Vereinigte Arabische Emirate flag Botschaft von Vereinigte Arabische Emirate in Den Haag

AdresseEisenhowerlaan 130
2517 KN Den Haag
Telefonnummerlokale: (070) 338.4370
internationale: +31.70.338.4370
Telefaxzahllokale: (070) 338.4373
internationale: +31.70.338.4373

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Anmerkungen über diese Botschaft

Gertrud Chantal Müller
Thu, 27 Feb 2014 17:45 EST
As i cannot inform our dear Ali Thani abouth this my tender thoughts to him he was right some shames happends in Switzerland also to his horses in the past
A tender thougt to Ali Thani Al Swaidi and Senator Omer L Rains who wanted to save Major John Banks FBI and CIA under cover Agent

What i want world wide to be known what happened in Switzerland 1985 December 23th A drug dealer was killed in a Hotel in Zurich Switzerland by rwo CIA Agent. 2 Days laters the two CIA agents, Major John Banks and his Partner were released and brought by Swiss Police to Border to leave- free to go home to avoid industry scandal .Bevore they had to sign a paper stating they will accept for coming 10 years not to come back to Switzerland .What was behind: Sins 1966 Switzerland sold Heroin and L S D to USA as pain medecine for Military later highly vorbidden they contignued
1966 President5 Kennedy unable to walk without krutches or iron backrest, knowing what is immense pain thinking sincerely as whole Europe United States-worldwide as the whole medical Profession HEROIN LSD would be the best medecine against pain not having experiance of synthetic drugs and dependency The Kennedy Family ordered it for US Army As Switzerland delivered still in 1985 those drugs into US Army creating dependancy,USA sent two CIA Agent to Zurich to execute this USA past CIA Agents and with a telephon to CIA- Switzerland released Major John Banks to Border Wanting CIA to keep Swiss Industry Desaster confidebntial As Desaster in Lausanne -attorney heared abouth he thought he could use this to release the criminels with pressure of government and capture both past CIA agents as slaves worse to use knowledge and to start Emerald traffic Diamond Traffic Heroin traffic cocain Lausanne as worldwide prostitituion Network Base to repear BCVF Bank Desaster UBS Bank Desaster properties Desaster made finance fraud- past social Desasters immense City debts debts of Billions City Close Geneva -L. with traffic of rough Diamonds and emeralds rough Gold Heroin cocain LSD
A past ki9dnappers has also be saved out of jail to escape with same adea

also they tried to destroy Nigaragua
Love to John F Kennedy US President and his Family who sincerely thought together with his brother those synthetic drugs and heroin would be a very good pain medecine and shame over Switzerland for what happened as even Senator Rains -agains past Swiss Police gang got as detective Company tried to save Major John Banks. A banbkrupsy firm Biorax without address and foundation without address stolen originals from Company had to manage exchanged names of responsibles to use it for following - creating a Virus to knock down governments to pay red cross depts heay terrorism Network Turkish Armenia Irak Iran organizing from Switzerland terrorism acts also against USA What a Family Arn has escaped, a list of all army commanders to deliver drugs What else happened a Shooting outside of Cinema situation they shot and past Police as detective involved exchanged weapons against innocent CIA weapon to record this the guilties not findable of course in the City to escape to Irak Albania etc from jail Used mentionned above Innocents as guilties decleared
Same ECs Chaqvornay they stole originals of creation of Company Name of responsibles and after they had to Close they exchanged names still clandestin working
Gertrud Müller
Fri, 13 Sep 2013 14:38 EDT
i was a very good friend of Ali Thani Al Swaidi please check if a fake Al Swaidi was working a few days in United nations went trough system with a
Exellences we have a v ery strong polce Mafia gang who sues Innocents to get a first contact creates hunderts of victims Ali Thani Al swaidi has been with your ambassy victim of same also Senator omer l rains Pharaon Family Zureikat Family Khan jewleriy Family and Hinduja Family same for others high politiciens same king of Morocco please with known oriental discretion Please check if a fake Ali Thani Al swaide was working a few days in United Nations to get a Al Swaidi Pension as future heritier Thaliban gang in Geneva

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