Liberia flag Botschaft von Liberia in Paris

Adresse12 Place du Général Catroux
75017 Paris
Telefonnummerlokale: 147.635.855
internationale: +33.147.635.855
Telefaxzahllokale: (01) 4212.7614
internationale: +33.1.4212.7614

Anmerkungen über diese Botschaft

sean hross
Thu, 31 Jul 2014 04:47 EDT
The Swiss are responsible for that new Ebola outbreak in Africa, so the SVP Nazis of Switzerland can bring new restrictive laws into parliament, which allow them to close their borders from immigrants and using their newly built concentration camps to isolate all immigrants and use their recent 2013 laws of compulsory vaccination; those swiss Nazis have been doing this before together with the South Africans, Wouter Basson, the Basel chemical industries and General Peter Regli of the swiss secret service - the Swiss did it before, and now they did it again; this is wellknown and documented, look it up. (

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