers
But brothers, unfortunately, and because of the acts of rebellion and riots that America and Israel are making today in the Islamic Republic of Iran, this project has stopped, and many such projects have stopped because of the envy of America and Israel for the inventions of Iranian scientists.
خدا حافظ
Rostom Behramani
Sun, 22 Jan 2023 12:44 EST
من هو يزيد ابن معاويه
بنام خدا
خدايا صلي على محمد و ال محمد فلعنة بر دشمن

قرات في كتاب قديم تم كتابته ايام الدولة العباسيه واسم هذا الكتاب (نوادر بنو اميه) وقد قرات هذا الكتاب في المكتبه المركزيه لجامعة الفاتح طرابلس – ليبيا عندما كنت ادرس في كلية الهندسه الالكترونيه والكومبيوتر والاتصالات وجاء في هذا الكتاب ان أبا سفيان قبل نزول الوحي على النبي محمد ص كان أبا سفيان يقوم برحلتي الشتاء والصيف أي الى اليمن وبلاد الشام وذات مره بينما كان أبو سفيان في بلاد الشام زنى بإحدى الشاميات فولدت جاريه اسمتها ميسون وبعد الإسلام عندما اصبح معاويه واليا للفاروق عمر ابن الخطاب رض على بلاد الشام أراد معاويه ان يتزوج من ميسون وهي في الحقيقة اخته لهذا سارع الحسين ابن علي رض بخطبتها و عقد عليها ولكنه لم يدخل بها ولكن معاويه تنكر بلباس اعرابي واتى الى المدينه وزنى باخته ميسون في جنح الظلام وولى مدبرا الى الشام فولدت ميسون من هذا النكاح غلاما سماه الحسين بن علي ب يزيد وعندما علم معاويه وهو في بلاد الشام ان هذا الغلام هو ابنه اخذ يهدد الحسين ابن علي بالقتل ان لم يعطه ابنه يزيد وبعد اخذ ورد ارسل معاويه جواسيس الى المدينه وخطفوا يزيد وذهبوا به الى بلاد الشام وسلموه لوالده معاويه الذي اكرمه اكرام الوالد لولده والقصة معروفه ولكن عندما مات معاويه واصبح ابنه يزيد خليفة على المسلمين أراد الحسين ابن علي ارجاع ابنه يزيد الى بيته فرفض يزيد واصر ان والده هو معاويه ابن ابي سفيان ولهذا ارتكب يزيد مجزرة كربلاء بحق ابيه الحسين ابن علي ولكن يزيد وبنو اميه وحتى الحسين ابن علي زعموا للناس ان الخلاف هو بسبب البيعه ليزيد اما السبب في عدم فضح الحسين ابن علي لابنه يزيد وزعمه ان سبب الخلاف هو البيعه وذلك يعود الى ان الحسين ابن علي من بني هاشم وبنو هاشم عندهم الحفاظ على العرض و الناموس والشرف فوق كل اعتبار بعد الله عز وجل لهذا أراد الحسين ابن علي ان يستر على زوجته ميسون لانها عرضه وشرفه اما لماذا تزوج الحسين ابن علي من ميسون وتلك قصة مشهوره بين المسلمين حول الخلاف بين الحسين ابن علي ومعاويه ابن ابي سفيان واختلافهما على الزواج من احدى النساء والتي هي في الحقيقة ميسون وسبب مسارعة الحسين ابن علي في الزواج من ميسون قبل ان يتزوجها معاويه هو لان معاويه في الحقيقه اخ لميسون و الحسين ابن علي يعلم ذلك لهذا حتى لا يفجر معاويه باخته ميسون تحت اسم الزواج سارع الحسين ابن علي للزواج من ميسون
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Bahman Rostom Sharifyan
Sat, 21 Jan 2023 22:50 EST
ابرهه الحبشي هو جد بني اميه
بنام خدا
بنو اميه جدهم ابرهة الحبشي لان ابرهه عندما اراد هدم الكعبه وكان ذلك في زمن عبد شمس كان لعبد شمس زوجة حرة عربيه له ولد منها هو هاشم و له زوجة من الاماء كان ابرهه قد اعتدى عليها وولدت غلاما وكان يعرف عبد شمس ان والد هذا الغلام الحقيقي هو ابرهه لهذا سماه عبد شمس اسما ينسبه الى امه الامه فسماه اميه فمثلا في اللغة العربيه تصغير كتاب كتيب وجبل جبيل وامه اميه ولم يكن يعرف هذه الحقيقه سوى قليل من العرب وعندما حكم بنو اميه زوروا التاريخ حتى لا يعرف احد ان جدهم ابرهه وزعموا للمسلمين ان ابرهه اراد هدم الكعبه في زمن عبد المطلب وان عام الفيل هو من كرامات النبي محمد لانه ولد في عام الفيل عندما اراد ابرهه هدم الكعبه مع العلم ان عام الفيل هو من كرامات اميه جد بني اميه لان ابرهه اراد هدم الكعبه في زمن عبد شمس وولد ابرهه ابنه اميه ولعمري ان اخلاق وتصرفات بنو اميه كتصرفات واخلاق جدهم ابرهه فابرهه اراد هدم الكعبه وحفيده يزيد ابن معاويه ضرب الكعبه بالمنجنيق واحرقها عندما تحصن بها عبد الله ابن الزبير وابرهه كان كلما مر بقبيلة من قبائل العرب وهو في طريقه لهدم الكعبه كان يقتل خيار سادات تلك القبائل ويسبي نسائها وحفيده معاويه قتل اشراف الصحابة من العرب من اولياء الامام علي مثل ميثم التمار وحجر ابن عدي الكندي وامثاله ولا سيما قتله لخيار الصحابه مثل عمار بن ياسر وامثاله في حرب صفين اما يزيد حفيد ابرهه فقد قتل اكثر الصحابة من العرب في موقعة الحراء عندما هاجم بجيشه المدينة المنوره واستباح نسائها لجيشه ولكن جريمة يزيد الكبرى هي مجزرة كربلاء عندما ذبح خيار واشراف العرب في كربلاء ولاسيما ذبحه للامام الحسين ابن علي ع وسبي نساءه وقتل اطفاله وابرهه كان اشرم الفم وكذلك حفيده يزيد كان به ضربة على فمه كزند بعير كما جاء في كتاب (سفينة النجاة)للسيد عبد الحسين ابراهيم العاملي العيناثي ناهيك عن شرب الخمور والفجور الذي كان يمارسه بنو اميه كجدهم ابرهه ولا سيما حفيده يزيد شارب الخمور وراكب الفجور بالمحارم ومهارش الكلاب واللعب بامثاله من القرود
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Sergay Mervahina
Sat, 24 Sep 2022 12:01 EDT
We have received very confidential and important information while we are in Montreal, Canada, about the murder of the woman, Menasa Amini that the American intelligence has secretly contacted some of its agents in Iran to look for any girl or woman in Iran who wants to commit suicide and convince her that She cooperates with them with a deal for giving her relatives some privileges if she remove her hejabl in front of the Revolutionary Guards or the Basij, and when they take her for interrogation and in the room of interrogation, this woman secretly swallows a capsule those american agents gave her and this capsule have a deadly poison that leads to bleeding in the brain, and that's all what had happened to the woman Mensa Amini
Thank you Mr. leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Sergay Mervahina
Canada Montreal
Sergay Mervahina
Sat, 24 Sep 2022 11:59 EDT
Paul Joseph Garrett
Mon, 9 Jan 2017 13:10 EST
kcarbonu kobla
Wed, 14 Oct 2015 11:00 EDT
Attention: Ban Kim Moon




