Luxemburg flag Ehrenkonsulat von Luxemburg in Sofia

EhrenkonsulMme Sasha BEZUHANOVA
Adresse100, rue Rodopski Izvor
1618 Sofia
Telefonnummerlokale: (02) 818.5075
internationale: +359.2.818.5075

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Anmerkungen über diese Ehrenkonsulat

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 15:03 EDT
Greetings, I am a Syrian citizen Khaled Khalil, from the Syrian Golan, and we live in Damascus refugee camp Alspinh for displaced people, and when the events began in our logic of violent incidents to the destruction of homes and "... but the security situation is intolerable became, but I was forced to out, and it was stronger than me conditions. first,), so much so that no one goes out at night, for fear of assassination can be, not to mention the bombing, who was night and day, and I my family and go next door to the village, and safer, but soon come to these villages tour and my family and I went to Damascus to get refugee status in the school for refugees and time after time, has been standing for hours and SAT before the harassment and FAQs inspection, after the abduction of girls from the streets and began incredible things, and then decided to travel to Turkey, and I and my wife and children, and five We now live in Istanbul, but the circumstances do not go as I wished for the children of my children and graduates in the field of computer and sports, and I have a degree in mechanics and all certificates from the embassy in the Syrian Foreign Ministry, and all the required documents for me and my family, and asked humanitarian asylum because it narrowed the world in my eyes and I want the best for the future of my children, thank you very much 

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