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Comments on this Honorary Consulate

Saher Abdullah Abdulazeez
Sat, 3 Oct 2015 07:55 EDT
Hi mr/mrs I hope attention please, An application for asylum to Australia:
I'm Saher Abdullah I'm from Anbar province, Iraq
I now live in Ukraine for the purpose of study General Medicine
Three years ago, I was close had been killed organization called al-Qaeda tried to kill me for unknown reasons ,,
Now, the cities become inflamed fire in these hot conditions now taking place in the cities of Anbar / city of Ramadi
Even when I came back to Iraq two months ago and almost half had been killed before they tried to organize an Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant Tried to kill me because my brother a member of the local police
And because they wanted to join to them and when i refused join to them, they tried to kill me and then immediately traveled to Ukraine to continue in my studies and I'm here in Ukraine, I can not complete my career school because the material and my situation does not allow me to complete the study here and I'm now working in a small shop I can live but my task and my dream to become a doctor but do not avail of it because I can not provide the money for the study, and more importantly, I can not go back to Iraq / Al Anbar / Al Ramadi, because Anbar, there is war and also if i return to Anbar will the Islamic state , and I also own a book to prove my injury when he stabbed me Al-Qaeda with knives in my back and this proof certified in Ramadi General Teaching Hospital
The question here is why ask for asylum to Australia ?? Because I love Australia very much and I know that Australia will provide me security because Australia is a beautiful country where security and safety and there is every person enters and Australia, for this I hope attention to my request because he is a very important order and also a life or death for me because if I came back to Iraq kill ratio there 100% and the cities do not explain everything you do not understand is the city al Anbar
I hope to respond as soon as possible ..
Thank you for your understanding and for your discretion my matter
ali abbas elsidik
Mon, 20 Jul 2015 11:20 EDT
please I want to com to Embassy please about my visa in the Australian Embassy in Germany Berlin
Tue, 26 Aug 2014 05:53 EDT
Hi I want apply immigration to Australia how can I apply ?please help me I visited in many sites but I did not find site of Australian emmbassy in kyiv there is many different sites
Fri, 28 Mar 2014 15:10 EDT
Добрий день ! Мене звати Андрій. Звертаюсь до Вас за допомогою. Я громадянин України , зараз мешкаю в Криму. Справа в тім що 8-м років тому я переїхав із Кіровограда в Сімферополь. Змусила мене це зробити не стабільність в моїй сфері діяльності , я працюю в сфері будівництва - займаюсь ремонтом приміщень .В Сімферополі на той час було більш стабільне положення і я зі своєю родиною вирішили переїхати сюди. Тут мешкають родичі моєї дружини які допомогли нам адаптуватися.
Та на жаль 16-го березня відбувся так званий «референдум» , після якого я прокинувся в іншій країні. Те що все це відбулося в супереч всіх правових норм розуміють всі. Все це проводилось під тиском та дулами автоматів так званих «зелених чоловічків». Від разу після оголошення «референдуму» всі розуміли чим він скінчиться. Саме це дійство проводилось під наглядом провладних наглядачів , бюлетені не були захищені від підробок, проголосувати могла одна людина на де кількох дільницях, голосували навіть люди які не є громадянами України , автобуси возили людей по виборчим дільницям, щоб вони голосували. І таких порушень було чи мало. Те що кажуть що проголосувало 97% виборців теж не є правда, більшість кримських татар не голосували , а це 30% виборців, також багато не голосувало Українців. «Референдум» відбувся завдяки математичній більшості етнічних росіян не зважаючи на інтереси та вимоги корінного населення – кримських татар та українців які проживають в Криму.
Зараз тут проводять зміну паспортів на Російські , а тих людей котрі не згодні міняти паспорт змушують на , буцім то, деякий час виїхати з Криму. Але є багато сумнівів що їм дозволять повернутися. По Криму ходять загони кубанських козаків котрім пообіцяли тут землю і які захоплюють БТІ та знищують всю документацію. Всі жахи котрі тут кояться описати не можливо, зараз в Криму повний вибачте «беспредел».
І до ,і після проведення «референдуму» я висловлювався за єдність України . Але як до так і після таких людей як я притискали , відверто погрожували , багатьох викрали та знущалися з них. Я і на далі відстоюю свою позицію , за що мені також погрожують та ображають . Також повинен вступити в дію закон про сепаратизм на підставі якого мені за висловлювання своєї думки загрожує ув’язнення до 5-ти років. Моєму синові 15 років, він також поділяє мою думку але не може вільно її висловити. Тому я не безпідставно хвилююсь за наше життя. І тому я прошу Вас допомогти нам виїхати з окупованої території і отримати статус біженця.
Ви можете спитати – «чому б нам не повернутися в Кіровоград»?Я відповім. По перше – там і на далі не має достатньо роботи щоб забезпечити гідно себе і свою родину . А також там погана екологічна обставина. В межах міста видобувають уранову руду і радіаційний фон там не менш за Чорнобиль. Багато хворих на рак , там один з найбільших онко центрів . Намагались навіть спробувати ухвалити законопроект про надання всім мешканцям статусу чорнобильців. Але на це не вистачає коштів. Поруч з Кіровоградом будується завод по переробці урану, що також не буде сприяти поліпшенню екологічного стану.
І тому я ще раз звертаюсь до Вас і прошу допомогти нам , не залишити нас на одинці з нашою бідою , допомогти нам отримати надію на життя в демократичній країні з гідним відношенням до громадян, де би я зміг реалізувати себе і забезпечити свою родину. Я сподіваюсь на Ваше співчуття та підтримку. Допоможіть нам!!!!!
З повагою Сварог Андрій.
Edward Rodrigues
Thu, 27 Mar 2014 16:37 EDT
I demand a full investigation on crimes against humanity commited by the united states of america, england and australia in Iraq.
bush and his dogs, the prime ministers of australia, england and the president of spain ganged up to attack iraq, they based their action on manufactured garbage, more than a million iraquis were murdered, women raped, children murdered and raped, the usa legalised torture and commited the most disgusting atrocities and the united nations did nothing as they are under the control of the usa.
Costica Ganga
Fri, 7 Mar 2014 06:38 EST

