Croatian flag Embassy of Croatia in Berlin

AddressAhornstraße 4
10787 Berlin
Phonelocal: (030) 2191.5514
international: +49.30.2191.5514
Visas & Consularlocal: (030) 2362.8955
international: +49.30.2362.8955
Faxlocal: (030) 2362.8965
international: +49.30.2362.8965
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Comments on this Embassy

Have you gone
Mon, 21 Sep 2015 10:58 EDT
Where are your "BRANIOCI". When it came to protecting Croatia from Serbs (meaning killing them and ethnically cleansing them from Croatia), you had a whole army of them. Now that your country is invades by Muslims, of all people, you are doing nothing but catering to their demands to get passage towards Germany etc. OK so they will go out, but what will happen to Europe and your country in the long run? If nothing else the jobs they will take in Germany, will not be available for your job-needy citizens always moving to Germany for better pay and building nice houses at home. That will be over.
And this is the least consequence of this catastrophe one country can stop first, then the others can join and get the off the continent. Europe can NOT take any more people, especially ones that are as different as if they came from some distant planet in alternative universe.
Call up your Branioce, or they will emerge very soon on their own. Someone must save Europe.
What don't you
Sat, 19 Sep 2015 11:17 EDT
You and all other Balkan countries,seem to have lost your minds. You have thousands coming into your countries illegally, most are NOT refuges but opportunists on the move to infiltrate and eventually take over Europe, yet you have not done anything else, but let them move on.
You must STOP THEM. That is the only thing to do and use anything that you must to stop them. If you need to use violence, so be it. Once you do, they will stop coming. Those who are in, return where the came from, then that country must return them where they came into their country. Thus they will end back where they started.
By invading your country as they are, they in fact are using violence against your very people,minus weapons.
What will this do to your economy, tourism. Personally I canceled my 2 months trip to the island of Krk. There will be thousands upon thousands who will cancel. Your very existence is in question. Do something right.
Do the right
Thu, 17 Sep 2015 16:52 EDT
Now that Hungary stopped entry of human tsunami, you must not let them cross via your country. This mass movement of population (they are not refuges, only small % are, others are all kinds, including potential terrorists and criminals) that can destabilize the whole continent of Europe for ever. They simply must stay in or around their countries and those who crated this catastrophe (America and her willing puppet-states, like Britain, Canada etc) must look after them as refuges where they are, not in Europe.
If you stop them at your border, Serbia will stop them at their southern border, then Macedonia, Greece and finally Turkey. Thus they will nit be able to come any longer. Those inside these countries, must be turned back to their original country and looked after there.
Do not make a mistake and risk your wonderful country to invasion of mass humanity that has no place in Europe under any circumstances.
No one can ask you or anyone in Europe to accept such huge numbers. Next thing Chinese and others in overpopulated countries will get the same idea and start marching on Europe. This as result result of no one stopping the current mass movement on Europe. If that happens with millions walking towards Europe, who will stop them and with what?
Scary scenario not out of reality.
Chanitwan Treewittayapoom
Mon, 12 Apr 2010 05:19 EDT
Application for Croatian visa
Dear Sir,
I am a physician from Thailand now studying in Germany. I would like to join a meeting in Cavtat, Croatia during 9-15, May, 2010.
I am now in Freiburg, please kindly advice how can I obtain the visa? Can I apply via internet? I am now holding multi entry Schenken VISA.

Thank you very much in advance.


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