Syrian flag Embassy of Syria in Moscow

Addressul. Mansurovsky Per 4
Phonelocal: (0495) 203.1528
international: +7.495.203.1528
Faxlocal: (0495) 956.3191
international: +7.495.956.3191

Comments on this Embassy

Sat, 8 Apr 2017 10:35 EDT
Costica Ganga
Fri, 11 Sep 2015 08:10 EDT
Dear Arabic World: Syria first, other Arabic Countries, Arab League
Please distribute this message if possible to every Arab people. Thanks.


Dear Arabic World: Syria first, other Arabic Countries, Arab League

I am the same individual who sent this message a while ago, hopping that there is a desire of Peace, of protecting the Humanity and Planet, the Arabic Race, and I suggested an appropriate Legislation. Unfortunately no reaction from your side. I was hoping that in each Arabic Country will take place a process of reconciliation in order to keep your people in their Country rather in poverty but at least in Safety.

But again unfortunately the situation is, and is going a lot worse. Seems that you fully joined to this machinery of killing innocent people. If until now the dislocated people from Middle East and North of Africa were camped in neighbor Countries with the hope to go one day back to their places, now they are spreading allover the place without any hope (false promises, one direction as are seeing the philosophers in this part of the World). All these people from the most innocent child of weeks as age to the most educated one are lost for ever, part of them immediately, others in time. Does not matter how educated they are, they will be criminalized, because everything is based on crime and will be lost in time.
I do no like to expose myself, but I have been here for 17 years, I did everything possible to be part of Society; some education, different jobs, but 5 years ago I was thrown on streets without reason, I become unavailable for work (their tools), bulled in the most unimaginable ways, for 2 years without any income, in a permanent hunting process, at an age close to 63 years, help and hope from God only.

Is known that is needed the land, the Mediterranean Sea, but at least do not fight you against yourselves. Be united; keep your people home together, stop fighting, take your people home, share the little you have, because LIFE is the most precious thing for everyone. Back to Allah! You are deluded by the color of Dollar and Euro.

I insist, Arab World has a word to say; please in a single voice let ask together for the Legislation suggested below, which will change everything.

I order to show the sympathy for Arabic World I copy a poem of a Romanian poet not contemporaneous, the poem has been wrote in 1893, please translate it in Arabic Language, might it say something to you. In Romania is put even on musical notes. Thanks.

By George Cojbuc

La paşa vine un arab,
Cu ochii stinşi, cu graiul slab.
- "Sunt, paşă, neam de beduin,
Şi de la Bab-el-Manteb vin
Să vând pe El-Zorab.

Arabii toţi răsar din cort,
Să-mi vadă roibul, când îl port
Şi-l joc în frâu şi-l las în trap!
Mi-e drag ca ochii mei din cap
Şi nu l-aş da nici mort.

Dar trei copii de foame-mi mor!
Uscat e cerul gurii lor;
Şi de amar îndelungat,
Nevestei mele i-a secat
Al laptelui izvor!

Ai mei pierduţi sunt, paşă, toţi:
O, mântuie-i, de vrei, că poţi!
Dă-mi bani pe cal! Că sunt sărac!
Dă-mi bani! Dacă-l găseşti pe plac,
Dă-mi numai cât socoţi!

El poartă calul, dând ocol,
În trap grăbit, în pas domol,
Şi ochii paşei mari s-aprind;
Cărunta-i barbă netezind
Stă mut, de suflet gol.

- "O mie de ţechini primeşti?
- "O, paşă, cât de darnic eşti!
Mai mult decât în visul meu!
Să-ţi răsplătească Dumnezeu,
Aşa cum îmi plăteşti!

Arabul ia, cu ochii plini
De zâmbet, mia de ţechini -
De-acum, de-acum ei sunt scăpaţi,
De-acum vor fi şi ei bogaţi,
N-or cere la străini!

Nu vor trăi sub cort în fum,
Nu-i vor cerşi copiii-n drum,
Nevasta lui se va-ntrema;
Şi vor avea şi ei ce da
Săracilor de-acum! -

El strânge banii mai cu foc,
Şi pleacă, beat de mult noroc,
Şi-aleargă dus d-un singur gând,
Deodată însă, tremurând,
Se-ntoarce, stă pe loc.

Se uită lung la bani, şi pal
Se clatină, ca dus de-un val,
Apoi la cal priveşte drept;
Cu paşii rari, cu fruntea-n piept,
S-apropie de cal.

