Venezuela flag Botschaft von Venezuela in Bern

AdresseSchwarzenburgstrasse 73, level 3-A
3097 Berne (Bern)
Telefonnummerlokale: (031) 350.5757
internationale: +41.31.350.5757
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internationale: +41.31.350.5753
Telefaxzahllokale: (031) 350.5758
internationale: +41.31.350.5758

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Anmerkungen über diese Botschaft

Gertrud Chantal Müller
Thu, 20 Nov 2014 06:53 EST
2004 the intriguie gang has hired 600 persons for fundraising basle no fund raising happened and children adopted ! as fake reltavies not placable anywhere nor children! The Intrigue gang 1989 against me Major John Banks and especially -my family-the rich
2004 the intriguie gang has hired 600 persons for fundraising basle no fund raising happened and children adopted ! as fake reltavies not placable anywhere nor children! The Intrigue gang 1989 against me Major John Banks and especially -my family-the rich family marriage Gang hoping for better4 future with 500 not placable and not placeble children !Again -Omer L rains is higly protected against intrigue Gang -and against fake relatives-Adopters ! No fund raising no hope for adopters !Kurt as Adopter and fundraiser hierer as faqke -releatives also hoping for -rich marriages for her self-with Jeghen Jamel- as 1989 Intrige against me Major John Banks and especially -against oomer L Rains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gertrud Chantal Müller
Thu, 20 Nov 2014 06:35 EST
Casino Greece -the Intrigue gang 1989-Casino Greece the fake relatives gang has billed clinic in greece and fake Dentist clinic in Egypt
the Intrigue gang fake relatives hoping for rich marriages greek clinic billed and fake dentist clinic egypt- as fake relatives! gang has billed this to Omer L Rains and my family-The Intrigue gang to get cash The Intrigue gang 1989 hoping for rich marriages and bought casino with it in Greece- Again Omer L Rains is highly protected against intrigue gang by my whole family!And woldwide my Familys only attorney!
Gertrud Chantal Müller
Wed, 19 Nov 2014 09:32 EST
against the intrigue gang : all to Black Rock fund manager So is the joky intrigue gang neutralized! and intrigues ends The powerfull Black Rock group USA is not breakable by intrigue gang !
the joky intrigue gang who bought not tradable securities intrigues the joky intrigue gang who bought not tradable securities intrigues - prudential bache wachovia jeffries jokes again the gang who wanted to marry rich families as mine and omer l Rains-IDIOTS NEVER GIVES UP HOPE!ESPECIALLY AFTER NOT TRADABLE INSURANCE SECURITIES !
Gertrud Chantal Müller
Tue, 18 Nov 2014 05:01 EST
Unique worldwide sold tis over worlde to become uniqie woldbank insurer unique woldwide woldbank projet holder and woldbank insuer as one Lausanne affress Amadrauz Jean Louis de Bon 5-7 Afddress -insurer-the intrigue gang worldbank insurer worldbank proj
All Woldbank projects and all insuraces for worldbank projects One person Marx Pierre Alain-as intrigue all should have gone into his pocket and controlled he sold this worldwide to get cash for his casino desaster as unique woldbank project holder and –insurer other joke hoping into rich families into rich marriages the 1989 itrigue gang against Major John Banks me and my sister with spanish desaster time share jokes re insurance findabler in internet as worldbank insuirer si9ns 60 years –stephan richard beside insurer withj amadrauz and Alexander X wanted to control market for Lausanne below station gang-insurer Rodriguez! gang is findable in Pre Fleuri Bar Lausanne ! Same gang hope by marriages- into rich families!Insurance Underwriters existent over Switzerland and millions worldwide!Bagi Andrieu-belongs to Pre Fleuri Gang Lausanne with Moser-Marechall Insurer Desaster and rich marriage hopers !Idiots Mythomanes and psychophates existent everywhere !
Gertrud Chantal Müller
Mon, 17 Nov 2014 17:52 EST