1. Petitioner(s) refer to his several petitions addressed to you including some dated as far beyond the year 2005, and copied head of states and governments its parliament, chief justices and several others, claiming against John Ageykum kuffour, John Evans Atta mills(a so call law professor,very lawless, legal illiterate, intellectual slave, bloodthirsty savage, live illegally and late shamefully in the presidency) of the presidency of Ghana, office of parliament, six supreme court justices including the chief justice /office,offce of council of state, electoral commission (not to put up criminals for election) and others for condoning, providing aid and comfort to treasonable characters /coupist, Bank of Ghana and Ghana commercial froudsters ;drug barons ,armed rubbers, and persons diverting pre mix fuel and other fruads with intend to file additional claims on receipt of decision, (Jahn Dramani Mahama then in (member of) parliament, effectively collaborated and or silent on / in the illegality, vetted, approved (some /the treasonable) accused persons mention above as supreme court chiefs /Justices and the fraudulent court fees. See the frudulent C I 45 intended to frustrate petitioner(s),while there was petitions pending against them and or before them, and at the presidency vice / president took oath(s) / chairman of the police council, whose notorious police force with the collusion with their colonial masters and the judiciary on occasions ambushed ,kidnapped / adopted / terrorized /tortured /detained, starved and with force and harm steal / confiscated petitioner’s mobile phones temporary,believe in the process bag the phone, this is the second time, my first phone(bird pink)is still in their custody since 4/14/ 04, and attempted killing and or manipulating the death of petitioner and also on the 3 /28 / 2012
2. These notorious criminals /intellectual slaves are perpetuating ,and supporting the crimes by providing aid/job and comfort to themselves while the petitioner, victims and dependents continue to suffer from effect of accused /criminals /crime /injuries
3. Britain and America are accessories to the crimes / the lawlessness.
4. Petitioner(s)/ victims yet to receive single response or reliefs ‘sought up to date.
5. These criminals/corrupt monsters (Jahn Dramani Mahama including) (and on the 12/7/12) submitted in the name of political parties, to unsuspecting Ghanaians for election under the auspices of the electoral commission without purging themselves of the treasonable conduct occupy offices of the presidency/parliament/judiciary /appointing/approving people in the name of doing Government business under the very 1992 constitution of republic of Ghana, they (the criminals conspired),abrogated /altrated or part of it ,and or subverted and have not restored it, or cure it, is in effect, it effect on their victims /petitioner(s) the unlawful alteration and abrogation and or violation of (all) the chapters, including the unnumbered preamble people’s aoth/contract with all people of the world and GOD page of 210 pages of the 1992 republican constitution of Ghana / 0r part /a cospiration to adopt / enact to abuse human right through and or by the unlawlful abrogation of the constitution ,and other crimes is in effect and it’s effect not remedy/cured, culminating the continual violations of victims human right and suffering.(unlawful alteration of extract adminitrative rules and regulations and professional codes Ministry of health May 1995 clause (7) of requlations 14) initiated by commission on human right and adminitrative justice, ministry of justice and health of Ghana .See article 1,2,3, and 11 of the1992 constitution of Ghana and the criminal code of 1960 act 29 section180-182 & 22 (ect) Not to talk of several renew fresh attempts to murder petitioner, vanished the body and or strategically toxin poison petitioner or course death through (motto) accident and or interference in petitioner means of survival,including inducing /manipulating /coercing/trap petitioner to sin and or secum to their cohesive demonic maneuvers to enable the criminals /demons to blackmail /demonized petitioner into people disaffection, including invading / intruding into petitioner private life even to the extend of exposing petitioner private part / nude pictures / films through the use of surveillance set light sets for exclusive public use /view of the criminals gangs refer above and their family / kinsmen /colonial and imperial masters over a whisky ,bear and or coffee, virtually ,this is their solution to the problem, this is the extend some black men /a generation can go to sacrifice their brethrens, in defense of their colonial and slave masters ;a generation of spoil pampered, lazy dadi ba / child/ children, uninovative, thievs ,psychopaths, kleptomaniacs; a greedy recycle octogenarian politicians whose offsprings / generation /gens think they have the devilish right to rule/and have demonically strategically position themselves;brothers sisters uncles, nieces, cousins, nephews and school mates, in all sphere of our life, be it in the executives legislature judiciary ect and have arrogantly turn state offices nto their private kitchen, they even think they are above the law/state and will doanything to materialize their devilish wishes even if it entails killing people and getaway wit it..