Cuprinde gâtul lui plângând
Şi-n aspra-i coamă îngropând
Obrajii palizi: - "Pui de leu,
Suspină trist. Odorul meu,
Tu ştii că eu te vând!

Copiii mei nu s-or juca
Mai mult cu frunze-n coama ta,
Nu te-or petrece la izvor:
De-acum smochini, din mâna lor,
Ei n-or avea cui da!

Ei nu vor mai ieşi cu drag
Să-ntindă mâinile din prag,
Să-i iau cu mine-n şea pe rând!
Ei nu vor mai ieşi râzând
În calea mea şirag!

Copiii mei cum să-i îmbun
Nevestei mele ce să-i spun,
Când va-ntreba de El-Zorab
Va râde-ntregul neam arab
De bietul Ben-Ardun!

Raira, tu, nevasta mea,
Pe El-Zorab nu-l vei vedea
De-acum, urmându-te la pas,
Nici în genunchi la al tău glas
El nu va mai cădea!

Pe-Ardun al tău, pe Ben-Ardun,
N-ai să-l mai vezi în zbor nebun
Pe urma unui şoim uşor
Ca să-ţi împuşte şoimu-n zbor;
Nu-i vei pofti: Drum bun!

Nu vei zâmbi, cum saltă-n vânt
Ardun al tău în alb vestmânt;
Şi ca să simţi sosirea lui
Mai mult de-acum tu n-o să pui
Urechea la pământ!

O, calul meu! Tu, fala mea,
De-acum eu nu te voi vedea
Cum ţii tu nările-n pământ
Şi coada ta fuior în vânt,
În zbor de rândunea!

Cum mesteci spuma albă-n frâu,
Cum joci al coamei galben râu.
Cum iei pământul în galop
Şi cum te-aşterni ca un potop
De trăsnete-n pustiu!

Ştia pustiul de noi doi
Şi zarea se-ngrozea de noi -
Şi tu de-acum al cui vei fi?
Şi cine te va mai scuti
De vânturi şi de ploi?

Nu vor grăi cu tine blând,
Te-or înjura cu toţi pe rând
Şi te vor bate,-odorul meu,
Şi te-or purta şi mult, şi greu;
Lăsa-te-vor flămând!

Şi te vor bate,-odorul meu,
Să mori tu, cel crescut de noi!...
Ia-ţi banii, paşă! Sunt sărac,
Dar fără cal eu ce să fac:
Dă-mi calul înapoi!

Se-ncruntă paşa: - "Eşti nebun?
Voieşti pe ianiceri să-i pun
Să te de-a câinilor? Aşa!
E calul meu, şi n-aştepta
De două ori să-ţi spun!

- Al tău? Acel care-l crescu
Iubindu-l, cine-i: eu ori tu?
De dreapta cui ascultă el,
Din leu turbat făcându-l miel?
Al tău? O, paşă, nu!

Al meu e! Pentru calul meu
Mă prind de piept cu Dumnezeu -
Ai inimă! Tu poţi să ai
Mai vrednici şi mai mândri cai,
Dar eu, stăpâne, eu?

Întreagă mila ta o cer!
Alah e drept şi-Alah din cer
Va judeca ce-i între noi,
Că mă răpeşti şi mă despoi,
M-arunci pe drum să pier.

Şi lumea te va blestema,
Că-i blestem făptuirea ta!
Voi merge, paşă, să cerşesc,
Dar mila voastră n-o primesc -
Ce bine-mi poţi tu da?

Dă paşa semn. - "Să-l dezbrăcaţi
Şi binele în vergi i-l daţi!
Sar eunucii, vin, îl prind -
Se-ntoarce-arabul răsărind
Cu ochii îngheţaţi...

El scoate grabnic un pumnal,
Şi-un val de sânge, roşu val
De sânge cald a izvorât
Din nobil-încomatul gât,
Şi cade mortul cal.

Stă paşa beat, cu ochi topiţi,
Se trag spahiii-ncremeniţi.
Şi-arabul, în genunchi plecat,
Sărută sângele-nchegat
Pe ochii-nţepeniţi.

Să-ntoarce-apoi cu ochi păgâni
Şi-aruncă fierul crunt din mâini:
- "Te-or răzbuna copiii mei!
Şi-acum mă taie, dacă vrei,
Şi-aruncă-mă la câini!


Europe: Unity and vigilance

Dear Europe

What is happening? Did we forget about ‘Trojan Horse’, or do we ignore the History of all times as everything else? In my personal opinion what is happening now in Europe it is a “European Horse”. I am not a racist or a selfish individual, but I wander why all these people dislocated from Middle East together with their guides are not put in boats and directed to Los Angeles – the ‘Land of all opportunities’ where to meet the ones who created them? 15 years ago everyone in all destroyed regions use to have a roof, a family, a job - life. None was complaining in all these areas of anything. What it is today?

