Dominican Republic flag Honorary Consulate of the Dominican Republic in St. John's

AddressSuite #2, Stapleton House
Stapleton Lane
St. John's
Antigua and Barbuda
Phonelocal: (268) 562.6570
international: +1.268.562.6570
Faxlocal: (268) 784.1672
international: +1.268.784.1672

Comments on this Honorary Consulate

Morgan Lopez
Sat, 1 May 2021 15:28 EDT
Investment Offer

Dear Respectfully,

In my long years of work with top financial management companies in the Madrid - Spain, I presently have two clients (Non Europeans) who have funds to give out for investment either on equity or loan basis.

The areas to be considered for the investment are as follows Real estate, Oil & Gas, Agriculture, Health, Aviation, Tourism, Retail, Construction, IT & Communications, Technology, Education, Energy, Engineering, Utilities, Telecoms, Mining, Maritime, sustainable energy and host of other profitable ventures.

Intending beneficiaries must have a business plan and show their capability to manage huge funds. The beneficiary must be able to deliver good and sustainable returns on investment to the investor annually. If you are that person or establishment seeking to expand your existing business or you have new ideas waiting for implementation, the opportunity is here.

I wait your reply as to proceed immediately.


Barr. Morgan Lopez, Esq.
sabaan nasr eldinbasher
Wed, 20 Feb 2013 03:17 EST
I request you to acceptThanks
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01121490945This notebook(1)
Sat, 19 Jan 2013 20:55 EST
Master interpreeting dreams whom the king named Belteshazzar now let Daniel be called and he will show the interpretation.

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