PLEASE DON’T IGNORE. IT IS VERY SERIOUS, IMPORTANT AND URGENT. Please also, talk to your colleagues and spread as much as you can this material.



ELABORATE IMMEDIATELY LEGISLATION: “Death punishment to be applied to any adult which touches with sexual intentions any under sex consent aged; girl or boy, to anyone that provides these innocent victims in order to be abused, and to anyone who assists in any way these criminal actions”, as suggested before.


Dear brothers Ukrainians


Now, after you paid a huge unnecessary tribute, I hope you are wise enough to create a proper way to the Ukrainian People which is brave and deserve a life in Peace and Dignity. Now, clean the Country and show that Ukraine is not a any other Country’s Colony. Ukraine is a Country with old roots, civilization, education, friendliness. Please do not promote in any form of Leadership traitors of the Nation, the most the ones that asked for more Sanctions for Ukraine. These kinds of people are unaware that with any sanctions and embargoes, the ones that suffer are the Ordinary People. Who has any bad intention against his own Country and People, is not worthy even to live in that Country. Please stay united because only so you’ll be a braver and stronger Nation. Look around; everything is divided and destroyed. Extermination. God help you.

What I’m watching on TV regarding your turbulence make me very sad, to cry even. I thought people learn from other’s people mistakes, and from your own in the last 3 or 4 months, but in vain. You are witnesses of what happened in other ex-communist European Countries 25 years ago and where they are, in the Arabic Countries for more than one decade and these days in your Country and other Countries around targeted.

