Russland flag Botschaft von Russland in Washington

Adresse2650 Wisconsin Ave NW
Washington DC 20007
Vereinigten Staaten
Telefonnummerlokale: (202) 298.5700
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Anmerkungen über diese Botschaft

Sat, 17 Sep 2016 12:34 EDT
Dear Sir or Madam,
this is very important, pls listen to me it is more than
important, I have recently written a few messages to the Russian embassy in Germany, but I do think that I should contact you as well. It is about Turkey and Siria. Turkey is, as you know, unfortunately a Nato-member. Well, it is as ist is right now. They support ISIS and all kinds of terrorism in the Near and Middle East - no that is not my imagination, no, but that is something that our secet service /BND- BUndesnachrichtendienst - found out. It was readable in all leading newspapers, it was not kept as a secret, everybody who is interested in politics had the option to know about it, and an interested person is interested in policy and politics. So, Turkey supports the IS and other criminal fascistic groups in the Near and Middle East because it wants its Ottoman Empire back. They want an Empire that steches from Morokko to Sarajevo, and now look on the map and find out which country joins the Middle and Near East and North Africa with Turkey?? That is clearly Siria. The Turkish Army works on an invasion. It is Europe. Talk to your embassy in Berlin, they know more about it all- you are in danger as well think of the Tatars - they joined the bloody German Army in the second war - so much about loyality. I hate illoyal people

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