6. If I die or killed through the manipulation of these notorious criminals/ who are only accountable to some devilish / demonic, faceless, filthy, blood thirsty, stinking cult /cultist the world will appreciate on whose hands / heads my blood is / will be and history will absorbed me (stev biko, and co history absorbed then)
7. The media gang up and have become virtualy an accomplices in the crimes and look on the continual lawlessness -the question of the fraudulent court fees / C.I , why the Supreme Court will list and hear some cases while refusing to list others cases that were registered before the later and on the question of the foundation of the supreme court that they the cultist, treasonable legal illiterates,blood thirsty savages chief /justices/ lawyers colluded and subverted the orderly struchtures of the court and their ethics by their judgements,but the media rather decided to feed the public with timid mediocre inward looking comic or concert like media reportage.See supreme court case /judgment № J5/24/04 dated 10/26/ 04 coram Miss SA Akuffo, Dr S.Twum, Dr SK. Date-Bah. FM Lartey. RT Aninakah, Kobla Carbonu vs GK Acquah and see case № J7/2/05.that join the obove name so call supreme court justices,office of parliament and office of counsel of state and electrol commision as respondents to the suit coram.W.A.Atugaba See how he(Atugaba} visited the treasonable misbehavior of his colleagues/paneling the case to single supreme court on the petitioner being applicant in his judgment dated11/ 23/04. No wonder they chief/justices refused to list the case № J5/2/ 05 filed aginst them on 24/12/ 04,serve on them,No defence file,up todate Connivance in looting state coffers, media men in Ghana each given up to about over($ 90.000.00) ninty thousand dollars, is it for the gang up and or the salience?
8. It is petitioner(s) hope world citizenry, the international coumunity,U N and its agencies, governments and head of Governments and it institutions would not look on and bring itself intodisrepute and allow these historically barbaric cancar, these criminality/ terrorists/ traitors / treachery / wickedness / coupist / /mutineers/ cultists /witchery/wizards /envy and hatred for the petitioner(s) and truth /murderers / blood thirsty savages ( these demons are also in link with some wizards and witches claiming to be petitioner’s family/dependants/community members) this insanity tendency be perpetuated. And hope the world (leaders) will not / or must not appear cooperating/aiding/supporting this notorious treasonable criminals/state or orders (from jurisdiction of Ghana) and or by inviting and or hosting them as honorable men and women.
9. Until then any business done with this notorious criminals refer above (in the name of the republic of Ghana) is done at one’s own / country risk because this criminals are illegitimately contracting contracts recklessly and are in all forms of fraudulent alliances virtually as agents of their slave,(cult) masters, exploiting / selling, stealing the worth / resource of the people in the name of doing government business in the name of the people, thereby killing/ keeping the people impoverished and underdeveloped, to enable them (the criminals and their collaborators) perpetuate and entrench their slavery /neo colonial and demonic cultist agenda , for one day, the good people(of Ghana ) will not be responsible for this criminals actions and inactions.(what is more slavery or crime against humanity than one entering into an arrangement in which a Nation owed less than 50 percent “ share” of it owned “natural’’ resources?)
10. As for the clergy the way they are conducting themselves, I hope if Jesus Christ came again they will not gang up with the politician and intend to kill and kill him again .
11. The armed forces have a constitutional responsibility to intervene temporary, clean up this mess /this ‘’John John and Jimmie Jimmie” nonsense, restore the constitution hand over to a new clean civilian Government and quickly go back to barracks ( all this demons have soil their hands and are incapable of doing any clean up)
12. Human Right abuse anywhere is a threat to human right abuse everywhere.
13. By this copy print /circulate / past /sent to as many as you can.
14. By this correspondence, your advice assistance and representation.
15. The1992 republican constitution of Ghana is in deep trouble lawlessness is engulfing all of us. (petitioner have the capacity to defend any single word / adjective used)
16. I have decided to copy all head of states, Governments, it other arms of governments including it chiefs/ justices and several others. International morality is at stake.
17. Your Intervention Response and Reliefs sought. Please.
Yours in the struggle for democracy, rule of law, probity accountability human rights, Justice, liberty, and the struggle against crime against humanity /minority groupings