What you are looking for is destroying your Country, not Democracy. It is about losing any rights, dignity, abusing sexual children. Abusing Children sexually is the most notorious crime ever and will never go to progress. Please reestablish Peace and make your own Democracy with respect for human beings. What is trying is a policy of Extermination. Don’t let it happen. These monsters will be punished sooner rather that latter. I enclose some documents that I sent to you before, read them again, might they inspire you. I wish the PEACE and God will be in every Ukrainians people hearts. Thanks.

Dear Belgium and all Countries Governments

My name is Costica Ganga and live in Dublin, Ireland. I’m a Rumanian National, born in Romania on this Continent; Europe. I use to be proud of being European since I opened my eyes and understood who and where I was. But for a good while I am more than embarrassed, even disgusted of being (even now), European Citizen.

I watched last night Euronews where between others it was revealed the passing Legislation of Child Euthanasia by your Lawmakers (to use your expression). The subject was not totally unknown, I thought that it was just a hypothesis, but suddenly became a brutal reality. In my old, stupid, sclerosised brain, are born questions. Why now? Why now in 2014 after Jesus Christ? Why now when we know everything about everything? We know everything about genetics, about different methods of conceiving life, methods of contraceiving it, about family planning, about all kind of diseases, about technologies and medicines in order to produce and cure any kind of diseases and ways of preventing them. Why were not killed people along of thousands and thousands of years since it is known about life on this Planet?

I’m telling you why. Because for a while there is a category of people on this Planet which thinks that everything belongs to them. They get jobs, money, banks,….everything, and the vulnerable ones must disappear without traces according to them. This is just in their diabolic brains.

This European Union became a tool; the cancer of this Planet and I sustain my affirmation. The Leadership of this Union??? {(if exists; because I addressed a lot of correspondence and none; (as you will see), answers, none takes any responsibility)} gives tasks to different Countries (as the one in case, to you; of killing youngsters, the ones in Ireland, and so on) to promote these enormities, becoming Legislations and generalized. In the Country where I have been; Ireland, in November 2012 have taken place a Referendum regarding Children; as they could be taken from their families by Social Services and adopted to (who?) for a better life without ex-family’s accord. The Referendum passed in conditions of a kind; behind closed doors because the attendance to vote was very, very low (more information on line). Children???!!! Parents???!!! Jocks!

Also in Ireland there was a case of Ms Marie Fleming that died on 20/12/2013. This Lady suffered by multiple sclerosis but although in wheelchair she use to look well enough. For a number of years her partner, probable part of High Orchestra claimed that she wanted to die decently, in his arms, because there was such an intense love, but he never wanted to die as well (as a Romeo, devoted lover). In this way the case went in Court at all levels, but by lack of Legislation the Courts did not grant it. Minutes after her death one of the politicians (the Orchestra) promised to draft immediately Legislation for the right to die (I reacted; see letter to Oireachtas from 23/12/2013, enclosed, and see also on line). The partner even had the nerve to promote a book today on Valentine’s Day ‘An act of Love’. As could be seen the action takes place on multiple plans as I affirmed before.

In this Country, in Europe, in US, and allover the World, Children are abused sexually (prostitute – for money), but in a very brutal and visible way from the beginning of July 2013, at least when I found out {(the DIRTH took place always for sure, in Schools, and Churches (see Louise O’Keeffe case in ECHR on line and letter sent by me to ECHR from 31/01/2014, enclosed)}. I, as a mere mortal, disgusted by the fact that I was born, I tried and trying everything in order to convince the ones mentioned above to stop this baseness. But despite my efforts, noting changed.

What I want to say and the reason I’m writing this letter to your Institution, is to affirm that the Legislation passed by your Lawmakers is linked with this lowest of the low action; prostitution of Children. Following Children’s sexual abuse, diseases are unavoidable (not official, but I heard here from the dirtiest world about; black eye, some as; labia, I have no clue if are spelt correctly, and the gravity of them because couldn’t find information, they speak in a codified language), and it is just the beginning, if not stopped immediately, others and others disease will appear. The solution? The right to die. Child Euthanasia. Many children died and die daily, none cares, but they want to make it officially. Is not that correct? I use to be a son, I am a father and grand-father, and affirm from the last cell of my body that I wouldn’t allow whatsoever to someone from my family to die in these conditions.

