Rumänien flag Generalkonsulat von Rumänien in New York

Adresse200 East 38th Street
New York, NY 10016
Vereinigten Staaten
Telefonnummerlokale: (212) 682.9122
internationale: +1.212.682.9122
Konsulats-Telefonnummerlokale: (212) 682.9120
internationale: +1.212.682.9120
Telefaxzahllokale: (212) 972.8463
internationale: +1.212.972.8463

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Anmerkungen über diese Generalkonsulat

Marianne Burgener
Sat, 14 Sep 2013 13:03 EDT
Stop kill stray dogs
Dear Government of Romania.

Stop killing stray dogs! Stop that inhuman cruelty – stop war against dogs! Animals can feel pain – they have feelings. Please treat them with respect. Romanian animals are Romanians too! Please work toghether with foreign orgnizations that help you with their sterilization-programs. Let them work instead to hinder them! Please let your dogs travel to western Europe, please feed them. But stop kill them! This is certainly not your country that you want to see us! Please show us a friendly and respectful Romania. Like you treat your stray animals – you treat your people!

Kind regards

Marianne Burgener - and my stray dog from Bulgaria

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