Kobla Carbonu
Spokesperson (for PETWI) Box md 124. Madina-Accra-Ghana. Mobile (233) 0244938277 / facebook/kobla Carbonu
NB My yahoo E-mail has been invaded and access tempered, I do not wont to think that it because yahoo is British owned organization.ICC web site claim it will not be dealing with cases before them and being dealt with in other united nations agencies or other regional bodies, how do people know it positions on issues, if ICC cannot communicate simple acknowledgment of receipt of their client petitions addressed to them, does this not raise contradiction issues on the claim independency of ICC What do UN/HRC and ICC do?. This petition was first transmitted to the petitioned(s) on 9/13/13 an copy several head of states and others(with some modification) Petitioner was brutally attacked and or attempt to murder petitioner by agents/forces believe to be agents of the above mentioned notorious treasonable criminals on 11/25/13 and other provocations. The violent treasonous conduct continues unabated
NB 2 This is also to call on charities benevolent philanthropic individual and organizations to assist us in kind or in cash
Tue, 23 Dec 2014 07:59 EST
Costica Ganga
Tue, 14 Oct 2014 13:38 EDT


Dear Iran, please don’t join to the World of Cannibalism and Children Sexual Abuse as did the majority of coward European Countries and not only. In my opinion it is braver to die on a Fighting Champ than in a Burger or other Food Product. What is happening with the Humanity is the most humiliating thing since there is life on this Planet. Please also propose and sustine Legislation regarding Children Sexual Abuse and whole this process of Extermination which must be Death Penalty, in order to be protected the Humanity and the Planet. I sent this material to the majority of Countries inclusive yours, and will send to all of them. Thanks.