If none has the courage to tell you the truth, I will. As I related before, children are taken from different environments as: irresponsible families, areas where Wars and other dirty movements (created) kill parents in order to make children available (4 years ago Syria had stability, everyone had a roof and a piece of bread on table, and where it is today?, only the last visible example), and natural disasters which also create children in need (as the last one in Philippines). All these children are taken in exploitation by a very sophisticated MAFIA, deployed to those guardians, mentioned by you in that Legislation, for sexual exploitation. When the children are not efficient any more, the guardians give their accord of being sacrificed, because there is not any feeling, except the stomachic one. Even if they are not very sick, they have not future, are useless for Society, none needs them. In a similar situation are vulnerable children manipulated in Schools and even pre-schools, children without protection, as the case of Ms O’Keeffe mentioned above, 40 years ago when I think the action has taken place covered, in secret, not at a such intensity and aggressivity as today, and the notion of common sense still existed at that time, I suppose. At the moment this cruelty is taken as a normal thing, and is acting in the most obvious way.

For this reason, you as the Capital of Europe and as successful in passing Legislations, have the obligation first, to pass the following Legislation: Death punishment to be applied to any adult which touches with sexual intentions any under sex consent aged; girl or boy, to anyone that provides these innocent victims in order to be abused, and to anyone who assists in any way these criminal actions. When you will pass this little text as Legislation, which is a MUST, the Legislation of Child Euthanasia will be unnecessary, as wasn’t necessary for thousands of years.

As you will see from the material enclosed I proposed this little text to many Important People and Institutions, even to your Government, but none has taken position. Please do it yourself, now, in order to be a truly good example for others Countries of the Planet and will remain in Children’s hearts and in History forever. Please don’t take it as a jock or an idiot’s idea. Thanks.

Yours faithfully
Costica Ganga


Hi, please direct this material to people in measure to sort out this case because I tried to contact them on their email address, but does not accept more than 2000 characters. This is a very important matter. Thanks.


Dear European Court of Human Rights

My name is Costica Ganga and live in Dublin, Ireland. On last Tuesday 28/01/2014 Irish Media exploded; regarding Mrs Louise O’Keeffe of Irish Nationality victory in her case of sexual abuse during her attendance of Primary School in 70’s period. I was a bit surprise but satisfied that there is still somewhere Justice in this Universe, reason for, I appreciate and thank to your Institution.

This case was in Media’s attention very evasive few years ago, but nothing about, since. In the same evening last Tuesday in the Prime Time Program of the central Irish TV Station has been debated the case as; it is the last one accepted and compensated, like what is happening now (sex abuse on an industrial scale and with children from new born to sex consent and over), is kind of legal matter, encouraged permanently by everyone from Media and the ones in contact with them by body language and by a codified language in non visual part of it.

This lady seems to be a very modest one and did not ask too much, but apologizes from the Leadership of the Country. On Tuesday they hesitated, motivating that they need to reflect about, but today 30/01/2014 finally they did it, but their body language as I said before indicate that this cruelty should go on. As could be seen, with the same language is acting in Europe and very aggressively across the Atlantic.

Dear European Institutions of Justice (because can’t find on line a responsible name), since I discovered what is happening with our Children just July the previous year, I feel more than uncomfortable and even since, I started to fight and will fight until I will die in order to be extirpated this cruelty. Why should be judged cases that happened 40 years ago and we accept the occurrence of the cruelty Today, on a huge dimension not in Primary or Secondary School, but to babes of even the age of weeks?

