Iran flag Embajada de Iran en Madrid

DirecciónCalle Jeres, 5
Madrid 28016
Teléfonolocal: 91.345.0116
internacional: +34.91.345.0116
Teléfono Consularlocal: 91.359.2353
internacional: +34.91.359.2353
Faxlocal: 91.345.1190
internacional: +34.91.345.1190

Comentarios acerca de esta Embajada

Wed, 30 Jul 2014 07:54 EDT
Libertad para Arzhang Davoodi
Iran cuna de cultura riquísima en tradicción de poetas,intelectuales, gentes del saber;es un shock saber que por todo esto ahora se pueda asesinar a la gente.
Hay un refrán en castellano que dice :"quién te a visto y quién te ve"
Libertad para Arzhang Davoodi.
Tue, 29 Jul 2014 17:17 EDT
mucha suerte
Hola y me alegro q al final ayudas a los tuyos ..israel no tiene verguenza en q hace ...ayuda a palestina con toda tu fuerza ......allah akber ...
Mon, 28 Jul 2014 12:50 EDT
Excmo. Sr. Morteza Saffari Natanzi Embajador de Irán en España.
Arzhang Davoodi tras mas de diez años encarcelado ha sido condenado A MUERTE por un nuevo cargo de "enemistad con Dios"
Creo que el ser humano abraza la religión como esperanza de evolución en la vida que le toca llevar y ninguna de estas en su forma mas original manifiesta castigos (PENA DE MUERTE ) como el que se le quiere imponer a Arzhang Davoodi.
Si toman una decisión tan terminante (en mi opinión injustificable) la imagen que se tendrá de este hecho es la de una mártir antes que otra que pretendan dar.
Por eso pido a su Excmo. que haga llegar mi mas categórica y contundente reprobación al presidente de la República de Iran Hassan Rouhani, pidiendo la libertad para Arzhang Davoodi creador y defensor de un partido demócrata.
Gracias que le doy por anticipado puesto que sé que cumplirá con su deber.
Atentamente Saira
Luis Mª Ruiz de Villa
Tue, 15 Jul 2014 13:40 EDT
Estudiantes detenidos
Excmo. Sr. Mohammad HASSAN FADAIFARD
Jerez, 5, Villa "El Altozano" (Chamartín)
28016 Madrid
Fax: 91 345 11 90
Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani
[care of] Public Relations Office
Number 4, 2 Azizi Street
Vali Asr Ave., Above Pasteur Street intersection
República Islámica de IRÁN

Santander, 15-07-2014
Your Excellency,
I am writing to express concern regarding students and academics in Iran who have been detained or imprisoned as prisoners of conscience solely on account of the peaceful expression of their political, religious or other conscientiously held opinions. They include: Bahareh Hedayat, Sayed Ziaoddin Nabavi, Majid Tavakkoli, Navid Khanjani and Omid Kokabee. All such prisoners of conscience should be released immediately and unconditionally.
These individuals are arbitrarily detained on the basis of vaguely worded and contradictory Iranian legislation which restricts the internationally recognized right to freedom of belief, expression, and association as contained in the international Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Iran is a state party.
I believe that there is no evidence to suggest that these individuals have been convicted of an internationally recognizable criminal offence. Most have been convicted of vaguely worded charges which do not meet this criterion. The procedures of their arrest, detention and trial contravene Iran’s international human rights obligations. Detainees are often held for weeks or months in incommunicado detention, a practice which is widely recognized as facilitating the use of torture or other ill-treatment, which is frequently reported in Iran. Trials in Iran, particularly before Revolutionary Courts do not meet international standards for fair trial, most notably those laid down in Article 14 of the ICCPR. The judiciary is not independent, allegations of torture are not independently investigated, and “confessions” are accepted as evidence despite claims by the defendant that they were coerced into making them.
I am further concerned that the revised Penal Code continues to maintain the broadly defined and vaguely worded crimes against the national security which have frequently been used to curb peaceful dissent and prevent the full enjoyment of the right to freedom of expression, association, and assembly.
I urge you to ensure:
• The immediate and unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience, including students and academics who are held solely on account of their expression of their peaceful views;
• That detainees and prisoners, from the moment of arrest, are granted access to relatives, lawyers of their own choosing and adequate medical care;
• That all legislation in Iran is reviewed as a matter of urgency in order to identify and remedy all laws that infringe on the right to freedom of expression, association, and assembly as enshrined in the ICCPR or which have a discriminatory impact on women and religious minorities;
I would welcome receiving your comments and, in particular, your assurance that the Iranian authorities will take prompt steps to ensure that all Iranians are able to peacefully and fully exercise their rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly without fear of imprisonment or other reprisals.
Yours sincerely,

Luis Ruiz de Villa
39006 Santander
Tue, 1 Jul 2014 11:57 EDT
soy tannaz y trabajo para una empresa de construccion en marbella,si alguien esta interesado en comprar que contacte conmigo via e-mail

salam va dorod!
man tannaz hastam va kare kharid va forosh khone dar costa del sol(marbella) anjam midam
ba man tamas begirid

Nvizion S.L
Benito Camelato Dashoras
Wed, 30 Apr 2014 05:48 EDT
Esta página está llena de "zumbaos".
juan manuel cabezas
Wed, 9 Apr 2014 04:39 EDT
aria. alimentos de oriente medio[ iran,turquia,siria,etc)
C/blasco de garay 20.
Aria:tienda especializada en estos productos traídos desde sus países de origen
juan manuel cabezas
Tue, 8 Apr 2014 06:36 EDT
aria. alimentos de oriente medio[ iran,turquia,siria,etc.
C/blasco de garay 20 (argüelles)
Alimentos traidos desde sus países de origen.
Sat, 15 Mar 2014 12:33 EDT
soy de iran llevo 10 anos en hollanda sin papeles a hora estoy en spain yo no tengo passaporte irani y no se como reglar lo y si me puedes segnor embajador ayudar me a reglare y darme un passaporte para que yo puedo reglar me situacion ilegal.porfavor estoy sin passaporte sin famillia sin trabajo estoy en la calle porque no tengo passaporte por favor estoy agotado yo he ententado de todas manera en hollanda ahora estoy aqui en barcelona.mucha gracias
Sun, 19 Jan 2014 09:38 EST
Tengo una conexión con una compañía grande quiero contactar con la extensión del comercio

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