Stop the blood!
Please direct this material to the Leaders of Europe or any Country in order to stop destroying the Humanity. This is hunting of Human beings and processing them in food and spare organs for making money rather than anything else. Please make sure that the GROUPS of people which go abroad and especially MINORS but also Elderly are returning in your Country and also if them are complete. Please, please, please elaborate the DEATH PENALTY LEGISLATION IMMEDIATELY. Thanks.



PLEASE DON’T IGNORE. IT IS VERY SERIOUS, IMPORTANT AND URGENT. Please READ EVERYTHING and also, talk to your colleagues and spread as much as you can this material. Please also let know your Government and as many other Institutions and people as possible because there are lots of barriers for me and I do not know how many of my emails are received.


Dear anti Islamic State Coalition Conference

I am the individual who sent the same material with the same message in all the places where take place meetings of this anvergure, to almost all Countries of the World, Embassies, Personalities; Politic, Artistic, Sportive and so on.

There are problems to be asked, as:

How and why has been born this movement, this State? Iraq was more than 10 years under occupation, for as called processes of; democratization, education, training, etc… where lost their lives an indefinite number of victims. Syria is in turmoil for more than 3 years which also produced more than 3 millions victims death and still alive. How?, I don’t know. But why? I presume in order to defend the children, elderly, disabled and other vulnerable people left alive on their territory as should do others around 200 cowards Nations allover the World.

I, personally, am against of any kind of violence and terrorism existent. They killed 3 individuals for the reasons that only they know. Why did not kill all of them? But, what about millions of children abused cruelly sexually for making money and killed or in process? What about who knows the number of: elderly, disabled, and other vulnerable people killed and processed in the Food and others Industries, that infected all Food, Cosmetics and who knows which other Markets? What about the elderly and other people from the periphery of Society which probably are not compatible with Food Industry or other useful purposes and became waxy color? What about whole this process of Extermination? Some people are unaware that is not going to be exterminated almost 7 billions of people that are born and legitimated to live on this Planet, does not mater what color, religion, education, disability they have.

I found described the killing of those victims with expressions as: ‘pure evil’ (I don’t know how correct is literarily, for me is kind of ‘clear dirt’), heinous, monstrous, cowardice, etc…which is truth, but they are 3 persons only and have been taken responsibility by someone. What about the babies that are abused sexually from the ages of months in a continuous process, probably until are killed, the vulnerable people that are trapped in different places as stadiums for sportive manifestations or music gigs, in shops, banks, museums, expositions, restaurants, café shops, pubs and other obvious public places where anyone goes without reserves and get killed. Is there more bravery?

I have given the solution before, for more that 1 year, but none have taken it in consideration. This is DEATH PENALTY for: anyone involved in touching sexually any child under sex consent, anyone who get involved in this process of Extermination: the ones that touch any human being in order to be evaluated in Food, Cosmetics, Spare Organs and other purposes. The ones who infect vulnerable people with: Ebola, Cancer, Leukaemia and other diseases with different poisonous drugs or with electronic tools. This Legislation must be elaborated now and allover the World.
I also suggest to be convoked all the people responsible for these disasters, which speak with their fingers, and move the event to Hague for a longer period of meditation.


Dear all European and World’s Countries

For almost 1 year I become aware of the process of Extermination that takes place. In this way I tried and I’m trying very hard to alert all the Institutions and People Responsible in this Country, where I live, Europe, and all over the Planet. The things go to worse instead of stopping the whole process and starting investigations and bringing to JUSTICE the criminals. They are enforcing the process; make it obvious at the moment helped by the MOB that became very aggressive.