Dear Europe, this is another ‘home work’ given by the Americans and Media to Europe. They taught us; mass prostitution, how to prostitute and kill children, how to eat one - another. They do not bring anything with them, any value. They only collect the results, ‘the cream’, laugh and continue to conquer. They even collect Medals and Ordains. They do not care of anyone and anything, and finally even the Leadership of European Union will have the same destiny. They let you kill people and became reach, because they know that finally everything will be their’s. They found out that there are some toys in their nearby; Cuba, Mexico….

Whom action is this one? Poor refugees Afghan, Iraqi, Eritrean, Syrian have the nerve to make whole this mess in Europe? No dear Europe. They would be happy to get a roof where to protect their children and themselves, not to choose who knows what Paradise. This is an action well programmed and organized with the powerful European Political Personalities acknowledgement. Has started with Greece, now put in misery Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary, Austria, and is going to continue with Albania, Kosovo, Romania, Bulgaria…..,and anywhere else where still exists the notions of education, family, fear of GOD. In Hungary takes shape an Ukrainian Maidan. Only few years ago Germany was very determined to deport Muslim people, especially the Turkish ones. Now is going to receive; up to one million of refugees and immigrants for sure Muslims. Could be real? Here in Ireland a while ago I listened an interview with the Minister of Justice arguing that do not want any refugee from 600 deployed by the European Union. Last Sunday 30/08/2015 at noon’s News Program on National Radio Station RTE1, I listened a conversation between the broadcaster Richard Crowley and the Politician responsible with refugees from European Parliament I think, where this broadcaster was arguing; why only 600 refugees, that he wants 30-40.000. What a controversy! I do not want to make any other comments about; Mediterranean Sea or the sickening story of 71 people killed and will be covered by Media and forgotten as many, many, many, many, many,……… If indeed there are good intentions regarding this Planet, then stop the aggression allovers the World and help in rebuilding the so damaged regions, as people to live their lives where are born, in the places they love.

Dear Europe, this Old, Wise Continent lost completely its way. Please wake up from your dreams and open your eyes. I proposed many times before the solution, but you are as rascals children of 9 years of age whom brain never get to maturity. Please enact urgently these pieces of Legislation in order to get out of trouble.

Dear Leadership of Europe

I am not going to describe what I could see and read about what is happening in Europe; this organized chaos which amalgamates I think also in an organized mod; components from the most innocent children from the age of months with their own parents or occasional nannies , raw material for the Industry, traficants, processors, conquerors. Only Media knows. Dear Europe, all these atrocities are happening on the territory of this wonderful Continent and as is known; every action has its award. Stop please everything now by elaborating as Legislation these texts before You; the Leadership of this Continent will be sorry. Thanks.

“Death Punishment to be applied to any adult that touches with sexual intentions any under sex consent aged; girl or boy, to anyone that provides these innocent victims in order to be abused, and to anyone who assists in any way these criminal actions”.

‘Death Punishment to be applied to any individual who touches any vulnerable Human Being in order to be processed in the Food Industry and evaluating them for Spare Organs or shortening their lives because were born or became liabilities (with different poisonous drugs or Technology) for stealing their pensions or other form of income, as well to the ones who provide these Human Being in order to be processed ’. Thanks.


Dear Food ‘EXPO’ Milan

I am not in the position to give suggestions because I, myself am exposed to hunger. I am trying to express still only few of my personal opinions not as an expert, but because I think about what is logical, and also I would like to be seen the rest of material, might inspire some influential people in order to be elaborated the Legislation suggested.

First, the Human Being is not edible, because according to the creationist theory; first have been created Adam and Eve. If God would have allowed this indefinite act of eating one-another, then Adam would have eaten Eve or Eve would have eaten Adam and we would not have been now, here.
Regarding the creationist theory also is proofed, because we are here and in what a number, excepting isolate aspects occurred because of no information and education.

Everyone must know and be convinced that everything used by Human Being has as base the soil of this Planet. Nothing comes from anywhere else.

The arms, hands and fingers of Human Being must be used for creating goods and not for communication, instead of Legislation, except the unavoidable gestures coming from instinct.

People need to live in Peace in any place on this Planet, as each individual; to be born, get education, have a carrier (any-useful), have a family as numerous as could take care of, and to die when the time comes, and so on, and so on…..

