Chile flag Botschaft von Chile in Rom

AdresseVia Po 23
00198 Roma (Rom)
Telefonnummerlokale: (06) 844.091
internationale: +39.06.844.091

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Anmerkungen über diese Botschaft

Michael H. Liegl
Fri, 20 Sep 2013 05:17 EDT
ESPINOZA Michel Antonio born 12 April 1984 Santiago de Chile
Dear Embajada!
According to Austrian Court decision from 2010 Mr.Espinoza has been in Italy, we as debt collection agency and investigation office are authorized to contact you to ask you if he has left with you as his embajada any kind of contact address, maybe in Chile, in Austria he has been only from April 2010 until July 2010. Could it be that he has been transferred from Austrian prison/jail directly to a jail in Chile and therefore we cannot hold of him in Italy. It would be nice if you could contact us, you can check our company also via internet on - please contact us even in case you have only negative information - Mr. Espinoza is the debtor, our client is Generali Versicherung (insurance company) the outstanding amount is more than € 8.000,00 in total - he made a burglary in 2010 and there is an Austrian Court decision against him - we could also forward documentation - please inform us, thank you very much, my direct email address is - I am the CEO thank

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