• It started with Children Prostitution and finish them in different ways as I signalled before, proof is that are missing a quarter of million of children annually only in the European Union and now the number for sure rose. The process continues incessantly.

• We managed to move Vietnam in Arabic World and now in Europe, started with Ukraine. This also is a predicted process where the European Union is active part.

• On 20/08/2013 I sent a letter to the most powerful Countries of Europe (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain) where between others, sarcastically, in order to show the ridicule, the inability, incapability of top Politicians, is mentioned that if there are too many people on Planet, to be sacrificed the elder extreme of Society (letter enclosed). Yes, they started indeed to sacrifice the elderly and in general vulnerable people, but processing them in the Food Industry (with profit and infecting everything related to food, so the atmosphere became more than unbearable), in a very accelerating rhythm without any mercy. I can see old people on streets; hopeless, scared, because they are already aware of their fate, inclusive myself (being threatened at any steep). They want to realize even more than PERPETUAL MOTION. How cleaver are they!

• Stop immediately body language with hands and fingers and confusing language for MANIPULATION used by Politicians, Media and other Influential People in order to avoid evidences of their crimes. Regulations for TV and Radio Stations and the most; the Central Ones as Euronews and France 24 and even suspending them.

There are many others terrible things which I hope will be investigated in the Society of every Country. I address this appeal again to the Embassies of all Countries because I did it before to Everyone at all levels and none have taken any responsibility and measures, and also could not be found any email address anymore in order to contact Governments. Please do it yourselves in order to be eliminated these terrible thing that are happening with the Humanity and the Planet.

We need immediately implemented the little phrase suggested before as Legislation; “Death punishment to be applied to any adult that touches with sexual intentions any under sex consent aged; girl or boy, to anyone that provides these innocent victims in order to be abused, and to anyone who assists in any way these criminal actions”, including now Death Penalty for everyone linked with the primitivism of CANIBALISM.

It will follow immediately European elections; please inform politicians at any level and the electorate, in order to be put in front of us real Leaders, normal people in order to become again Free People in a Free Europe and a Free World as use to be. Apologizes and Thanks.

With great respect,

Costica Ganga
23 Palmerston Place
Dublin 7

Dear Mr James Morton

In attention of the Garda Siochana Ombudsman Commission

Thanks for the letter sent by your Office on 09/09/2014 and received by my on 11/09/2014.

First of all I want to remind the correct address of the place where I live from June 2002, which is 23 Palmerston Place, Broadstone, Dublin 7, as mentioned above and explained in the previous letter of complain, that I enclose. I also enclose in an envelope a copy of an ESB bill in order to confirm it.

As I described in the previous letter the illegal and unprofessional practices used in arresting me on 24/05/2014, and releasing on bail with that strange Form, made me acknowledge your and other Offices and Personalities.

As recommended in your letter that your Office could be contacted if it is the case, I have to share my anxiety and ask for help. I will relate what happened since I sent the previous letter.

As could be seen in that Form (enclosed), I had the first term in the District Court on 18/06/2014, 10:30 in Court No 2. In the previous day I received a text message from the Solicitor Simon Fleming that reminded me about the attendance but in Court Nr 3. I got information about the place and ask also why it is Court No 3. I was told ‘carry on’ and recommended me to go to Court No 2.

Just before 10:30 I was contacted by a young blonde Lady, as Solicitor which asked me to sign a Form as said for Legal Aid. It was my turn, I was in that box, none asked me any question, after that the same Lady told me that next term will be on 16/07/2014, 10:30. She also told me that Mr Simon Fleming will appoint me the following week to his Office. I agreed but I got information where the Office is and someone whispered me that I am on a dangerous field. Mr Fleming texted me for an appointment and I refused it, in change I sent him the same material regarding everything about the case, the same material sent to your Office.

The following time 16/07/2014, 10:30 I have been contacted by another young brunette Lady Solicitor. I was told that I plead ‘No guilty’, and after my appeal, she told me about next appointment on 12/09/2014, 12:00 noon.

On 12/09/2014 I was in Court almost 1 hour before. Just 15 minutes before 12:00 I was contacted this time by Mr Fleming. He closed his palm and started to move it to mouth repeatedly and told me to accompany him to the Reception. I asked what it was it about and he started a body language with his arms and fingers. I stopped him, asking to speak English because I can’t stand that language. He than reminded me that I have 3 charges and I have to plea guilty, that this Judge is not very nice. I explained him that he was appointed by the other side, and he does not represent me, I do not plea guilty, that I am the hurt part, to do what should be done and I will contest.