Because this very grave problem must be sorted out in a positive way and I, personal, have not any power, since I found out, I sent letters and emails to the most Powerful and Important People and Institutions on the Planet and to every single email address found on line, in order to inform and to implore to be stopped once and for ever this action of Extermination of Children (because they are first; without voice and defense, and obviously follows all vulnerable people that constitute liability, and seems that nobody is safe, even yourself), and I even came with the optimal and the only solution: Death punishment to be applied to any adult which touches with sexual intentions any under sex consent aged; girl or boy, to anyone that provides these innocent victims in order to be abused, and to anyone who assists in any way these criminal actions. This is a phrase proposed to everyone mentioned before and for more inspiration I enclose part of letters sent. Please mobilize all your Forces and other Institutions and all together let stop this cruelty, does not matter who initiated it. These individuals are unaware (not to call them sick) of the gravity of this crime, unaware that this action is totally inhuman and can’t succeed. By the way, it is mentioned very frequently the expression ‘to show transparency’, what is this about? What means transparency in this context? Is not somehow this Continent Europe and this Planet Earth conquered by some monsters and we can’t do anything just to be witnesses or forced to abuse sexually our own children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, to be humiliated and destroyed and we just stay with our crossed hands? If is so, let us, let people know, this Planet is populated by almost 7 billions of people, we do not let intimidated by few monsters that want to destroy our young generation and in few years they will came here as; to an abandoned land and will meet only uneducated and disabled people. We will fight in order to be destroyed the monsters, not innocent and vulnerable people, people born and legititimated to live in peace and dignity on this Planet.

I believe in your Institution because you have demonstrated in the case above mentioned that you have Power and Good Intentions. If you will read all the material enclosed, will see that in the few answers received, they have not desire of involvement, despite the fact that we all must put our shoulders to stop this monstrosity. Going further and killing more and more innocent people will be a heavier burden and terrible punishments, because as I said this evil action has not any justification and is not going to succeed whatsoever. Please, please, help in the name of God and these Angels. Thanks.

Yours faithfully

Costica Ganga


European Parliament London
To Me
Jan 31 at 4:48 PM
Dear Ms Ganga

The European Court of Human Rights' is a separate organisation from the European Parliament. It's contact details can be found at the following link:

Best wishes

European Parliament
Directorate General for Communication
European Parliament Information Office in the UK

Michelle FLOOD
Phone: 0207 227 4339


Dear Geneva Conference

My name is Costica Ganga and live in Dublin, Ireland. I write this message first of all to wish you success in reestablishing Peace in Syria and stopping the other possible focars where from, could flows more and more blood as: the Ukraine, Lebanon, Palestine, Turkey, Iran and others, because is not in anyone’s benefit; just loosing innocent lives and material goods in a time when the crises of energy is just an incipient stage.

The main reason of writing this message is to propose the measure of protecting Children by sexual abuse and killing them, by installing the capital punishment as: Death punishment to be applied to any adult which touches with sexual intentions any under sex consent aged; girl or boy, to anyone that provides these innocent victims in order to be abused, and to anyone who assists in any way these criminal actions. In this way will not be reasons for catastrophes as the one in Syria where died 100 000 and dis
Sun, 2 Mar 2014 14:27 EST
visiting visa
please can you inform me abut visiting visa. because all my families including my parents are living in australia its abut 5 years i didnt meet them .i was on 2009 in new zealand for 3 months so now i really miss them how i get visa as soon . please inform me .its my email ( than you
Wed, 19 Feb 2014 18:49 EST
I am member of maidan in Ukrain Kiev

how can i immigrate to australia?
No Australian Consulate in Ukraine
Tue, 16 Apr 2013 08:42 EDT
No Australian Consulate in Ukraine
Please be informed that there is no Australian Consulate or Embassy in Ukraine.

Visa applications for residents of Ukraine are lodged and processed at the Australian Embassy in Moscow, Russia.

The Australian Embassy in Vienna, Austria, represents Australia diplomatically in Ukraine.
ahmed aldulaimi
Mon, 8 Apr 2013 19:18 EDT
hello sir
i ahmed from iraq
please i ask you to give me Refuge or immigration
because some Terrorists want kill me
after killed my father and my mother and kidnapped all my brothers and sisters
and take my home
please help me

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