For this, the influential people, if they want to help, to make sure that these only very few factors are respected, and to make sure that does not take place harvest of the most beautiful children as to be used in prostitution, and the most healthy people used in Food, Cosmetics,…. Industries. Also to be eliminated ‘no food’ factors which are smelling around.

Would be a bonus, if there is some money from anywhere, to be used in order to be provided for the unproductive areas; ploughs, hoes, shovels, spades, and other useful utensils, the adequate animals according with climate and relief and education from China which is a third part of Africa as surface, and feeds a population greater than Africa’s, without any complaint. This is not applicable for Africa only, but any area in need. Dollars is useless.

Please read the entire material if you wish, impose the Legislation suggested, and for sure at least 80% of problems will be solved. Thanks.


Dear all Country members of UN and Media

I sent this material to all email addressed found on line at the level of UN Organization with the request below written. I send it now to all Countries members of this Organization and Media in each Country as all together to agree and to request the only Legislation for salvation of the Humanity and Planet. Thanks.


Dear Russia

Every day, more; every second day and the most in weekends this Country; Ireland where I reside, is invaded by foreigner people of different ages and is well known what for. In the last period use to come people; the most groups of teenagers, seems to be Italians or Spanish. Yesterday 05/08/2015 among multiple groups could be seen a large group of a mixture of Blond, Caucasian, and a kind of Eskimos faces, well guarded by their as called teachers, but did not seem to be children of High Society. They seemed to expose themselves with blue T-shorts and even approached me. I asked where they were from, and the answer was; Russia.

Because of previous bad experiences I did not even try to listen if they were speaking Russian language, but my life experience inspired me that they were not Russians, and just tried to involve, even to denigrate Russia.

Nothing surprises me but to see Russia joining to this disastrous Program of Extermination, make me lose any hope. I, and suppose not only, are waiting for some miracles and one of them is the repetition of the process of liberation that happened 70 years ago from Extermination Camps in Germany, and this can’t come from anywhere else than from Russia together with others strong Countries of the World.

If Russia joined to this process, means that Russian People are not descendents of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, and the Humanity and the Planet are lost for ever, thing that I refuse to believe. Please impose the Death Penalty Legislation as suggested below in this message which simplifies a lot of problems. Thanks.

Great respect,


Dear Japan

Please impose: NEVER AGAIN by Legislation su
Zoheir Malki
Tue, 8 Sep 2015 13:14 EDT
Passpoer Re-new
Good Day,
I am in the US and i like to get new passport I was able to extend expiry date till 2019 at our consulat in Canada.........I need more pages as I have 4 pages left and need to travell outside US. Thanks my E-mail
Wed, 3 Jun 2015 18:27 EDT
adoption a Syrian orphan
Please give me an answer on my question,as nobody could give me the exact answer before.Are there any possibilities to adopt a syrian orphan by Russian family?
Sat, 13 Sep 2014 10:16 EDT
reissue a passport
would you please tell me how much time do i need to reissue a new passport? i have finished my duty in the army before and this was my first passport. so please tell me how much time do i need and yes my passport has expired five months ago... thanks in advance
Wed, 14 May 2014 09:55 EDT
our greetings :
please inform me about my passport i had sent to Syrian embassy in Baghdad about 1 month ago to renew it but not yet any answer please inform me any way .
my mobile : +9647721258827
email :
Wed, 8 Jan 2014 13:03 EST
NSA is 3rd
OUZouris is CIA
Wed, 8 Jan 2014 12:57 EST
kareem Abdul Jabbar and Lakers have a tamp from CIA to this network is Oli North is FSB and Lakers suckass per Gods will is Najera is junior Sei
Moustafa Kader
Mon, 23 Dec 2013 03:11 EST
dear gents would you please inform me how to renew my passport

I am resident in iraq Erbil

email address:
Cell phone : 009647503593106
Fri, 22 Nov 2013 11:41 EST
Assad are defender of Alevits Shiits Sunits and Christians in Syria!
I hope Syrian Arab Army will win the war against this Satanist Islamist Killers!They dont believe on God!When you see on Youtube what do this Bastards of FSA in Syria i think Humanity are not in their vocabulary!They let the Childern to cut off Head from the innocent People!Why USA and Europe EU dont see on what do this Bastards of FSA?They are Monsters!I hope the Syrian Arab army will kill them all this Bastards of FSA Islamist Satanist Army!Long Live Bashar al Assad Syrian arab Army and all Alevit Shiit and Christians of Syria!God bless you and your Country,we Serbian are with you and we Pray for you!

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