Later Mr Fleming asked me to follow out of the Sale of meeting and told me that will be my turn, that the other part is not there, that is the last part of the process and I have to come back at 2:30 p.m. I did not mind and I told him that I will, bearing in mind the phrase from that Form: ‘at every place and time to which during the course of the proceedings the hearing may be adjourned until my presence is no longer required to answer the said charge(s).’ The time passed, I think it was after 1:00 p.m. and in the Sale remained just a couple of Irish people, a family of; I think Romanian Romma, myself and the number of Garda Officers rose up to 10. It was called my name and I went in front of the Judges, trying to go in that box where I was first time. Then one of the Officers stopped me touching my stern with his palm, but I felt hurt as by a contondant object. I was told that the appeal is adjourned for the following Friday, on 19/09/2014, at 12:00 noon. I went out followed by the Solicitor who also repeated about the last appeal. I asked him for a formal letter of appointment in Court because every time I receive a phone text, he promised, seeing that knows the address, but I haven’t received it until today Wednesday 17/09/2014 when I’m writing this letter.

The afternoon of that day everyone in crowd whispered to me; ‘tonight you will die’. In that night next door to me, a place where are abusing children sexually signaled by me to Garda Bridwell, it was a full time party as almost every night since the Discretionary Medical Cards were redistributed. I avoid using the common toilet on the basement during the night, but on Saturday morning when I had to use it, in the flat next door to toilet it was noise and music very loudly just beside the door. I thought that the door was open but it was not. When I went back to my flat, the individual that lives next door to me was on top of stairs, like waiting for me. I avoid, going out in the back space, and he disappeared.

On Saturday afternoon at 6:00 p.m. I was in Mary’s Street. My mobile rang twice but I didn’t answer because of bully. It was left a voice message from the No 35316668040 that says in a kind of Dublin accent and a bit difficult for my level of English: that is Garda Sergeant McEvoy, the one from Friday that could not be there for disclosure, that will be next Friday and if I have any queries to ring a name (?) on 01 8668000, “will answer your sister” (my sister?).

In the same evening at around 9:00 p.m. I heard knocking in the front door (never for me), opened immediately by the man from next door to mine, and knocking in my door. I opened and it was a well breaded Garda Officer in uniform in his mid 30’s. He started in a body language to explain something, I told him that I don’t understand, then he told me in few words that the process does not go on, but I have to go to Court for Hearing, Airing, Earring, Ironing?, I don’t really know what to think and believe.

I am an individual who wants to think that is punctual, and respects the rules and Laws in any circumstances, excepting the situations in which does not know or understand them. In this situation I do not know what to do, to attend or not that appeal, reason for, I ask for your help.

Your sincerely

Costica Ganga


Please help and make things right

On Saturday 24/05/2014, afternoon after 2:p.m., can’t remember exactly, I was in Mary’s Street just in front of Peter Mark Hairdressing Shop, when a Garda Officer in uniform arrested me.

For almost 1 year, more precisely the second part of July 2013 when I found out about Children Sexual Abuse (I was and I am so well isolated as I had no idea of the Drama), I am devastated and I promise to myself to do everything in my power as long as I am alive or the problem will be solved to help in the process of eliminating this shameful segment from the History of this Planet.

In this way, at an individual level, I wrote letters and sent them allover the World, and posters with limited number of words, within the rules of decency and Legality, I think, posted them on my chest and on my back, and I started to walk daily the main streets of Dublin City Center in order not to impress, but to beseech everyone involved in Children Prostitution; victims, abusers, organizers, and asked for the appropriate Legislation; Death Punishment for anyone involved in this process.

Later, when I become aware that this it is about a complex process of Extermination, my desperation rose and in different situations I started to express myself vocally, also only in a positive way, not because it is what I like or want, but because couldn’t stop myself, out of my wish. If 25 years ago someone would have p
Thu, 21 Nov 2013 16:46 EST
Death confirmation of iranian citizen in moscow
Can you please confirm the death of an iranian citizen in moscow name : Ruf Spiridonoff .

Thank you and best regards .

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