Indonesian flag Embassy of Indonesia in Bandar Seri Begawan

AddressLot. 4498, Simpang 528
Kampung Sungai Hanching Baru
Jalan Muara
Bandar Seri Begawan BC 2115
Phonelocal: 233.0180
international: +673.233.0180
Faxlocal: 233.0646
international: +673.233.0646
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Comments on this Embassy

Marcellus Mario Putra Prayoga
Sat, 19 Jan 2013 08:21 EST
NEED JOB in Brunei Darussalam
My Name is Marcellus,
I'm Indonesian Citizenship
I'm 32 years old.Currently my profession is as a DRUM Instructor,in Gilang Ramadhan Studio Band (GRSB) in Tangerang-Indonesia.
I've been being a DRUM Instructor for nearly 11 years since 2002.
Myself,have graduated from The Jakarta of Art Institute, Najoring Drum,Bachelor of Art,Central Jakarta,Indonesia.
Here,I'm looking for a job in Brunei Darussalam
Related to my field of study (as a drum teacher)in a music school there or any vacancies related to my background&interest.
Could you (KBRI) help me out for this chance??
Thank You..
Or perhaps,I need to move&stay in Brunei in advance in order to get a job there ??
Please need much that info..
To :

Regards,Marcellus Mario Putra Prayoga
Sat, 29 Dec 2012 00:08 EST
lowongan kerja di KBRI

Saya Hafizudin, saya baru saja menyelesaikan bidang studi saya di Universitas Islam Negri Bandung, jurusan B. Inggris dan sekarang Saya ingin bekerja di KBRI.
Dengan ini saya ingin mengetahui informasi tentang lowongan kerja di KBRI. Jika Bapak/ ibu berkenan, bapak/ibu dapat mengirimkan informasinya ke alamat e-mail saya :

sebelum nya saya ucapkan terima kasih

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