Algerian flag Embassy of Algeria in Stockholm

AddressDanderydsgatan 3-5
BP: 260 27 - 10041
Phonelocal: (08) 679.9130
international: +46.8.679.9130
Faxlocal: (08) 611.1305
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» Can I visit Algeria without a visa?

Comments on this Embassy

Sun, 30 Jun 2013 04:51 EDT
طلب زيارة عمل وتفقد للجالية الجزائرية بايسلند
طلب زيارة عمل وتفقد للجالية الجزائرية بايسلندا.

الى السيد سفير الجزائر بالسويد

يشرف السادة وسيدات الجالية الجزائرية المقيمة بايسلندا , ان يتقدموا الى فضيلتكم المحترمة بطلبهم هذا و المتمثل في, ارسال موظفين الى المركز الثقافي الاسلامي بريكيافيك ايسلندا . قصد القيام باخذ وجمع الوثائق الضرورية الخاصة بجواز السفر و بطاقة التعريف الوطنية الالكترونيين والبيومتريين و تجديدها, و هذا لرفع مشقة السفر الى السويد علي افراد جاليتنا . وسنقوم بدورنا باستقبال المسؤولين عن هذا العمل وتقديم وتوفير الحاجيات اللازمة وواجب الضيافة بكل سرور.
في انتظار ردكم نحيطكم علما ان عدد افراد الجالية يستحق هذه المبادرة و في امس الحاجة الى مثل هذه الزيارة و الالتفاتة الطيبة و الرعاية من سيادتكم
نرجوا ان تتقبلوا منا فائق الاحترام والتقدير و السلام عليكم

عبد المالك لخضاري
atta dalila
Sat, 16 Jun 2012 18:24 EDT
je suit a sthokolm depuit 2009 avec une visa de ici a 2009 de 3 moi mai mantenet je veut marue avec alegerien qui abitte a germany comant je fait
dan markfant
Wed, 18 Apr 2012 07:02 EDT
If you Iraqi
Dear All Iraqi people

Im swedish with Iraqi background from basra , I let you know all That the Algira goverment polacy to not give visa to Iraqis people even you are holding europian passport, that happon with me, I get contract with oil company but I dont get visa to Algeria and I never was there and nerver refused from other countries , this is the first time in my live.the embassy they just take the visa fees and never heard from them until today that was few months please be aware about that and we hope that Iraqi goverment do the same for Algerian citizen. we are few guy and we will try our best to write to Iraqi goverment regarding that and we will send a form to sign and to send the Iraq.

Dafer Al Hilali
Dan Markfant
Tue, 28 Feb 2012 22:15 EST
Visa - Never get visa
Dear All
I get a contract with English company which work with Oil and gas Industry as Project manager , We applied for business visa and to visit Algeria so I send all needs documents with invitation letter , contracts and Fees to embassy in October 2011 but until NOW I don’t get any answer from them , they just send back my passport with any visa and I contact them so I just get that you must wait and we will contacting you and the visa fees is not payable back.
There are many equations to answer on that like:
How will be en charge for that? Why they don’t send any answer or why they don’t give a visa , I worked world wide with oil and gas industries and I never in My live get rejected or was in Police station for some think I was done in my live and I have excellent reputation (I’m Swedish citizen with Swedish passport)? Is the Swedish foreign ministry will take action and do something for that and take some answer from the Algerian Government and ask they
(Why and the causes to not give the visa too even I never was or applied for visa to Algeria before) Did the Swedish government will do the same with Algerian Citizens as well?
The English company already cancelled my Contract because the visa is not clear and they cant waiting more due to the project is starting. Co I loss a money, psychological down and other was en charge for that.? Who knows?
I would appreciate if any one can know the answer then let me know .
Dan Markfant
zeggar mohamed abde naim
Fri, 1 Oct 2010 07:03 EDT
demmande certificat de cotumme pour le mariage au suede
salut je suis un agent de protection civille algerien je suis au suede comme tourisste et je veux me marier avec une norvigienne dans le suede et jai besoin de certificat de cotumme jai pas une adresse fixe au suede jai ecrie ladresse de ma femme et moi je vie pas au norvege et mon visat il vas experer si vous me fais le retare je suis tres presser cvp je veux cette certeficat au plus vite possiblle mercie
helge keilen
Sun, 4 Jul 2010 05:20 EDT
visa application
I will be traveling with a German gas company to Algerie August 1-6. 2010 and need a visa. What do you need from me and where do I send copy of my passport?

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