Dominikanische Republik flag Ehrenkonsulat von Dominikanische Republik in Istanbul

EhrenkonsulMrs Lalia Gonzalez
AdresseMeclisi Mebusan Cad. 31
Murat Han Kat 6
34427, Findikli, İstanbul
Telefonnummerlokale: (0212) 293.8356
internationale: +
Telefaxzahllokale: (0212) 293.8335
internationale: +

Anmerkungen über diese Ehrenkonsulat

Hannen diko
Thu, 10 Sep 2015 05:17 EDT
1- In English
A beautiful good day
At the first of all , we thank you for your interest in us to respond our letter and we have responded. This guide your interest in the people and humanity
here we send the name, first name, patronymic and birthdays of people who can helfenund of this hell and get out from Syria, the urgent humanitarian compassion are want to leave These people are now living on the Syrian-Turkish border in the area estimated within Syrian territory with Turkey. We see in this that the Syrian people you hope in the Survivor .
Thank you from my heart for this interest and we hope that we have a positive response from you. And here are the names and birth dates of people who wait in distress and your help.
Here are the persons , familey names ,First names , father names und date of birth day and they are all from Syrian - Aleppo :
- Familien Namen - Vorname mit Vatername und Geburtsdatum :
- HANAN- AHMAD AKASH - 24 . 02.1965
- OTHMAN - AMINA MOHAMAD - 06.03.1962
- HANNAN - AHMAD BAHRI - 26.06.2012 - Das Kind
- DIKO - ROKAN TAHIR - 29.04.1990
- BAHRI - HANNAN AHAMAD - 12.01.1991
- BAHRI - AKACH AHMAD - 13.11.1955
- ABDO - HEDAYT SHUKRI - 10.02.1955
- AHMAD - FiDAN BAHRI - 01.10.1987
- AHMAD - BAHRi AHMAD - 14.11.1981
- SHEIKHO - HIVIN M.MUIR - 30.1.1985
- AHMAD - NSREEN BAHRY - 20.011984
- ALI - MUSTAFA MOHAMAD - 01.012012
- DIKO - EDRIS AHMAD - 21.12.1988
- DIKO - FIDAN AHMAD - 02.01.1980
- DIKO - NEZHAT AHMAD - 18.12.1977
- DIKO - MOHAMAD AHMAD - 25.11.1983
- DIKO - FATMEH AHMAD - 15.03.1975
- ALI - AHMAD MOHAMAD - 05.01.1977
- ALI - MILAD ALI - 14.03. 2002
- ALI - SEMAV AHMAD - 12.04.2007
- ALI - EVRA AHMAD - 01.01.2011
- AHMAD - AMINA AKKASH - 17.10.1954
- DIKO - AHMAD HANAN - 26.02 1946
- DEKOU - MARIAM AHMAD - 17.10.1986

many thank
Kontakt :
Hannen , Dieko Enyat
Borsigallee 13
53125 - Bonn
Tel .: 0049-1725245901
E- Mail:

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