the joky intrigue gang who bought not tradable securities intrigues - prudential bache wachovia jeffries jokes again the gang who wanted to marry rich families as mine omer l Rains and- especially me
the joky intrigue gang who bought not tradable securities intrigues - prudential bache wachovia jeffries jokes again the gang who wanted to marry rich families as mine and omer l Rains-IDIOTS NEVER GIVES UP HOPE!ESPECIALLY AFTER NOT TRADABLE INSURANCE SECURITIES !
Gertrud Chantal Müller
Mon, 17 Nov 2014 16:56 EST
Not tradable insurance securities the gang bought -as desaster -for projects -the 1989 intrigue gang the male female prostitute gang -what they have dione not tradable insurance debenture concluded for trading with immence end desaster!the gang hoping to
Not tradable insurance securities the gang bought- became- Desaster! -for projects -the 1989 intrigue gang the male female prostitute gang -what they have dione not tradable insurance debenture concluded for trading with immence end desaster!the gang hoping to get-immence cash-to get-rich marriage- with- me my family and- Omer L Rains- -Family !
Gertrud Chantal Müller
Mon, 17 Nov 2014 15:20 EST
the intrigue gang 1989 who made a collection as fake relatives fake father of non existing child with my doll who had a white rose fress on- from the early 60 ties
billed it to me and Omer L rains as-pension knowing this Comes not from us !Nor the fake vather nor the mother! Gehe gang who hopes for rich marriages into my Family and Omer L rains Family Luxembourg was gang with past Police commander fired 2002 as they got with weapons Georges accouths signed then later 2008 weapons over Omer L Rains fortune acccounts under -theirs power -hoping later to come back with stolen fiunds as triing to make-rich marriage into my Family and Omer L rains -Family to share -stolen funds with my and Omer L rains Family -married with them! IDIOTS ARE EVERY WHERE OMER L RAINS IS WORLDWIDE FOR EVER MY FAMILYS ONLY ATTORNEY EVEN WITH STOLEN FORTUNE AND HIGHLY PROTECTED- AGAINST- THE INTRIGUE GANG! TO KNOW AS FORTUNE MANAGER ONE HAS TO CET CLAWS TO DEFEND RAINS FAMILY -AND MINE-AGAINST-INTRIGUES!-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Gertrud Chantal Müller
Mon, 17 Nov 2014 14:51 EST
collection of my dolls dolls table 1950 ties buggy and whatever the intrigue gang:Still better the gang collected in my whole family-as fake relatives the baby my my sisters Wickerbasket from the 40ties -- Osierbasket-buggy been by someone we did not meet
a dinner table for dolls in small size as the big ones for children findable i8n each Restaurant a whole collection they got together to hope -as proove -to get-rich marriage-with me!
Gertrud Chantal Müller
Mon, 17 Nov 2014 10:59 EST
the intrigue gang stole all my clothes for intrigue against Major John Banks against Omer L Rains and against my family-trick how to wash tailleurs and uniforms - is spite of tussue fabric conditionner at last moment -add liquid starch
and iron with a Little bit salt inside then you avoid dry cleaners- all is like new Again Onlya Omer L Rains is worldwide my Family s attorney He is highly protected against intrigue gang- by my Family
Gertrud Chantal Müller
Sun, 16 Nov 2014 20:41 EST
linux i got a copy from cibercafe aeschenvorstadt as gift for my computer the intrigue gang wanted to make a coup prewtending to be imnventor of the of Linux !
no they used this fore Kidnapping of Georges and Omer L Rains to get with guns theirs accounts under theirs control then tried to get rich marriage -with stolen funds 2005 2006 2008 -in Rains fortune in my-and rains Family after having used -guns to get our account!-the intrigue 1989 gang againsat me Pmer L rains and against Major Banks!Linux Inventors! The Intrigue coup stole my discette or stick 2004 Gang pretended to be-inventoor of Linux!I got it as gift copy by Aeschenvorstadt Basle He never pretended to be Inventor !

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